Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

And Mr tumble
Makes my Bert 11

Ok, point taken pal. You may know more about the background than me tbf, so did WWF only contribute to the funding of this one episode, or to the whole series?
If it’s the former, that is a bit odd; if it’s the latter then I don’t know enough about funding models for bbc series - isn’t getting outside funding in a common thing?

I’m certainly looking forward to watching it now, after all this publicity today! I think re-wilding is something I’d like to learn more about tbh

I'm not sure, I've read they, along with other organisations, funded the entire series so I'm not sure what the problem was with this 6th episode. Perhaps only 5 were originally agreed to or something?

Apparently the subject is one that some conservatives are strongly against, so some have put 2+2 together.

The idea that the episode has been cancelled due to Tories at the top of the BBC has gone around social media though.
I can't agree, and likely we won't, bud.

It's crass and completely ignorant whatever point he was trying to make.

The Tories aren't using language which in any way equates to such vile comparisons.
With respect, I think Lineker was referring to the use of carefully crafted propaganda from 1933 onwards, from their ministry of ‘public enlightenment’; all designed to slowly influence and align German people to the Nazi ideology. Not an easy point to make in a tweet & he shouldn’t have gone near that reference, but he should be able to voice his opinion & castigate the inflammatory language used by politicians.

Obviously a very different end target, but the language used by Braverman and the Tories around migration and asylum is crafted for a reason. And it’s a pretty rancid reason, purely with a culture war and an election in mind. The Tories are very good at managing a message and creating fear, with the vast majority of the print media eager to lap it up and deliver.
I'm not sure, I've read they, along with other organisations, funded the entire series so I'm not sure what the problem was with this 6th episode. Perhaps only 5 were originally agreed to or something?

Apparently the subject is one that some conservatives are strongly against, so some have put 2+2 together.

The idea that the episode has been cancelled due to Tories at the top of the BBC has gone around social media though.
Ok thanks for that - well, I guess we’ll find out some enough …
It‘s not overtly party political.
It‘s not couched in language of hate.
It doesn’t invoke memories of war (even though that’s a possible outcome).
It doesn’t generally incite people.

Are you beginning to see the difference?
BBC don't seem to know the difference though which is why they've decided to only have this final episode on iPlayer whilst showing the rest at primetime on BBC1
How many holocaust survivors need to confront the Home Secretary and say theyre being reminded of 1930s Germany before someone like Lineker can say the same?

Lineker can't say the same. That's the point. He's been warned plenty of times re his Twitter.

A Holocaust survivor has experience and gravitas on the subject.

Lineker has neither.

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