Has Thatcher died?

On the very night Geovanni scored his diving header for Benfica that knocked the Rags out of the Champions League at the Group Stages; the Milk snatcher was taken into Hospital by Ambulance. I raised my hopes at that point that the morning could bring great joy and two birds with one stone. The Sacking of Taggert and the death of that evil woman. Unfortunately it was not to be but my time will come.
Most of those wishing her ill on this thread probably worship the murderer that is Che Guevara.
malg said:
Nice to see all the lefties coming out in droves on here. Quite like the woman myself, as I remember what the country was like when she took over.

By the way, all you who are going to dance on her grave....I'm interested in what you'll do when Blair dies?

Its full of lefties on here! Whinging and moaning every 5 mins about the torys!
mcmanus said:
Cheesy said:
Most of those wishing her ill on this thread probably worship the murderer that is Che Guevara.


Cheesy you're better than this.

People who despise that evil woman are all friggin communists. Oh right

I was merely trying to make a point mate about the inconsistency in some peoples views :-)

As it is, I don't mind people saying they despise Thatcher (I'm not exactly a fan of her myself), it's this whole 'celebrating her death' that I find incredibly distasteful.

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