Has Thatcher died?

Margaret Thatcher, the only politician that had balls big enough to sort this shit hole of a country out.
Thatcher was in power four years too long and the reason...........

Labour were so fucking weak, so they have to take their fair share of the blame.
It'll be a very sad day when she passes! I hate all the twats who say stuff like 'ill dance on her grave when she dies' and all this kind of stuff, its sickening and you are the scum of the earth!

Thatcher was brilliant, she helped bring down the soviet union, got the argies out of the falklands, decriminalised homosexuality, the GNP rose by 23% over her 11 year reign, got inflation down from 18% to 8%, made britain competitive in world markets and got rid of a lot of the power from the trade unions! (which is good in my books!)

We could do with her in power again to sort out the mess left by the handout/bribary party!
Bojinov The Bull said:
It'll be a very sad day when she passes! I hate all the twats who say stuff like 'ill dance on her grave when she dies' and all this kind of stuff, its sickening and you are the scum of the earth!

Thatcher was brilliant, she helped bring down the soviet union, got the argies out of the falklands, decriminalised homosexuality, the GNP rose by 23% over her 11 year reign, got inflation down from 18% to 8%, made britain competitive in world markets and got rid of a lot of the power from the trade unions! (which is good in my books!)

We could do with her in power again to sort out the mess left by the handout/bribary party!

Maybe only Hitler had a more detrimental effect on most of my family and friends than that so called human being. Sorry Alex but you are only a football manager at the end of the day, you come 3rd ;)

I know she is the pin-up for tory boys but one less evil fucker in the world is good in my books

Lucky T can I join you on this momentus piss up?
Yeah mate, the more the merrier :)

I'm going to make a 'milk monitor' badge to allude to the calcium the horrid woman deprived me of when she was Education Minister.

For those who are disgusted at the thought of celebrating a person's death I just want to say that I'm a nice guy who wouldnt hurt a fly....which is precisely why I will be dancing, drinking and generally whooping with pure joy when that pure evil despot perishes.

Other, supposedly less-developed, countries know how to deal with their dictators.
They hang them from lampposts or trees.
If she gets a state funeral I will not regard myself as a citizen of this country during such a shameful episode therefore, by default, I would be beyond its laws.
Nice to see all the lefties coming out in droves on here. Quite like the woman myself, as I remember what the country was like when she took over.

By the way, all you who are going to dance on her grave....I'm interested in what you'll do when Blair dies?
malg said:
I'm interested in what you'll do when Blair dies?
Have a meh party. I don't blame Blair for New Labour. It was an electoral necessity. I think they were sparsely better than what came before, in the first term they managed a few things I agreed with, but other than that, I'd no more have voted for them than for the tories.
malg said:
Nice to see all the lefties coming out in droves on here. Quite like the woman myself, as I remember what the country was like when she took over.

By the way, all you who are going to dance on her grave....I'm interested in what you'll do when Blair dies?

You beat me to it, Blair has contributed towards hundreds of thousands of deaths & serious injuries around the world & helped to turn this country into a benifit dependant, debt ridden mess, yet no one seems bothered as he jets around the world making millions.

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