Hillsborough verdicts reached

"I don't care what is said, the fans that were at the back of the queue causing the crush created the situation, there is no escaping that."

So, what was the point of the inquiry ? You know who was to blame. Maybe if you had sent a letter or something then the longest deposition in legal history would have been avoided. Fans pushing at a football match eh? Who would have thought it.
I have a suspicion that other factors had a part to play in the tragedy, like the barrier that collapsed, or the ambulances that did not arrive, or the lack of crowd control, but there is no point in listing the very long list of failures by WYP because facts do not overturn tribal prejudice, there is no escaping that.
What a fantastic day for everyone involved. My thoughts are especially with the family of Anne Williams. I hope she can now finally rest in peace.

Now I may get some haters here but after reading the thread there seems to be a lot of anger directed at "The Police" Yes SYP as an organisation made mistakes and like any large company or organisation there are good and bad.

My Dad worked as a PC for Cheshire Police at the time. As is the norm for large events Emergency Services will look at neighbouring services for additional resources. A memo (yes memo, remember those?) went round asking if anyone was interested in helping out covering the match. He declined and to this day I can still remember him with his head in his hands as the images came in and events unfolded.

Now the next bit is anecdotal so I can't provide hard and fast proof. On his next shift he checked in and asked about the colleagues that had gone over and none of them had been working at Leppings Lane. Over the months he found out through the network that many PC's were so traumatised about what they had seen they either quit, retired or needed long term counselling.

Now I'm not trying to absolve SYP of any blame, but rather trying to make the distinction that there were good people on the ground that day, who worked hard in a tough environment, that are now getting lumped in with the gutter press and the politicians that have tried to cover it up.

As I say today is about years of pressure to finally get the right verdict and respect to all those who have worked so hard to achieve it.
I agree with your opening statement. However I also agree with verdict of unlawful killings, it is the total exhonoration of the fans I follow nd most difficult to accept. Even if it was a small percentage, say 5%, the fans caused the situation to occur.

Sadly the fans that suffered were the innocents, the people who turned up early and got into the stadium and were at the front of the cage.

I don't care what is said, the fans that were at the back of the queue causing the crush created the situation, there is no escaping that. I do think the way the police handled it was gross negligence and the lies that followed were unforgivable, but if you wind back from the moment of horror, the cause will be seen to be the fans that caused the crush, the fans that climbed the walls, the fans that rushed into the centre tunnel. The police should have been in control but they weren't but you still have to go back to the supporters turning up late that caused the crush were sadly part of the reason why the 96 innocent people died.

Please be so kind as to consider the below transcript [portion] lifted from the recent inquest. It is a "Mr George" questioning Police Federation Spokesman Paul Middup...he of "tanked up mob" fame...who was very vocal back in 1989....


link at the end.


A......I accepted what my members told me.

Q. Right. What your members told you was good enough for

you to go on national television and announce to the


A. Yes, because there were so many of them that said it.

Q. Of course, at the time, you were completely ignorant,

weren't you, of whether what you were being told was


A. I accepted it as being correct.

Q. You were completely ignorant, weren't you, that amongst

these fans that you described as a mob were people who

died in the pens a few minutes later?

A. I didn't know that until yesterday.

Q. Well, that is what I was going to ask you next. Do

I understand this, Mr Middup, that, at least until

yesterday, your view of this disaster was that these

fans had rushed in through this exit gate, down the

tunnel, like, as you described it in your interviews,

a "human train", had crushed the innocent people at the

front who had been in the ground in good time onto the

fencing, and that's how they died?

A. Yes.

Q. So this is the group, is it, this "mob", "tanked up", as

you elsewhere describe them, who are, at least in your

view, partly to blame for this disaster?

A. That's the view -- that was the view of my members and,

yes, I did believe it to be partly to blame for it, yes.

Q. But yesterday, apparently for the very first time, you

learnt that, in fact, some of those who died in those

pens were part of those very fans you describe as the

mob rushing into the ground?

