Hazard Joining Chelsea

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Re: Hazard (continued)

JoeMercer'sWay said:
baldybouncer said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
then the people in our boardroom aren't doing their jobs properly.

a 6th place team getting their final glory should not be poaching any of our targets.

I agree, they're absolutely shit. They haven't bought us any decent players in the past 2 weeks. And don't talk to me about the lack of silverware in the past 2 weeks either! What's Franny Lee's number?

Give over, but when prominent posters on this forum go around saying it's done and acting like it's our biggest deal, and if you say RVP is then I wholehearteadly disagree he's nowhere near being a #1 signing, then something's not right, we shouldn't be playing second fiddle to anybody in our own league anymore.

Chelsea and the rest will spend a fortune anyway, so why can't we spend more anyway because it makes no difference when we spend it?

Clown! How can you force a player to sign for a club? You can inflate the transfer fee out of all proportion and offer the player all the riches in the footballing world, but if he chooses another club over City, for whatever reason, then there's not a damned thing anybody can do about it .... otherwise we'd have had Eto'o, Kaka and Messi by now and Ronaldo would be knocking on the door at the Etihad.
Exactly and this is why I think we were never serious about this guy as he seems to want to promote himself we are not about that it is the club that gets the publicity along with the player and it is done to our tune

I think we were serious and if it was just between ourselves and the rags who had also spent three months tracking him I beleive he would have choosen us. ITKs got it right in identifying the player only thing they could not legislate for was Chelsea winning CL and lodging a bid/ As his agent said all three clubs had agreed a deal with the player and would have agreed deal with Lille leaving it for the player to decide. No regrets he has choosen Chelsea no crtiscism of ITKs some you win some you lose. Never before in transfer have I seen it played out like this over twitter but maybe that is a sign of things to come and we may need to get used to it. I have faith in Bert making the right choices we lost out on Sanchez last year but still finished champions hopefully the players or players who we do sign will ensure we stay in with

a) a realistic chance of retaining prem league
b) making a real challenge in CL
c) Getting a bit closer to winning some more domestic cups.

Its a long summer and there are plenty of players out there to choose from. :-)
farelli said:
JamesMCFC said:
Wouldn't surprise me if he comes out with

"My account was hacked"

I agree ... i just think its too unofficial ... maybe hes had a few beers and let his twitter on!

Nah it was staged. Bit of a wing and prayer job though.
Tueart1976 said:
What I find strange is Chelsea's website doesn't say anything...you would think they would want to milk it.

I guess Chelsea will only announce it once he has signed on the dotted line. I do find It strange though for a player to be calling all of the shots.

would be funny as fuck if he has posted this while he's pissed up, or better if he's left his phone on the table and Vinny's fucking about with it.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
We should be disappointed, but also VERY excited at what has transpired.

The club have nothing to beat ourselves up over. We will be the talk of this window soon enough.

On two separate asides, this deal proves once and for all United are shopping at a different table.

And Chelsea resuming big spending will only help our own cause re FFPR. Safety in numbers!

Eh? According to Platini it was these twats that forced his hand.
SuperYaya said:
Oh well, still don't think they'll genuinely challenge for the title next year. Even if they sign a big name striker, I reckon it will take 2 years.
Depends on who the new manager will be, and who else they sign

They need someone to replace Drogba and Anelka. Talk of Hulk, but he's not really an out and out goal scorer. Think they will stick by Torres and that will be funny

Terry and Lampard are ageing badly too, and Cole is possibly past his best

2 months ago I thought CFC would be gone for good if they didn't get the 4th spot, now they have a 2nd life. The biggest losers in this are Man Utd.
Not having a manager never stopped Abromovich from signing players in the past. Torres was one of his.
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