Hooliganism and Violence Maine Road 80's/early 90's

NF Dave M....big fat rockabilly type......late 70's...from C on M

DF and a good sized crew waited outside The Brunswick for an arranged do with NF lot but they didn't show.
I used to watch the fighting going off in the grounds as a young lad in the 70s thinking this is what happens at football and be scared shitless. Little did I know I would be one of them in the years that followed.
I lived in a pit village and after the strikes the future looked grim for most lads leaving school as it did for many around the country. Fighting was common in the local, pit men on pit men and their familes who went on strike and who didn't, we fought with kids from the next villages it tore the comunity apart for several years. I grew up with this and football was my outlet in the early 80s.
The last few pages brought back some memories, in paticular the talk of the NF in the city ranks. At 15 I was a fully fledge skinhead, I was young stupid and got tagged along by the older lads I hung around with from my village, I was a big lad looked 20 and tried acting it but like I said stupid. The next couple of years I mixed with a went all over to meetings and concerts with what you would call some hardcore NF members but being honest it was more the being part of something that was my main reason for being there. I was pulled up and questioned many times as one of my mates who lived next door at the time was black and many knew it. At 17 I fucked it off because basically I wasn't a rasict **** and just wanted to scrap with punks,mods or rockers.
To say there wasn't a rascist element at City is wrong, they were there and 100% leafleting went on outisde and inside the ground. I saw city fans at the same meetings and concerts that I went to a few years earlier handing out leaflets . The truth is we had NF members who stood toe to toe with black and asian going fans but hid their NF activities and these were not a young teenager like me but men in their 20s 30s and 40s. There is no doubt they tried to garner support among match going fans but couldn't do it at City to any real degree.

By then I had come to my senses and didn't care about calling them out which caused me a bit of trouble at the ground and much more back in my village were I was called the associated names for having black mates by NF members and had some serious threats. It ended with a visit to my house but luckily I was warned beforehand and was waiting with a few mates, sadly I lost it a bit with a bat on some legs and ended up doing a little bit of time at our Queens finest. Not ashamed though as time was well spent chatting with fellow football lads from all over enjoying free bed and breakfast..
Anyway the open leafleting came to an end when they were eventually warned off, it took a few times before they got the message. One of the most active and leading members at the time was a bloke called Dave Greaves, I knew him quite well as he is my second cousin.It all came on top for him when a group of us walked over to him and his mates. He was all smiles to me until I told him in no uncertain terms if he and his mate didn't fuck off for good not only would they get a good kick in, his house in Cotmanhay and his mates houses stood with him would get some visits as well. As we all know there was some decent rough looking lads around at the time and about 30 were stood behind me as the message was passed on, it kind of made their mind up. Hopefully some of you on here may have joined in with this as well as it was a regular thing the following months until all the out in open leafleting stuff came to a near end.

I have to say a few times I was fronted up by a few lads when they first found out if someone mentioned it when the NF came up in talks going to games or in the pub, I desereved to be pulled up on it and didn't back down or hide the truth about it. But I was also backed up more sternly by some well know black lads who knew me well enough by then and also knew like most us at that age we were all young and daft and did some real stupid things.I know there is a couple who read this forum and I still can't thank you enough. Am I ashamed, a little for not being bright enough at the time, but like I said all I really wanted a good scrap with anyone and those smelly punks. Embarrassed ? most definatly, I had to have the talk about it with a nervous young black lad. I can tell you, it is not an easy subject when he's asked to marry your daughter, he agreed we call it even as he's a dipper.
I rambled on, but they were very troubled times for a lot of us both at and away from the football, thankfully we all mostly live, learn and do much nicer and better things now.

On the original subject, Oh the stories of those away days, the memories are coming back.I could do with doing a bit now, not for any trouble but all that running would make me loose a few pounds.

I know there a few here who might have been around at the time. It's not talked about much these days but we all know who we are and recognise each other even after all these years, giving in passing a knowing look.
It's ok, just after you've walked by I sometimes have a smile to myself as well.

Some may doubt it becasue of the violence but that aside we had some great fun times that me and mates still laugh about.
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Went to Coventry in the late 70s and they made us take our boots off before we went in the ground, it was like a market stand and they gave you a raffle ticket to pick them up after the game, it kicked off after the game so loads of us went home in just socks
Im sure it was early/mid 70s that game
Didnt say away fans
Only the rags
It happened
Why i would i say it did if it didnt ?
If you dont believe me that ok
I aint going to change your mind but i remember it well
The 3-3 Derby 71 there was a load of Rags at the front of the North Stand.Remember when they scored their 3rd a guy behind me pull out the biggest Spanner Ive ever seen " right some twat's getting it " 2 mins later massive set too at the bottom of the stand , our nutter was on the track swinging and connecting with said spanner..Happy days
Was surprised and horrified on a visit to Everton in the seventies by the attitude of Merseyside police to ordinary football fans. They had no interest in keeping ordinary footy fans safe their attitude was if your not prepared to fight you shouldn't have come. Found this attitude prevelant on all subsequent visits to Goodison and Anfield. At the 81 league cup semi was very grateful to City's boys for keeping the Scouse scum occupied while we got away. Friends who followed Blackpool reported similar experience at Tranmere a couple of them where attacked in front of a copper who shrugged his shoulders and said what do you expect me to do. For all their faults think GMP had a better attitude to the ordinary football fan.
Absolutely bang on re the merkeyside police, not forgetting the sergeants with those big sticks who must have been on bonuses based on the number of innocent, and not so innocent, Blues that they hit
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Worst fans i saw were Leeds at Maine Road, not sure of the year, around mid 80s, can't remember the score, think we got beat pretty easily.
Alex Williams was in goal and in the 2nd half was at the Platt Lane End in front of 8,000 twats who within seconds of the restart had turned the penalty box yellow with bananas. Chants and laughter coming from them and i felt so sorry for our keeper that day, but also my hatred towards them intensified.
Alex is a bigger and better man than any of those Leeds cunts could ever dream of being
Who were the hundreds or thousands of city fans singing 'town full of pakis' at the likes of Preston or Bradford then if we never had a racist element? NF used to sell papers on forecourt between North and Maine stand. We did have a problem with racism though admittedly not as much as the likes of Leeds, Birmingham, Chelsea etc
Really? I can recall town full of Munich’s being regularly sung (which fortunately is now a thing of the past) but not that
Was that right before the game ... legging back across the pitch to the city open end
Did that 71 ,City were in Bootham End ,then their boys came in fraid to say we didnt last long.And we lost the game though Stoke were a good side then
Looking back, it was state brutality. Today's dictators would have been proud of Thatcher and the establishment machine she controlled.

Just because She gave people the right to buy their council houses didn't make everything else she did acceptable.

At least she looked after the rich and upper middle classes. Arf!

Selling the country’s council housing. The absolute worst thing to happen.

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