A. I heard that yesterday for the very first time, but

I still don't know how many of those people were


Q. Let me help you. I told you at the start I represent

22 families.

A. Yes.

Q....Seven of the family members that I represent, who died,

went in through that opened exit gate --

A. Right.

Q. -- at 8 minutes, or thereabouts, to 3.

A. Right.

Q. And they were killed in those pens.

A. Well, I didn't know that.

Q. No, I know you didn't. I believe, in total, it is in

excess of 20 of the 96 who died didn't go into the

ground until they went in through the opened exit gate.

So your theory of this "human train" rushing in there

and killing these people who had been in there for ages,

the nice respectable people who haven't been drinking

and so on, goes completely out the window, doesn't it?

A. It certainly partially does.

Q. Yes.


........many thanks !!

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To be fair if the police and then government along with some of the disgusting shit wrote by the sun didn't completely shit on the 96 dead then the families maybe wouldn't have needed to bring it up as much, Me personally I say God bless the families tireless efforts in bringing this shameful police, government (Not the current government) hatchet job to an end.

Kelvin MacKenzie is adamant that he only went with that headline because a Tory MP and a high ranking police officer told him it was the truth. MacKenzie is a fucking slug and I have no sympathy for the shit storm heading his way. I do think he's telling the truth though. However, he still didn't have to believe it, or print it. I think he wanted to believe it and was more than happy to print it. The Star went in hard on the Liverpool fans too, but they issued an apology the next day. MacKenzie has only ever made excuses.
Hopefully the families of the 96 can rest a little easier, but I suspect they won't until Dukenfield and the people responsible for the cover up are finally charged and made to appear in court.
Hi city fans, firstly well done tonight. Thought you played very well and shame you couldn't get a goal. Good luck in the second leg!!

Been looking round all the main forums from other clubs (this is because it hurts me and mine when people call us murderers) and had to register to thank you for your comments. You really have taken on board what happened and that it could have been you guys (god forbid)

Couple of you guys questioned why the fans at the back pushed. Simple answer is they didn't know they were crushing people at the front. We couldn't hear as the noise was so loud and they were in a hurry to get to the game and remember there wasn't delayed kick offs back then.

Anyway thank you for your support on this matter and believe me it matters to us that you rival fans understand we didn't want to hurt anyone.

Great day for the city of Liverpool and a fab eve for you city fans so good luck lads and lasses.

Smash them at their place!!

Thank you very much xxx
The whole situation isn't as black and white as the inquest demanded, and verdict delivered. However, the circumstances that caused the tragedy weren't unique in that era and the ultimate blame must land at South Yorkshire police. Along with their behaviour during the miners' strike, and more recently with the Rotherham child abuse scandal, shows what a lying, corrupt institution they are.
What is clear is that those 96 died horrendously and the only thing they did wrong was to turn up to a big football match on time.
I do hope that along with all the criminal investigations that are now going to be raised into Hillsborough, similar activities will happen with Heysel.
Hi city fans, firstly well done tonight. Thought you played very well and shame you couldn't get a goal. Good luck in the second leg!!

Been looking round all the main forums from other clubs (this is because it hurts me and mine when people call us murderers) and had to register to thank you for your comments. You really have taken on board what happened and that it could have been you guys (god forbid)

Couple of you guys questioned why the fans at the back pushed. Simple answer is they didn't know they were crushing people at the front. We couldn't hear as the noise was so loud and they were in a hurry to get to the game and remember there wasn't delayed kick offs back then.

Anyway thank you for your support on this matter and believe me it matters to us that you rival fans understand we didn't want to hurt anyone.

Great day for the city of Liverpool and a fab eve for you city fans so good luck lads and lasses.

Smash them at their place!!

Thank you very much xxx
Cheers, I'm glad they finally discredited the real culprits
I just hope they can bring them to justice

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