How can people still be negative about mancini?

Though I personally adore the man I can see why to some extent.

Some people believe with the money spent we should have automatically just won everything in the universe in the most brilliant display of football on the planet making us have to change our pants with each amazing pass.

Others believe his football has been too negative and defensive (admitedly it has been at times).

I'd personally suggest that simply buying new players all at once doesn't mean you win everything automatically, it takes alot of time and effort no matter how much you spend. Chelsea (which i assume is what everyone was thinking when they made this arguement) was the exception, not the rule and was down to Jose's tactics and ability as a manager. You know, so called ultra 'negative' football and admitedly his ability to make a team gel together (can't knock him for that). Mancini's way takes a little more time, but i'm willing to give him that extra time.

Secondly, yes his football has been negative and defensive but I think he was just teaching his team how to defend and how to break apart a teams play. If you look at recent signings and the suggested signings this summer it looks like we shall be bringing an attacking display to our efforts next season.

As i've said before on this forum. We will be playing some of the most beautiful football outside of Barca, and Rome wasn't built in a day.
jay_mcfc said:
Our record against the other top 5 in all comps this season;

United W1 L1 D1
Arsenal D1 L1 (man sent off after 4 minutes!)
Chelsea W1 L1
Tottenham W1 D1
Liverpool W1 L1

Is it REALLY that bad? It could be better no doubt but I think people need to start looking at the facts rather than what they think!

we are ahead of Spuds ,liverpool and possibly Arsenal come tonight....Its really not as bad as some make out,but it gives them ammo to have the little digs..
citysince88 said:
Because they like to feel superior to others, and since they, in all probability backed hughes, when he got the sack it hurt thier pride.
Thats a little unfair I was firmly behind Hughes and felt the club shat on him from a great height that said I was firmly behind Mancini when thread after thread appeared calling for his head. Mancini has proved given time you win things
MC ID said:
Though I personally adore the man I can see why to some extent.

Some people believe with the money spent we should have automatically just won everything in the universe in the most brilliant display of football on the planet making us have to change our pants with each amazing pass.

Others believe his football has been too negative and defensive (admitedly it has been at times).

I'd personally suggest that simply buying new players all at once doesn't mean you win everything automatically, it takes alot of time and effort no matter how much you spend. Chelsea (which i assume is what everyone was thinking when they made this arguement) was the exception, not the rule and was down to Jose's tactics and ability as a manager. You know, so called ultra 'negative' football and admitedly his ability to make a team gel together (can't knock him for that). Mancini's way takes a little more time, but i'm willing to give him that extra time.

Secondly, yes his football has been negative and defensive but I think he was just teaching his team how to defend and how to break apart a teams play. If you look at recent signings and the suggested signings this summer it looks like we shall be bringing an attacking display to our efforts next season.

As i've said before on this forum. We will be playing some of the most beautiful football outside of Barca, and Rome wasn't built in a day.

Look at all the money Chelsea have spent over the years...yet nowt is nailed on...In the time Bob has been here he has done what is asked of him so i like you am happy...Up to the next level now..
samharris said:
jay_mcfc said:
Our record against the other top 5 in all comps this season;

United W1 L1 D1
Arsenal D1 L1 (man sent off after 4 minutes!)
Chelsea W1 L1
Tottenham W1 D1
Liverpool W1 L1

Is it REALLY that bad? It could be better no doubt but I think people need to start looking at the facts rather than what they think!

we are ahead of Spuds ,liverpool and possibly Arsenal come tonight....Its really not as bad as some make out,but it gives them ammo to have the little digs..

I think if you bothered to go back and read this thread so far you'd see quite clearly which side is making the 'little digs' you talk about.
jay_mcfc said:
Our record against the other top 5 in all comps this season;

United W1 L1 D1
Arsenal D1 L1 (man sent off after 4 minutes!)
Chelsea W1 L1
Tottenham W1 D1
Liverpool W1 L1

Is it REALLY that bad? It could be better no doubt but I think people need to start looking at the facts rather than what they think!

You should never let facts intefere when a die hard negative type is prooved wrong. We should have won all those if we had a good manager who wasnt hell bent on ruining this wonderful club.
BillyShears said:
samharris said:
jay_mcfc said:
Our record against the other top 5 in all comps this season;

United W1 L1 D1
Arsenal D1 L1 (man sent off after 4 minutes!)
Chelsea W1 L1
Tottenham W1 D1
Liverpool W1 L1

Is it REALLY that bad? It could be better no doubt but I think people need to start looking at the facts rather than what they think!

we are ahead of Spuds ,liverpool and possibly Arsenal come tonight....Its really not as bad as some make out,but it gives them ammo to have the little digs..

I think if you bothered to go back and read this thread so far you'd see quite clearly which side is making the 'little digs' you talk about.

So you are not having little digs at Mancini then.... yeah what ever.
rastus said:
You should never let facts intefere when a die hard negative type is prooved wrong. We should have won all those if we had a good manager who wasnt hell bent on ruining this wonderful club.

I think the real problems are that those game were 'there to be won'.
samharris said:
BillyShears said:
samharris said:
we are ahead of Spuds ,liverpool and possibly Arsenal come tonight....Its really not as bad as some make out,but it gives them ammo to have the little digs..

I think if you bothered to go back and read this thread so far you'd see quite clearly which side is making the 'little digs' you talk about.

So you are not having little digs at Mancini then.... yeah what ever.

I'm not having sly digs. I'm stating my opinion, which isn't all positive. Hurt your feelings much does it?
How long did it take Ferguson to win the title at United?

Just because we are wealthy doesn't mean we can close the gap on very wealthy rivals straight away. We have tried throwing money at it over the years before eg Swales and Allison and failed. Remember Daley, Reeves and co

Read a post somewhere this morning which said Mancini had won 10 trophies in 9 years at 4 clubs in 2 countries. I haven't checked that out, but it sounds right and is an amazing stat.

He was one of the most succesful managers in the history of Italian football, and Inter had won no domestic trophies for around 15 years before Mancini's first success. He made the modern Inter not Mourinho.

This was ideal preparation for the City job. It must have given him huge self-belief and when everyone is telling you that you are doing it wrong, or your tactics stink, that's what you need. When you look at his CV, he was the ideal and best candidate to break City's 35 year hoodoo.

Some fans want instant success and football played like Barcelona. I suppose we all would like that, but the reality is that that is very very difficult and takes luck, and all types of factors and most of all time.

Mancini has had a phenomenal season and those who aren't big enough to admit they are wrong are as pig-headed as he must be

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