Where exactly is the groundswell of support for Lineker, outside of the clique of overpaid BBC Sport presenters who play the game and seem to spend all of their time laughing at each others’ jokes, and of course left wing Twitter types who latch onto anything or anybody who criticises the Conservative Party? There isn’t any.
All that happened is that Lineker made a stupid, lazy and ridiculous comment comparing government policy to Nazi Germany. I suggest, frankly, that he has a few history lessons and he simply shouldn’t have made the comment. He then refuses to retract the comment - specifically the reference to the Nazis - even though there are a thousand ways he could have retracted it while still making clear his opposition to what the government is doing.
His BBC chums then back him because they’ve forgotten that they are paid to do a public service and, frankly, because they don’t want anybody upsetting their little club, which pays them all very nicely thank you very much.
Meanwhile, people who rely on the BBC doing what they should be doing - i.e. providing a public service - miss out because Gary Lineker wants to throw around references to Nazi Germany. The whole episode is ridiculous and just shows how far removed the BBC has become from what it’s actually supposed to be doing.