How are we all feeling about our club today?

I think people seem to have forgot that this club charge £50 per year for extra loyalty points, they have moved long term season ticket holders from their seats to build corporate blocks including tunnel club and increased the price of season tickets every year they have been in charge. It shouldn't be a suprise that they jumped onto this scheme with little thought for fans. I don't love the club any less because of this, just the people runni g it.
You love the team and the abstract concept of Manchester City. We all do. It's a name, an idea, it evokes feelings, emotions and memories.

Loving "the club" is dead to me. I don't love the owners, I don't love the stadium, I don't love the ticket office, the badge or the website. The physical things are not what we love, but the enduring idea of something that has always belonged to us.
so many willing to just blindly forget it ever happened is concerning. They showed they don't give a fuck and the fans willingness to brush it under the carpet shows them they can get away with doing something similar again if and when they want to
They won't get away with trying it again though? They have literally just been told to fuck off with the shite idea by the vast majority of the football world. Even the wider public have been enraged by it all so if anything it shows its not something to be repeated in a hurry.
Accepting what's happened and choosing to move on doesn't mean its forgotten, it's done though and nothing can change what's happened.
Be angry if you want, that's your perogative mate and I've no problem with that, just don't expect everyone to feel the same.
My issues with Soriano stems from his involvement in other discussions on breakaway projects, and playing PL games abroad. He has been reported as leading some of those.

Khaldoon will have given this the ok which is shameful, but this has got Sorianos fingerprints all over it. I said this last night and the leaked reports this morning confirmed my suspicions.
Khaldoon is a big boy, Soriano may or may not have recommeded it, we know he didn't drive it. Either way even if Soriano did support it, Khaldoon and Sheik Manssor are the ones to say yes or no. I don't feel the need to sack anyone. If you do then at least be brave enough to say it should be the ones that signed up not the staff member that you think recommeded it.
I was born to love Manchester City FC. I have always loved Manchester City FC. My love for the club has never wavered.

As for the owners; I couldn't care less who owns Manchester City FC as long as they recognise what the football club actually means to it's supporters/fans/followers, and maintain the values and integrity of the football club.

I was 'meh' when Mansour & Co rolled up and have been of much the same view ever since... "meh"

That said, they've managed to provide me with the best City team I've seen in 60 years of attending, and it's been a great ride.

It's not the football club my dad / grandad / whole family supported anymore - It's now the City Group with no 'FC' involved - A group of land grabbers creating a worldwide business monster in our name. It's just business - the football has almost become secondary.

I will always support the lads who play in Manchester City shirts - I honestly don't care who the Group owners are, as long as they don't try to take fans for mugs by climbing into bed with the rags and their debt-ridden pals. Someone at the top of the Group really needs to explain that and fall on their sword.
Your posts on the subject are hysterical nonsense. Hope that clears it up.
Oh right. I don't expect everyone to agree with my nonsense, it's just that I've spoken to several blues on the phone and all are of the same opinion and singing from the same hymnsheet .

So i guess im not the only one who hasn't been happy clapping since our clubs owners pulled out from fear of irate backlash from trying to dry bum us with a 3 foot fuck off Swiss Toblerone in UEFA's seedy bedroom! : /
Oh right. I don't expect everyone to agree with my nonsense, it's just that I've spoken to several blues on the phone and all are of the same opinion and singing from the same hymnsheet .

So i guess im not the only one who hasn't been happy clapping since our clubs owners pulled out from fear of irate backlash from trying to dry bum us with a 3 foot fuck off Swiss Toblerone in UEFA's seedy bedroom! : /
Yeah it's probably 50/50 to be fair. I'mnot gonna drag it on, we are all entitled to feel how we do about the whole thing.
No change in my feelings towards the club. Best owners and best management. What happened was unavoidable given the situation. Well played at the end.
I would be interested to hear how you think this was unavoidable, PSG and Bayern(a club I hate with a passion), seemed to have dodged it, what transpired that caused it to be unavoidable in your view?
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I can see it now if Khaldoon does eventually make an apology and says we fucked up sorry, there will still be some on here saying he looked away when he said sorry, he coughed when he said we made a mistake. What he really meant was it was all a master plan but he can't really come out and say it, but we all know the signs were there.

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