How can people still be negative about mancini?

Damocles said:
rastus said:
Damocles said:
Sorry, Dave's too busy at the game to answer, but maybe in his place I can tell you to grow up?

Oh thats so nice, I really do apologise like your mate has apologised for saying mancini wil bring us down.....

Daves' really not "my mate", I've never met the bloke and much of our interactions on here have been heated arguments. However, I'd never call him a random attention seeker, he's a blue and as big as they come, despite his opinion on Mancini. There's a difference between fiercely arguing your opinion and casting aspersions on others.

Well Im a furkin blue as big as they come, as to aspesions read his posts, whats up with you man..

Some genuinely hilarious attempts to defend now indefensible positions on this thread.

Mancini is the best manager we have had in decades - any other point of view is nonsensical, as are any suggestions that he should be replaced.

Ludicrous quite frankly.
AIQ88 said:
Mancini - ohhh said:
Very negative today!!

-- Tue May 17, 2011 8:42 pm --

Very negative today!!

We never looked like we were going to get anything out of it and we created nothing with this pass pass pass football.

Yeah and playing 451 at home who the hell does he think he is??<br /><br />-- Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 pm --<br /><br />
lostgalaxy said:
Because Mancini teaches his team to defend like a tortoise and attack like a snake. Kind of very ancient ways of fighting.

We look like an army from the undead.

Kind of scary.

WOW thats deep!!
Breadsnapper said:
I have only read the first page of this thread and had to walk away from my pc such was my anger and disbelief at so called City fans.
Most of the mancini outers wern't sold and kept saying I will make my judgement at the end of the season. This has now changed to any manager could have done it with the money he has spent. Are you stupid? many magers have spent comparable amounts and won nowt!
You can hide behind "I am entitled to my opinion" all you want, but in my eyes you are disgraceful and I am ashamed of you all.
We have qualified for the Champions League for the first time in our history, we have won the FA cup, our first trophy since 1976. We really are on the cusp of becoming a major force in football. And why is this? It is because Roberto MANCINI has put together a team, a team that plays for each member, a team that plays for the club and fans with spirit. Mancini has put together a group of coaches that have applied his ethic in training to get results. And, do you know what? It has worked.
The rags have taunted us that we have bought success and some of you are saying the same, agreeing with them.
It should be time for celebration as a City fan but, the miserable on here, the self appointed gurus of all things City, the too stupid to see what's on the end of their nose, the miserable bastards are pressing the self destruct button. Well here's something, stick your opinions where the sun don't shine, hide behind your computer in cyberspace all day lon making your snidy little remarks. I for one am not interested, I am celebrating what it is like to be a winner not a loser, not a grotesque figure of bitterness and loathing. I don't want people like you at my club infecting decent people with your antipathy towards success.
Roberto mancini in his first full season has done something NO other City manager has done in 35 years, now if that is not success then I for one do not know what success is.
Absolutely digusted!!!!!!
I think it's difficult for some people to change their mind when they have nailed their colours to the mast

What bothers me a little is that I think City will always be just 3 games from a managerial crisis because if we have 2 bad results these people will come out of the woodwork and start moaning again.

He has proven himself now. So if he was the right manager now, he is the right manager next season through good and bad, and there will be bad.
Mancini - ohhh said:
AIQ88 said:
Mancini - ohhh said:
Very negative today!!

-- Tue May 17, 2011 8:42 pm --

Very negative today!!

We never looked like we were going to get anything out of it and we created nothing with this pass pass pass football.

Yeah and playing 451 at home who the hell does he think he is??

-- Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 pm --

lostgalaxy said:
Because Mancini teaches his team to defend like a tortoise and attack like a snake. Kind of very ancient ways of fighting.

We look like an army from the undead.

Kind of scary.

WOW thats deep!!

For a lot of games this season, we defended like a tortoise and attacked like one, too.
remoh said:
Mancini - ohhh said:
AIQ88 said:
We never looked like we were going to get anything out of it and we created nothing with this pass pass pass football.

Yeah and playing 451 at home who the hell does he think he is??

-- Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 pm --

lostgalaxy said:
Because Mancini teaches his team to defend like a tortoise and attack like a snake. Kind of very ancient ways of fighting.

We look like an army from the undead.

Kind of scary.

WOW thats deep!!

For a lot of games this season, we defended like a tortoise and attacked like one, too.

yeah but thats fottball, but hey we could still finish 5th
rastus said:
remoh said:
Mancini - ohhh said:
Yeah and playing 451 at home who the hell does he think he is??

-- Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 pm --

WOW thats deep!!

For a lot of games this season, we defended like a tortoise and attacked like one, too.

yeah but thats fottball, but hey we could still finish 5th

And we would have if Roberto hadn't seen the light (at last)
Prestwich_Blue said:
levets said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Why is it so wrong to have an opinion that isn't fawning or completely uncritical?

We've won the FA Cup and I was in tears at the final whistle. Not because, as some on here would have it, that I was gutted that he'd won something but because I was pleased.

But if we strip away the emotion we struggled to beat 3 lower league teams and then beat a Premiership team that wasn't remotely interested. The semi was our first real test and we didn't turn up until 25 minutes in and could easily have been a couple down. Then we played well for the rest of the game.

But just 5 days before that game we were completely abject at Anfield. Since then we let Everton off the hook after being in total control.

So that's why some of us still doubt whether he really has the ability to take us all the way to a title and CL.

Saturday was the first time that we completely controlled a game for 90 minutes and if we carry on like that the doubts will disappear.

So while I'm thrilled about an FA Cup and CL qualification, I'm looking at next season, when we won't be able to rely on teams around us self-destructing and will have to raise the bar far more than we have this season. 70 points will not be good enough come May 2012.

I'm still not fully convinced Mancini can deliver that vital improvement but I'd be delighted to be proved wrong.

I'm still not fully convinced Mancini can deliver that vital improvement

Upon what? I think what he has delivered is a monumental improvement on what was delivered for the 33 previous seasons.

I'm getting fed up of wilful misinterpretation of my posts. Argue with me by all means but witless rubbish like this just pisses me off. The inability of some on here to comprehend a simple proposition baffles me. Would it be better if I did it in pictures or 'Janet & John' style?

Of course this season has been our best for many years, since the late 70's in fact (although the KK Champioship season wasn't bad). Do you think I can't see that? God knows I've watched enough shite over the years to realise that.

So let's try this:

Janet: Have your team done well this season John?
John: Yes Janet. We've won the FA Cup and will qualify for the Champions League.
Janet: Is that good?
John: Oh yes. We haven't won anything for a long time.
Janet: I see. Did you come top of the league as well?
John: No we didn't. United did.
Janet: Will you come top of the league next year?
John: I hope so but we need to get more points than we did this year?
Janet: How many points did you get this year?
John: We've got 65 at the moment but could get 6 more if we win the last two games.
Janet: Is that not enough then?
John: No. You need 80 or more to win the league usually.
Janet: So you need to get about 10 more points next year than you got this year?
John: Yes we do.

Does that make it clear what "vital improvement" means?

And I'm getting fed up of wobble heads like you herbert.... What a patronising twat you are. Why don't you just fucking pipe down now... no fucker is listening anymore.

Your negativity about the club goes back a long way... Why is that?

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