Hoffenheim (A) Post Match Thread

Four fouls
Zero penalties
Two yellow cards for diving

Your faith that it will be applied fairly is touching....

That's the point. I don't know that. None of us do. But why not give it a chance to see if it improves things over the scandalous current system.

If it's still as corrupt then fair enough. Get rid. We won't have lost anything by giving it a fair crack at improving things...!
I thought it was a pen. There is a trend of bad decisions, but it's another step to say it's deliberate.

I doubt your in the majority here even if you are very vocal about it. Are City really being systematically cheated by referees? I don't think so.
if you, Fergies lovechild, thinks its a pen then mark my words its a fucking pen.
It’s not only that particular no call pk and throw in but you have to look at refs performance right from the start .
Unless you are blind , you could clearly see he was following strict orders from higher ups .
The ref Damir Skomina should not be given any more matches involving Man City, ever again. As in this game he has just proved that he has an agenda against City. This ref is supposed to be on FIFA'S list how in the hell did he get on that list. I just hope there was someone from FIFA watching his performance last night and revokes his licence forthwith. He should not be allowed to ref any more matches in any European competition ever again. How he missed that penalty I do not know but the officials one on the touch line and the other on the goal line should also have helped him out by indicating that it was a penalty, they also failed to do their jobs correctly last night.

It goes to show that even Robbie Savage on B.T. Sports was saying that the ref was against us, and he hates us. Basically he was saying that every time an Hoffenheim player went down he was blowing for a free kick for them, and gave them virtually everything he could to help them to win the gam. When David Silva Scored I was waiting for him to dis allow the goal for a free kick to Hoffenheim.
The throw in incident griped me more than the non penalty\booking clearly there was no way the keeper got the ball so its either a penalty or a booking for simulation so I was actually quite please he didn't get booked, however the throw in pissed me off so much I ordered excessive beers from the bar and even looked up fifa law 15 which is 10 mins i'll never get back!

By the way theres jack shit in there about waiting for the referee to say the defending team are ready for play to resume.

Taking the view that the referee was not acting on instructions then this procedure should be followed :-

With only the necessary force, smack the custard pie firmly in his face taking care to rub it up & down & across whilst repeating " you are a clown ".

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