Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

The Lineker ‘scandal’ is only a ‘scandal’ because it serves a motley crew of bastards, hypocrites, controversialists, columnists, and proprietors to make it one. You can spend hours debating with these people but they will never engage honestly.

On the money as ever
Your gonna need to provide some links here to back up your numbers as they seem like pure fiction or some sort of false equivalency.
Yep, false equivalence. Comparing total figures including students with first residence permits issued (which don’t include EU FOM). Totally different measures that are not in any way comparable.
How is taking a hard line on boat crossings making the UK and unwelcoming place? This a country that had 1.1m immigrants in year ending June 2022. Just to put it into perspective France (similar population) welcomed only 320k.

The UK has a problem with illegal immigration and in 2017 (as per PEW research) had roughly a quarter of the total illegal immigrants in the whole of the EU. The government is trying to deal with it but whatever they do they will get abuse.
You are conflating legal and ‘illegal’ immigrants. In 2022, legal immigrants came from Ukraine, Afghanistan plus a great deal more foreign students following the lifting of lockdown. ‘Illegal’ immigrants are illegal because there currently is no legal path for
them to travel from countries where they are in danger to claim asylum in this country. There is no Ukraine type scheme for Syrians for example, that is why they try to reach these shores in small boats. Basically the government are saying to these people on no account come here. If you do you will be banned for life. That’s very welcoming and compassionate don’t you think? Over 70% of those arriving just now that claim asylum are granted it. So it’s not like they are opportunist chancers.
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How is the

How is taking a hard line on boat crossings making the UK and unwelcoming place? This a country that had 1.1m immigrants in year ending June 2022. Just to put it into perspective France (similar population) welcomed only 320k.

The UK has a problem with illegal immigration and in 2017 (as per PEW research) had roughly a quarter of the total illegal immigrants in the whole of the EU. The government is trying to deal with it but whatever they do they will get abuse.

Its like the farce of the likes of David Lammy complaining about the deportation flights to Jamaica. So we reach a crazy situation that the Home Secretary would risk being criticized for breaking the law if he/she didnt deport the criminals as they are required to do under the UK Borders Act. But instead gets criticised for following the law by the likes of Lammy who was a member of the Labour Government who brought in the law and actually voted for it to be enacted! I mean damned if you do damned if you dont.

Then we have Lineker who has a contract with a body that requires its staff to be impartial outrageously making comparisons to a regime that murdered circa 6 million people with sending people to Rwanda, and people have the audacity to suggest the BBC is a tool of the Tory's.....this incidentally an organization which traditionally advertised its vacancies in that bastion of the right the Guardian newspaper.

  • The studies you cite show 39% of the non-EU nationals were here temporarily on a study-Visa, a further 21% were work visas.
  • 22% of EU nationals were here studying, 38% of EU nationals were here temporarily for work.
  • The 1.1m number also include British Nationals returning to the UK and the largest group being British Nationals in Hong Kong.
  • In terms of criticism of flights to Jamaica, it was people who had lived here for decades and which also included people put on a deportation list with minor crimes.
  • The article from Pew says this," Overall, unauthorized immigrants accounted for less than 1% of Europe’s (including the UK's) total population. Yet the Far-Right lose their minds over it.
In terms of people crossing by boats this is a problem almost entirely made by this current Government who closed the processing centres in France etc.
Match of the Day is a popular programme. Always over 2 million viewers. Which considering everyone could have easily watched all their content hours earlier if they wished, is a lot of people.

A lot of it is probably nostalgia and habit but it’s still a programme that a lot of people look forward to and I hope they get it back to normal ASAP.

Notable that they didn’t actually call that highlights package MotD last night. Should probably be pointed out that it’s viewing figures were up on the normal. I’m sure people will use that as evidence that nobody is tuning in for the chatter. But I’m sure those figures would never hold up if it became a regular format. It was curiosity and novelty value.

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