How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

yep outed as an EU remoaner - thanks for confirming, continue to whinge away - you were in the minority, get over it!
Not in the minority, time for another vote now that the people who voted for it but were not complete morons have seen sense.

Those who aren't utter fools have realised they were fooled by Bozo and Nigel Farage-Riots, the two biggest liars the country has produced in modern times .
Yep, will take a generation before things cool off I reckon.
I think there would need to be a supermajority (2/3rds) to rejoin (which isn’t going to happen as things stand) and surrender of the pound to make the remaining Member States think it’s worth the hassle. I expect they were (broadly) already tired of the tedious moaning of half our population before we left, so why would they want to subject themselves to that again without having significant reassurance that we have realised the errors of our ways?

52/48 the other way ain’t going to swing it.

Both those things are likely to happen btw (supermajority, loss of pound) just not, as you say, for a generation.
How do you know he’s not a florist?
Just Google florist Brexit

"James Barnes, the chair of the Horticultural Trades Association, which represents the UK plants and nursery industry, pointed out that the process of importing a petunia from the Netherlands had already increased from 19 to 59 steps since Brexit, and the move to now introduce checks at the border would add yet further costs and delays"
Lamentably now is not the time for another vote.

On what basis do you think the EU would want us back, given the Veto?
Fair enough.

We still have the death penalty for traitors don't we?

If/when the evidence of Nigel Farage-Riots working for Putin comes to light we could hold him accountable and maybe the EU would let us keep our veto if we applied the full force of the majesty of British Sovereign law...
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