How are we all feeling about our club today?

Wont buy anything else from the clubshop etc but supporting the team and pep is different

The shine has gone off khaldoon , never liked soriano , how much time has he spent talking to us since he joined , cas aside never , happy to talk to anyone else wherever in the world , i think he was the driver of this debacle
I thought Ferran would be the main man in favour of this, but IF Sky and the media have it anywhere near right, this came from the very top man......

And listening to what a total shambles this was from top to bottom, it's a worry and a complete disbelief to me why we ever got involved in the first place.

The EPL made UEFA look well run and fair.
Khaldoon is a big boy, Soriano may or may not have recommeded it, we know he didn't drive it. Either way even if Soriano did support it, Khaldoon and Sheik Manssor are the ones to say yes or no. I don't feel the need to sack anyone. If you do then at least be brave enough to say it should be the ones that signed up not the staff member that you think recommeded it.
Staff member makes it sound as though you think he's answering the fucking phones to fans.

He runs the club and reports to Khaldoon. He is the driving force for the this project and others from a city point of view, and is our representative for secret meetings with the reprobates from the other clubs.

He must go.
Just a thought, if we were trying to fillet the cartel and bring them down, what would our communications strategy look like?

No quotes from the club when we joined

Quotes from Joel Glazer on our website

Pep speaking out about it

Players speaking out about it

First to leave

No comment from the club

No apology
You say that but they knew we the fans had a deep hatred for Uefa. You think that may have had a bearing on their decision ? You never know, we may have been a small part of it...if they were thinking of the City fans reaction.
The fans hate UEFA because it acts as a closed shop that wanted to keep us out. So why they thought we would be happy to join another closed shop, with clubs that have tried everything in their power to keep us out, is shameful in my opinion.
Pep's comments yesterday nailed the issue for me. No relegation, no competition. And it's something all football fans absolutely must continue to press UEFA over. It is line in the sand.

How do I feel about the club today? I am currently very glad to have him as manager.

Beyond that, I hope that we realised ahead of time, or very quickly, that we were in a strong position waking up yesterday. The Super League proposers had left us with a foot in both camps. Rather than go all in, they'd let us make a no fooling value bet at their expense. We made the play neatly. But if you don't ensure your play is rewarded, it's a waste of time.
Same as I’ve done all week and for forty years - vague club statements don’t tend to make me hysterically upset.
I think I'm a bit more sanguine about the club's conduct than many on here.

As I understand it, these are the important features of this shitshow.

1. This project has been a long time in the making. I have heard 23 years in some quarters. I'm not sure where that comes from. I have also heard of a 200 page contract document having been drawn up. That kind of thing doesn't happen overnight. This has been planned for a long time, probably measured in years not months.

2. Despite that, City's involvement appears to have come in at the last moment. I have heard that we, and Chelsea, were approached only late last week. I don't know if that's true, but if it is it explains the following three points.

3. What I think is becoming increasingly clear is that we were given the message 'this is happening with or without you. Get on board now, or get left behind.' Despite that, as I recall the news reports from Sunday afternoon, we didn't sign the contract itself, we signed a letter of intent to join the project. So we got on board, with an option to get off again.

4. But having planned this for such a long time, why would the red clubs in particular want us on board, having worked so hard to get us excluded from the Champions League for instance? And why would they throw us this opportunity so late in the day? My guess is (a) they knew our involvement was actually important to the viability of the project (ditto Chelsea), and (b) they left it until the last moment to bring us on board so we had no opportunity to participate in the moulding of the project. It was presented as a fait accompli.

5. City and Chelsea (in whichever order) were the first to break ranks. In City's case, it seems to have been easier if all we signed was a letter of intent. But that has caused the entire cartel to fall apart within a matter of hours. To my mind, that shows how crucial we were to the project. Belatedly, the cartel decided the project could not survive without us. Once we jumped ship, that truth became an even starker reality. It is neither a surprise that we were brought in right at the end, nor that the project started to unravel once we pulled out. As I write, the first team from Spain (Atleti) has pulled out, with news that Inter are about to follow.

