Hats off to Gary Lineker

southernblue said:
He made some shocking allegations and I for one, would rather know the feelings of someone who is responsible for the FA. We all bang the drum about how the FA is corrupt, but when someone actually exposes it, everyone gets up on their soapbox.
This wasn't about the FA being corrupt, it was about foreign FA's potentially being corrupt.

So if it's such a big story why didn't the Mail then actually go out and do a proper story about it instead of a sleazy and sordid expose of a 66 year old man having dinner with a 38 year old girl. And even she's not saying he screwed her so it's sod all to do with his wife.
Not sure how to quote, so won't try.

In relation to it exposing the corrupt, I was actually getting at Triesman himself, not that the focus of his allegations was at foreign associations.

Also the piece, regardless of taste aspertions, includes evidence of text messages that are highly indicative of him going beyond just meeting a friend for dinner.
The question here is 'Why did the Mail print the story'?

To sell more papers.

Any other 'explanation' or excuse about public interest etc is the same old s...e the press roll out to justify their (successful) attempts to ruin peoples lives, irrespective of how private or trivial their 'offences' have been.

Lineker deserves credit, the mail even lied about allowing him to challenge their decision to run the story in his next column.

If anyone out there actually reads this odious tome, I urge you to desist and advise the editor of your decision and reasons - like they'd care.
The argument over selling copy is woefully trite. It's not for me, you or anyone else to pass judgement on "odious tomes" people have varying interests. I for one would love to live in a world minus X-Factor, gossip columns and Perez Hilton but ultimately it would be fundamentally hypocritcal for me to then claim interest in what went on with John Terry or how my MP spends public monies.

The underlying irony is of course why Lineker was writing a column for them in the first place.
Mothball said:
Old Jug ears still finds it OK to help sell Crisps to children though.Funny that

I usually cant stand Lineker but I think his stand against what the Mail did is spot on and as for selling crisps to children, thats one of the most pointless points on here in some time.
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
So in effect is he supporting/defending what Triesman said?
What a lot of balls. His stand against the Mail is laughable, he's probably signed on for the NOTW for the World Cup. I don't believe for a second that he has any morals, so the story is bullshit.
AlexWilliamsGloves wrote: So in effect is he supporting/defending what Triesman said?

supercity36 wrote: no, he is making a statement of how fucking thick they were to print that story which could cost our whole bid, costing billions to our economy!

trueblue09 wrote: thanl you for correcting that fucking faggot who knew exactly why he did it but decides to want to make it a argument

Excuse me???
I liked Lineker as a player.

I have no issue with him as a pundit. Pundits are not there to pander to the views of football fans, they are there to give an opinion. You may like it you may not. In relaity what difference does it make?

Re Triesman - I have an issue in that the conversation was private. Did he really believe it or was he just trying to get laid? I don't know. In any event, it shouldn't have been sold to a newspaper. Why on esarth did they feel the need to publish a non-story in my opinion - just to create a headline. Trash!

Lineker did the right thing in my opinion. he had a conflcit between the Mail and his role as an ambassador. He therefore was obliged to pull out of one or the other. I also believe that he is a genuine supporter of the England team and the bid.

I am surprised that anyone could be negative about his actions on this one.
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
dont get me wrong, i agree with him and think he's done the right thing...

but where do you draw the line with exposing these sort of things??

when it's in the public interest. and that doesn't mean being interesting to the public.
The Mail are a disgrace. If the "story" had caused the FA greater problems and we had lost the World Cup it would have cost the country millions in potential economy, not just the chance to enjoy the atmosphere the World Cup brings, and for what? To sell a few thousand more papers.

It's no wonder the print media is moribund or in other words a dead duck.

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