Honestly who is/was better?

Re: Georgi Kinkladze

gordondaviesmoustache said:
I would advise strongly against anyone suggesting that Messi is better than Kinkladze.

Why? Nobody on the other Kinkladze thread had scored points by criticising Silvas contribution. A stance in direct contrast to some posters comments regarding Kinkladze.
Re: Georgi Kinkladze

franksinatra said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I would advise strongly against anyone suggesting that Messi is better than Kinkladze.

Why? Nobody on the other Kinkladze thread had scored points by criticising Silvas contribution. A stance in direct contrast to some posters comments regarding Kinkladze.

That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.
franksinatra said:
Bilboblue said:
franksinatra said:
With depressing accuracy Blue Blood I mentioned many pages back that these type of threads about Kinkladze usually get some City fans feeling it neccessary to desecrate his memory.

As we both have agreed Silva is the better player but Kinkladze in many city fans mind will always have a special place in the heart. Kinkladze showed us loyalty, he stayed after relegation when even his harsher critics must admit he could have left at that point and advanced his career some where else. But no he showed us loyalty and stayed for another two years.

Niall Quinn was a favourite of mine but he left as soon as we got relegated, Kinkladze stayed, a truly selfless act and for that reason alone withoug considering his abaility he deserves respect from City fans.

That's my fault, I spoke to him outside the main stand as he was getting into his BRG LEFT hand drive Jag, and told him he couldn't leave, he was all we had left!!

Great man and a great City player.

As for the person making the comparison with Ali B..... ffs that's laughable.
Maybe if we had Ali B a couple of seasons earlier yes, he was mesmeric.

David Silva IS better than Gio but Gio will ALWAYS have a special place in City fans hearts (those old enough to have seen him play that is).

Mine also mate, I remember lying in front of his car after the Reading game, pleading with him to stay. He was with an absoloute stunner and you could see how touched he was that so many people had waited to beg him to stay.

So grateful he didnt run me over, true city legend

-- Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:34 pm --

Blue Blood CTID said:
franksinatra said:
With depressing accuracy Blue Blood I mentioned many pages back that these type of threads about Kinkladze usually get some City fans feeling it neccessary to desecrate his memory.

As we both have agreed Silva is the better player but Kinkladze in many city fans mind will always have a special place in the heart. Kinkladze showed us loyalty, he stayed after relegation when even his harsher critics must admit he could have left at that point and advanced his career some where else. But no he showed us loyalty and stayed for another two years.

Niall Quinn was a favourite of mine but he left as soon as we got relegated, Kinkladze stayed, a truly selfless act and for that reason alone withoug considering his abaility he deserves respect from City fans.

It's not too much to ask is it Frank? You could explain it to me from now until the end of time, and I would just never understand the obsession with bashing Kinkladze.

-- Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:23 pm --

gordondaviesmoustache said:
I'm sorry if my choice of words (which is far from unusual, I assure you) seems to have overwhelmed you.

I will try to bear that in mind in future.

In the meantime whilst I'm sure us being friends has its appeal, I don't believe that you would ever consider me to be a big enough blue for it to ever work, long term.

A legend in you're own mind.

Apparently the Southampton goal was due to not one player making a tackle and Beasant falling to the floor before Kinkladze shot. Nothing to do with Kinkladzes, touch, close control , acceleration. The bitterness of some to one of our own is just incredible.

We have been reading it wrong all those years mate. We have to realize that the other players were shit. We have to just accept Kinkladze was shit. I can't be arsed debating this Kinkladze thing anymore. As you said it's got out of hand and turned into kinky bashing as opposed to Silva v Kinkladze. Surely other sets of fans crucify their legends don't they?
Re: need your help to settle a debate

Roger Ringpiece said:
You can't settle a debate based on opinion, only fact.

For what it's worth Kinkladze had one good game every 10, not fit to be mentioned in the same breath as Silva. It's unfortunate that people still have a wankfest over the goal v Southampton which for me was identical to Ricky Villas in the cup final, ie no one even challenged him making it vastly over rated, helped moreso by Beasant falling on the ground in front of him before he shot. no
bluemoon555 said:
david silva now or georgi kinkladze when he played for city?

Unless you're talking about Kinkladze's long forgotten first goal in that game - a tap in that even I could've scored - then you need to give your head a serious wobble. I suggest you watch the goal again before re-writing history because unlike Villa's goal against us the tackles were certainly flying in against Kinkladze when he scored that goal. The fact that he was skilful enough to evade them and subsequently sell Beasant a dummy was down to his ability at the time.
Re: Georgi Kinkladze

gordondaviesmoustache said:
franksinatra said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I would advise strongly against anyone suggesting that Messi is better than Kinkladze.

Why? Nobody on the other Kinkladze thread had scored points by criticising Silvas contribution. A stance in direct contrast to some posters comments regarding Kinkladze.

That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

Be fair, GDM.

You must agree that Silva's contribution might not be as obvious (or fruitful) if he played in the team Kinkladze did. That's why I feel it is unfair to attempt such crass comparisons.

I also don't believe that you were being singled out - most of the criticism appeared to be levelled at others, who were demeaning Kinkladze's efforts for City.
Re: Georgi Kinkladze

gordondaviesmoustache said:
franksinatra said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I would advise strongly against anyone suggesting that Messi is better than Kinkladze.