6. I don't think it is a coincidence that Pep spoke so openly in opposition to the plans. I suspect our intention not to proceed had been communicated to him by that stage. I suspect he would have been more circumspect if we were fully committed.

So what do I personally make of all this?

(a) This scheme has the fingerprints of the Americans and Perez all over it. I simply do not believe we are the architects of the scheme. Nor do I believe we were willing accomplices with the cunts who have been trying to shaft us for years.

(b) By being asked to come on board, at the 11th hour, the club was actually placed between a rock and a hard place. With very little opportunity to get their heads round the deal, with no opportunity to consult the fans - and I personally believe they would have wanted to do so given the opportunity, as there is so much else they have consulted us about - they were given an important decision and no time to make it.

(c) As I read it, their decision on a sort of 51/49 basis was that getting on board with the option of getting off was potentially less detrimental to the club than staying off with no option of getting on later. Given an unenviable set of alternatives, I don't have as much of an issue as some others do. I would have been happier if they'd had no truck with it in the first place, but I can understand why they did. If this project had gone ahead without us and been a runaway success, we wouldn't have thanked them for not getting on board when we had the opportunity. As it happens, it didn't take long for the club to realise its mistake.

(d) Someone already rightly said that our owner has a huge amount of credit with us in the bank. This has cost him some of that goodwill, but not that much. I have heard calls for FSG and the Glazers to be hounded out of their respective clubs. I personally don't see any appetite at all for Sheikh Mansour to step away from City, nor would I agree with that sentiment if it existed.

So, how do I feel about the club?

Much as I did before. The last 72 hours has been deeply unpleasant, and I am both glad we have come out of it and glad the project is dying an undignified death. Disappointed in our owners, but with (I hope) a measure of acknowledgment that they were in a difficult position, one not of their making, and they made the decision they thought was best while keeping their options open. I am glad that they did, and I am glad that - better late than never - they have done the right thing.
Fantastic, considered post as ever Chris.

Point 4 is interesting. I think I agree with what you've said but if they have been so intent on damging us, then why throw us a lifeline? It's not like Sheikh Mansour needs the money. So credibility probably plays some part, maybe protecting the investment he's made in the club. Who knows?

One theory is that one reason they needed us and Chelsea was to protect themselves from PL action, which needs a two-thirds majority. That's 14 clubs, so 6 clubs against the other 14 is no guarantee of protection unless they had the nod from one or two others that they wouldn't vote to expel the 6. Both Burnley and Fulham have US owners and Shaheed Khan, like the other 3 US owners, has interests in NFL and the PL. No Super League would ever include those two clubs of course but there may have been other incentives offered. It also might explain the timing, before Fulham depart the PL as now it now seems inevitable they will.

It also wouldn't surprise me that we were put in a position where we had to decide quickly whether we were in or out but I would be surpised if we hadn't a clear picture of what was going on for some time. I suspect we had to sign the letter of intent as a condition of hearing the details of the contract and if what you've heard about the timing is true, that fits with the leak to Ziegler over the weekend. I can't imagine that was anyone other than us who did brief him and that it was a deliberate attempt to cause as much chaos as possible. That would lead me to think that we really never had any intention of doing this, rather than that we went into it without realising what the PR impact would be, which cheers me up.

I know from sources within and without the club how much animosity the US-owned clubs have displayed towards us, and I believe it's reciprocated. These clubs, and others, have threatened our very existence and gone out of their way to achieve that aim.

Time will tell if it's been a cunning conspiracy or a cock-up but I'd like to think we saw a heaven-sent opportunity to hit our rivals hard and we took it.
it’s like next morning after a bad nightmare you had last night but got up vaguely recollecting with mild headache .
After a cup of coffee , come on city
Staff member makes it sound as though you think he's answering the fucking phones to fans.

He runs the club and reports to Khaldoon. He is the driving force for the this project and others from a city point of view, and is our representative for secret meetings with the reprobates from the other clubs.

He must go.
He won't go because his bosses don't want him to, the bosses that agreed to sign up. Obviously he's a high level employee. not a tea boy. But carry on you obviously have an irrational issue with him and want to blame somebody without blaming his bosses. Why should he go and not his bosses,if it's so bad somebody needs to go ?

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