Have many of our “fans” become entitled?

I particularly enjoy those posters who say "I just say it how I see it"
Which they somehow believe makes it OK to slag off individual players on a personal level and not make them come across as massive fannies.
Very true. It’s amazing that the targets of abuse not that long ago - Mahrez, Gundogan, and Stones - now seem to be favour of the month. The likes of Sterling, Jesus, and Cancelo have now in line for insults. Rodri, Torres, and Walker seem to switch from one to the other week by week.
There's always a line, and it's crossed too often. Some of the words thrown Garcia's are a little bit embarrassing, all because he had the audacity of wanting to play for his boyhood club for an unreasonably high wage.

It's more ubiquitous though.

To repeat what jimharri wrote last night in the Rodri thread:

Yes, you're entitled to your opinion. And yes, this is a forum where you can give your opinion. But if you fail to keep your emotions in check and make any comment that crosses the line, then it's just not tolerable.

I must admit shitebag is a step too far. That 'e' is unacceptable.
It's a curious thing that they can feel comfortable coming on a forum and calling a player a coward, or worse, but then their own skin is so thin if anyone dares to pull them up they're immediately crying to the world about how they're being attacked and being censored. Big men don't just call it how they see it, they also don't cry if someone tells them they're chatting shit.
You missed '...or accuse people of being racist and block them on Twitter when they've had a disagreement on Bluemoon'.

Sure it was just an oversight though.
As explained earlier, it's not how we see ourselves, it's how others perceive some of us. Yeh, we may see it as confidence, others will see it as the superior team rubbing everyone else's nose in their superiority.

Isn't this what we City fans coined as "Raggish Behaviour" over the decades, when that lot at Old Toilet did it to us? If we start doing the same, aren't we turning into those we despise? I think this is the OP's point, & whilst it doesn't apply to the vast majority of us, I've 100% noticed it creeping into the way some of our fans view football today where City are concerned.
Why on earth would anybody care what other football fans think of us ? And as for the rags, I’ll leave the holier than thou turning the other cheek stuff to the few principled pensioners on here - everyone else will carry on rubbing the horrible fuckers’ noses in it

Ric's right a version of this thread has appeared in nearly every season since the takeover. But I think that in and of itself is very instructive because our success has grown in the last decade, and it seems exponentially alongside it has grown a need to complain.

I see a lot of usernames in this thread for example, who are desperate to defend their right to an 'opinion' without really seeing the bigger picture. I see the same extreme argument with people talking about how we're no longer the club we were 20 years expectations have changed etc. as if that is somehow an excuse for talking about the club today in the same harsh tones that we talked about it twenty something years ago.

Absolutely we're better and our expectations are higher. But a very loud minority have taken that to an extreme. As you and other have pointed out, the player 'discussion' forum is probably the most instructive. It's a disgrace and it's populated by quite a few people whose opinions aren't worth the cost of the bandwidth and who just seem to take their "he's shite" dog and pony show from one thread to another depending on a player's form.

The key thing for me though is that they're a minority. They're just really fucking loud and post all day in all manner of threads thus giving the impression that the whole forum is full of entitled clowns. I've found being generous with the 'ignore' button helps clean the mess up.
LOL at the person accusing others of overreacting, who throws out the racism card when a player he admits isn't playing well and hasn't been for a while, is criticised for not playing very well.

You could not make it up.

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