How can people still be negative about mancini?

DD said:
glen quagmire said:
I, just for the life of me can't understand, what reason certain posters still feel the need to cane bobby. I thought the general understanding was that we WERE all blues, wether crying in the stands under ball, or floating down wembley way under bobby?

The fella has delivered our first MAJOR trophy in 35 years, 3rd place in the world's hardest league, is in our hands, we have never looked more solid defensively and has proved that the big ego's in the dressing room are not bigger than the club.

What has this guy got to do to win people over? Win the prem, european cup, fa cup, cure cancer, crush the taliban, sort out the economy or maybe buy all our ST's next term?

I have caned him all season but he's achieved his mandate so he deserves another year, even though any half decent manager should have been able to achieve what he has considering the vast outlay on players.

I actually do think we should have been challenging for the title though considering how piss poor Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs have been this year and the fact that we haven't is because we have respected those teams too much when we've played them. Mancini is to blame for that.

However, as I've said, he's achieved what we set out to achieve so you have to give the man another year to prove the doubters such as me wrong.
This does not make any sense! so its not mancini whos a good manager, its the other team around us that sucks? so what you say is, Mancini is the better manager compared to Wenger, Redknapp Ancelotti?

We have beaten ALL the top Teams this year accept arsenal for.

Mancini is up there with the best managers.
People will generally be negative about him because they either

A - Don't like him
B - Don't rate him
C - Think we can do better

I'm not sure how anyone can dislike him, he's a very likeable person in my opinion and always comes across well in his interviews and when talking about the club, he's also a manager who will take the blame when things go badly rather than laying the blame at the feet of the players or other aspects. Theres obviously a fair few of people who don't rate him and probably will always say he's not the right man as they won't like to be proved wrong, lets face it everyone likes to think they are right but some people will hold their hands up when they get it wrong and others won't, thats life.

How can anyone not rate him though? This is a manager who has won things in his first full season with all four of his clubs, he's come in under great pressure and had a lot of talent to work with so pressure was to succeed almost straight away. We were all disappointed going out of the Carling Cup Semi Final and not finishing 4th but it was always unfair to judge whether a manager is good enough or not based on half a season in charge, this season was always going to the one which would be the test, would he really be able to get us in the champs league and win a cup? Many people thought not and there was times through the season where people were jumping the gun and saying he's not good enough (Some even calling him clueless only last month). There were times where there were things that were frustrating but i always believed he was good enough as a manager to get us into the top four

In the summer we'd signed a load of new players and hardly had a pre season together so things will take time, players do take time to adapt to a new country and the understanding they have with team mates will improve all the time, we've had disappointing results throughout the season but overall he's shown us that he can bring us silverware and make us progress as a club on the pitch. Saturday was a brilliant day, one of if not the best days of supporting City for me and thats down to everyone at the club, Mancini included

He's an excellent manager who has proved over his managerial career that he can win things and make his teams improve. No doubt about it, he should be here next season and then it's time to see if he can turn us into Premier League winners and Champions League contenders
How can people still be negative about Mancini? I suspect it's an ego thing, they can't be seen to have been wrong on some internet forum.
glen quagmire said:
I, just for the life of me can't understand, what reason certain posters still feel the need to cane bobby. I thought the general understanding was that we WERE all blues, wether crying in the stands under ball, or floating down wembley way under bobby?

The fella has delivered our first MAJOR trophy in 35 years, 3rd place in the world's hardest league, is in our hands, we have never looked more solid defensively and has proved that the big ego's in the dressing room are not bigger than the club.

What has this guy got to do to win people over? Win the prem, european cup, fa cup, cure cancer, crush the taliban, sort out the economy or maybe buy all our ST's next term?

He will never win us a trophy with his negative tactics and by playing 3 defensive midfielders. If we set up all season in the way we did at Anfield then we would have finished at least second and probably would have won the league.
So the crux of it is this?

The dismal posse will be happy, if mancini fails to deliver next term, so ultimately our demise will be their gain?

If we are out of all the knock out comps and sitting 8th in the league, a small band of negative's will rejoice.

I am glad, Bobby has proved that no player is bigger than the club, and i hope he proves you all wrong to the extent, you stop going to games, wear your 1990's retro shirts, make some more SWALES OUT banners and get down the M.E.N and campaign for your saturday pink back!
DD said:
jay_mcfc said:
BillyShears said:
You see I managed to write that entire post without calling anyone a clown

Ironic considering that's what you have called Mancini a number of times.

Glen it's all about pride mate. Admitting you were wrong is a very difficult thing to do when you've been so adamant about something.

He wasn't wrong. In your opinion he was, but in mine, he wasn't.

Mancini's record against the big clubs over this last twelve months is awful and that's because we have played for draws instead of going for wins. If that changes next year, then we're wrong. Until then, the jury is out!:)

We could have been fighting to attain the coveted League and Cup Double this weekend had the manager utilised a different approach in many of the games.

I wish posters would stop saying " the jury is still out" that makes it sound like everyone is unsure and that is far from the case..the doubters are so outweighed on here its laughable..
but hey have your opinions by all means...The majority do not share them.
Our record against the other top 5 in all comps this season;

United W1 L1 D1
Arsenal D1 L1 (man sent off after 4 minutes!)
Chelsea W1 L1
Tottenham W1 D1
Liverpool W1 L1

Is it REALLY that bad? It could be better no doubt but I think people need to start looking at the facts rather than what they think!
glen quagmire said:
So the crux of it is this?

The dismal posse will be happy, if mancini fails to deliver next term, so ultimately our demise will be their gain?

If we are out of all the knock out comps and sitting 8th in the league, a small band of negative's will rejoice.

I am glad, Bobby has proved that no player is bigger than the club, and i hope he proves you all wrong to the extent, you stop going to games, wear your 1990's retro shirts, make some more SWALES OUT banners and get down the M.E.N and campaign for your saturday pink back!

You started this thread and yet you are wholly incapable or unwilling to take part in the subsequent discussion. A sad state of affairs mate...
The likes of BillyShears, DD and the rest will never like Mancini, not even if he wins 3 Champions League's on the bounce whilst beating Mourniho's united 4-0 in both semi final legs.

They either admit they were wrong or they continue to look stupid, meanwhile we can enjoy the ride that 'Bobby Manc' is taking us on and that is all that matters.

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