Has anyone put their central heating on yet?

Stuck it on today to fire up and left it on as due to the incessant rain outside the temperature seemed to drop indoors quite a bit. I had to pop out to the shops just before the Wales game started and outside it seemed quite mild, took me by surprise. I Bought one of those Oodie's this week and they do keep you warm, very thick and fleecy.
One degree here last night , had to get up and get extra throw and socks and merlin was retching on top of the sky q so wanted to grab him , all over my foot instead !

Had to drag myself out of bed eventually to do my walk , walking in cold is nice but being still indoors it is freezing cold , warmer outside now the sun is out

No heating yet
One degree here last night , had to get up and get extra throw and socks and merlin was retching on top of the sky q so wanted to grab him , all over my foot instead !

Had to drag myself out of bed eventually to do my walk , walking in cold is nice but being still indoors it is freezing cold , warmer outside now the sun is out

No heating yet
It isnt good for the house mind, or you. The place will get damp and nasty eventually
Feel like shite today and shivering while working from home. Finally put it on at 7am and it’s already at over £8 for the day, just for the gas. I’m hoping that’s just because It used a lot to heat up first time. Will keep it on now for a few days and see if it drops
I feel cold today , my bones are cold , wrapped up in bed and jim jams and fingerless gloves , all i can stand on my bad hand , feels miserable this

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