Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

First off - no one, absolutely no one, is 'independent' or 'free from bias'. We are prejudiced based on, inter alia, our education, political beliefs (everyone has them, even if they are unconscious), family background, religion, ethnicity, and so on and so forth.

It's a fact that most creatives are (broadly) left. This is because of how their minds tend to work. They are apt to be questioning of authority, even subversive. This is true not only in the sort of country we have but under fascist regimes, communist regimes, theocracies - you name it. There are exceptions, of course. Evelyn Waugh was a great author, but certainly very conservative. No one has censored Waugh's works and several have been televised.

Right-wing comedians? Are we talking about Jim Davidson? A lot of their material amounts to mocking various minorities. The truth is that is not as fashionable as it once was, and a great chunk of the population doesn't find it funny. People laugh at the establishment, at people in power and their follies. At the moment, that's the Tories. Give us a Labour government and comedians will soon start taking the piss out of it, don't worry.
Johnson asks for a loan.

Mate gives it him.

Mate gets job as chair as BBC

BBC chair appoints himself to the commitee that appoints their head of news. An "independent" commitee of 5 with 3 tory party members (2 friends of Johnson).

Think that kind of answers the question.
Mate has also donated £400,000 to the Tory party.
The BBC earn £3,75 billion from the license fee that should be enough to run a non political service, they pay corporation tax of £22 million.
Listening this morning to a debate on the NHS strike it’s easy to see the bias blaming the NHS for 5 million deaths a week because of strikes when the strikes are the fault of government‘s failure to negotiate.
The BBC earn £3,75 billion from the license fee that should be enough to run a non political service, they pay corporation tax of £22 million.
Listening this morning to a debate on the NHS strike it’s easy to see the bias blaming the NHS for 5 million deaths a week because of strikes when the strikes are the fault of government‘s failure to negotiate.
I don't think the BBC can win on the bias debate. I tend to listen to 5 Live and would say the presenters try to be fair. The best interviewer on 5 Live was Emma Barnet but she moved to woman's hour. I sometimes tune into LBC but some of their presenters are real bellends and just shock jocks. The only one I keep on now is Sheelagh Fogarty in the afternoons. As for TV news channels, I think all the biased accusations has got to me and I cannot watch the BBC without looking for bias and now tend to watch Sky which is pretty balanced I think. As for newspapers, just clickbait now and gone downhill fast. They all seem to just pander to their own readership bias which maybe profitable but not really what a free press should be doing.
Emma Barnet


Oh, and there was a guy on LBC that I liked. I think he was a reformed hard line Muslim, on at the weekends, he had interesting views. But he got sacked.
That would be Mad Maajid.

That's the guy, strong views, not mainstream, often off the wall but always interesting. I used to listen to him if gardening or working on DIY. Always wanted the last word though and if someone was getting the better of him in a phone in then he just turned them off. The power!

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