Why? Nobody on the other Kinkladze thread had scored points by criticising Silvas contribution. A stance in direct contrast to some posters comments regarding Kinkladze.

That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

I would suggest there is fuck all wrong with Kinkladzes goal against Southampton but still its come under scrutiny from the bashers, are is this an example of the robust debate the pro-kinkladze lobby are sensitive about?
Re: Georgi Kinkladze

DTeacher said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
franksinatra said:
Why? Nobody on the other Kinkladze thread had scored points by criticising Silvas contribution. A stance in direct contrast to some posters comments regarding Kinkladze.

That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

Be fair, GDM.

You must agree that Silva's contribution might not be as obvious (or fruitful) if he played in the team Kinkladze did. That's why I feel it is unfair to attempt such crass comparisons.

I also don't believe that you were being singled out - most of the criticism appeared to be levelled at others, who were demeaning Kinkladze's efforts for City.

I was well aware that others' comments were more 'robust' than mine and therefore more likely to be the target of the original comments. I will admit
that the 'loyalty of cats' comment did 'touch a nerve' because when all's said and done the fans are what sustain a club, not players that come for a few years and then fuck off to pastures new.

I accept your comments above about them being in same team, but I repeat my earlier comments that he wasn't good enough for our current squad as his career after City bears out. On that basis any comparisons with Silva are, ridiculous imo.<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:12 pm --<br /><br />
franksinatra said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
franksinatra said:
Why? Nobody on the other Kinkladze thread had scored points by criticising Silvas contribution. A stance in direct contrast to some posters comments regarding Kinkladze.

That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

I would suggest there is fuck all wrong with Kinkladzes goal against Southampton but still its come under scrutiny from the bashers, are is this an example of the robust debate the pro-kinkladze lobby are sensitive about?

It was a great goal.
Kinky was a fantastic player and should be remembered as one of the greatest dribblers the game has ever known, he was that good

At the end of the day though he never fulfilled his potential and in terms of what Silva brings to the table, his vision, passing and workrate is way ahead of Kinkladze.

Silva isn't really a showboater, he does produce moments of brilliance but his big strength is his consistency of high level play. For pure outrageous skill though you could probably say Robinho, Kinkladze and possibly Elano had more. Yet none of them had Silva's application which makes him so much more effective.
Re: Georgi Kinkladze

gordondaviesmoustache said:
DTeacher said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

Be fair, GDM.

You must agree that Silva's contribution might not be as obvious (or fruitful) if he played in the team Kinkladze did. That's why I feel it is unfair to attempt such crass comparisons.

I also don't believe that you were being singled out - most of the criticism appeared to be levelled at others, who were demeaning Kinkladze's efforts for City.

I was well aware that others' comments were more 'robust' than mine and therefore more likely to be the target of the original comments. I will admit
that the 'loyalty of cats' comment did 'touch a nerve' because when all's said and done the fans are what sustain a club, not players that come for a few years and then fuck off to pastures new.

I accept your comments above about them being in same team, but I repeat my earlier comments that he wasn't good enough for our current squad as his career after City bears out. On that basis any comparisons with Silva are, ridiculous imo.

-- Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:12 pm --

franksinatra said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

I would suggest there is fuck all wrong with Kinkladzes goal against Southampton but still its come under scrutiny from the bashers, are is this an example of the robust debate the pro-kinkladze lobby are sensitive about?

It was a great goal.

Thats the thing GDM, I have no issue with anything you have said with regards to Kinkladze ability as a footballer.

What I dont understand is your defence of those making silly outlandish comments against Kinkladze and equally your ridiculing of fans who have spoken out against such daft comments, a player who did show us loyalty beyond the call of duty.

Yes robust debate is good, when it turns into the ridiculous comments against a player revered by most fans. Im just surpriosed you would support it.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
DTeacher said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

Be fair, GDM.

You must agree that Silva's contribution might not be as obvious (or fruitful) if he played in the team Kinkladze did. That's why I feel it is unfair to attempt such crass comparisons.

I also don't believe that you were being singled out - most of the criticism appeared to be levelled at others, who were demeaning Kinkladze's efforts for City.

I was well aware that others' comments were more 'robust' than mine and therefore more likely to be the target of the original comments. I will admit
that the 'loyalty of cats' comment did 'touch a nerve' because when all's said and done the fans are what sustain a club, not players that come for a few years and then fuck off to pastures new.

I accept your comments above about them being in same team, but I repeat my earlier comments that he wasn't good enough for our current squad as his career after City bears out. On that basis any comparisons with Silva are, ridiculous imo.

-- Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:12 pm --

franksinatra said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
That might be because there's pretty much fuck all of his contribution to criticise.

I would suggest there is fuck all wrong with Kinkladzes goal against Southampton but still its come under scrutiny from the bashers, are is this an example of the robust debate the pro-kinkladze lobby are sensitive about?

It was a great goal.

I didn't mean to offend you or anyone personally for the "Loyalty of a cat" comment. In hindsight, maybe not the greatest of comments I could of made. I will never get my head around blues having a go at him but I don't want to wind anyone up, were all blues at the end of the day and this is the greatest team I have seen in my lifetime, so let the good times roll.

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