
Question to those who have already or plan to travel further afield South America, Asia, Africa etc - how closely do you follow vaccination advice termed as “for consideration” such as rabies, Hep A & B and Japanese encephalitis?

We’re just doing beaches and towns not going jungle hiking etc.
I wouldn't bother for most places if staying around beaches and cities but probably would if venturing into more rural areas. All depends where you are going though.
Question to those who have already or plan to travel further afield South America, Asia, Africa etc - how closely do you follow vaccination advice termed as “for consideration” such as rabies, Hep A & B and Japanese encephalitis?

We’re just doing beaches and towns not going jungle hiking etc.
I had a few when i went to South America a few years back. I think it was only Yellow Fever where you have to evidence you had taken the vaccine.

Going to Singapore and Thailand in a few weeks and the only one ive not had is japanese encephalitis but im not going jungle hiking so not going to bother.
I had a few when i went to South America a few years back. I think it was only Yellow Fever where you have to evidence you had taken the vaccine.

Going to Singapore and Thailand in a few weeks and the only one ive not had is japanese encephalitis but im not going jungle hiking so not going to bother.
We’re off to Vietnam in the new year, had originally thought about venturing into Laos and Cambodia but now thinking of flaking out in Phu Quoc for a week and just concentrating on Vietnamese cities so the mozzie risk is fairly low. On the fence over rabies though.
We’re off to Vietnam in the new year, had originally thought about venturing into Laos and Cambodia but now thinking of flaking out in Phu Quoc for a week and just concentrating on Vietnamese cities so the mozzie risk is fairly low. On the fence over rabies though.
Best place to perch yourself if a rabid dog is on the loose.
Think it's a 4 day window for standard check-in online.

How much is the early unlock fee?
Not sure but now wish I'd taken that option.
Just got tired with add on after add on.

Can't say online holiday booking is a pleasant experience. As a user experience, it absolutely needs an overhaul.
Was contemplating heading into a high street agents at one point.

I've checked in now, but not for the return flihgt so presume I do the same again a day or two before.
Looks like me and my son are a seat apart (another reason why I should maybe have paid for for the early check in).
We’re off to Vietnam in the new year, had originally thought about venturing into Laos and Cambodia but now thinking of flaking out in Phu Quoc for a week and just concentrating on Vietnamese cities so the mozzie risk is fairly low. On the fence over rabies though.
Been to Vietnam 3 times Cambodia once, always stuck to the govt ,nhs recommended and had no problems but not been away from normal areas .
Daughter spent 3 weeks in Cambodia and had the lot as she spent a lot of the time in the forests and rivers which was lucky as she was bitten massively.
Only had the Malaria tablets when i went to India, Ill all the time with them.
I had a few when i went to South America a few years back. I think it was only Yellow Fever where you have to evidence you had taken the vaccine.

Going to Singapore and Thailand in a few weeks and the only one ive not had is japanese encephalitis but im not going jungle hiking so not going to bother.
You will have to massively protect your bank balance in Singapore,especially around Clark Quay
On a weekend trip with my missus to Prague, what a great place, been twice before on a very messy stag and on our way to plzen with City. So seeing a different side of it. What a place if anyone's ever put off going because of a perceived reputation for british stag and hens (like me) get yourself over here. Hardly heard a British accent, just the way I like my city breaks. Beautiful place - And cheap as chips1.70-2.20 a pint unless on old town sq.
On a weekend trip with my missus to Prague, what a great place, been twice before on a very messy stag and on our way to plzen with City. So seeing a different side of it. What a place if anyone's ever put off going because of a perceived reputation for british stag and hens (like me) get yourself over here. Hardly heard a British accent, just the way I like my city breaks. Beautiful place - And cheap as chips1.70-2.20 a pint unless on old town sq.
Love Prague but it’s not cheap as chips everywhere anymore - it’s catching on
Love Prague but it’s not cheap as chips everywhere anymore - it’s catching on
I know its dearer than it was but found a pint near charles bridge for 1.50 which is still top. We ate in Sad Mans Tongue which has better reviews than any restaurant I think I've ever ate the biggest 2 burgers I've ever seen, 2 pints and a litre of decent wine for £40. The wine would have cost that at home. So still bargains to be had if you stay away from old town sq.
Just got in now and we've spent £110 for 2 on all day travel Inc from the airport drinking all day and sight-seeing across the city.

The burger above was immense but the best meal was a pastrami sandwich from Kantyna a butchers with a seated area out back. Fantastic.

Great place.

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