How are we all feeling about our club today?

Well I don't want some fake, manufactured, mealy-mouthed "apology" written by the PR company. It would be meaningless. I want the club to leak what really happened behind the scenes.

And an an aside i'm getting a bit fed up of the melodrama from some of our fans. I've seen some clown claim on social media he won't come back to City unless he gets a free season ticket, in the same breath as complaining that "football's all about money". People need to realsie Mansour and Abu Dhabi have not invested in City because they were at Macclesfield in 1999. They don't hate Man United so much that they've spent a billion quid to win a few trophies. They have bought this club long term as an investment. Not only a financial one of course, but if it comes to "who kisses betty" they were never going to write off all that money and commit to a future for the club standing with our thumb up our arse whilst all the other clubs play each other and earn fortunes.

I understand why they felt they had no choice to join this gravy train, and expect more to come out about the carrots/sticks offered over the weekend. Where they've fucked up, and I'm sure this was right at board level, is by not seeing this backlash coming. They let Bayern Munich become the golden boys and it could have been us.
Feel pretty dejected about it all. I lost some interest in football a while ago and this has made it worse. Definitely tarnished the season for everyone and we'll be sneered at from everyone if we go onto win the league. On a side note, I have to say good on Henry for at least coming out quickly with an apology to the fans.
That though doesn't explain why we didn't...
After all the UEFA nonsense and G14 pressure over the last few years, I think City can be wary about what promises people are making. We don't know if PSG and Bayern had let it be known that they were likely going to join in, and City decided it best to sign up too.

Worst case scenario - bad publicity.

Not signing up and we're the biggest club in the world not to, best case scenario - big income loss and much reduced opportunities for growth over the next few years, investors pulling out etc.
Cunts thought they could bully with the rest of the cartel, people say they’ve said sorry only because they realised it wasn’t going anywhere how can you trust them again I certainly look at them in a different light now greedy bastards
Win tonight and on Sunday and all will be forgiven and it will be all water under the bridge
But if we lose expect one big fu*king backlash
What I can't understand is the thoughts of our owners in agreeing to join a new super league in the first place. Everything was just wrong.
The idea of joining our most hated foes when it is only a matter of months ago that we were at war with this bunch of cretins.
The timing of the announcement was woefully wrong for lots of reasons especially towards the conclusion of a very harrowing season.
They did not take into account the reaction of football fans in their own back yard and beyond. This was not Just an insult to City fans but right the way down to grass roots.

Most of us knew that UEFA and the champions league needed a much warranted shake up, but this was simply the right idea.

I feel let down by the circumstances over the last few days but having been a blue most of my life, which is a long, long time, I am not going to turn my back on our wonderful club. So let's get some more silverware over the next few weeks and hope that the future is bright and not tainted.

In the meantime the club need to explain their reasoning to the fans so we can put this sorry episode to bed.
You say that but they knew we the fans had a deep hatred for Uefa. You think that may have had a bearing on their decision ? You never know, we may have been a small part of it...if they were thinking of the City fans reaction.
Well they can start by buying messi, mbape & haaland.

only then will I start to forgive them :-)

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