How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

There will be plenty joining him. It will become a tsunami in the next couple of years. Question is, will enough people be prepared to give up the pound? That’s the only realistic basis for our re-entry. My guess is ‘no’, which I think would be a grave mistake.
We can only hope the pound tanks and takes the economy with it. That should be enough to persuade even the most ardent brexiteers - and a small price for the rest of us to pay for being conspicuously correct.
I voted to join the common market not a European political union. Having said that, Leaving The European Union was possible the most stupid thing we have ever done as a nation, which was compounded by Covid and the Ukraine war. We might never recover as a nation from our own stupidity and our politicians treachery.
We can only hope the pound tanks and takes the economy with it. That should be enough to persuade even the most ardent brexiteers - and a small price for the rest of us to pay for being conspicuously correct.
The pound tanked in June 2016 and has never recovered.
Its VE Day!!! After years of bashing the EU and being pro-Brexit and voting Tory at the last GE ( only to have his new Tory MP announce he won't contest the seat next time ) my Dad has just admitted to me on the phone that he was wrong and that there was strength in being an EU member state plus trade advantages and that he was lied to by the Leave campaign. If you knew my Dad you'd realise how big that penny was that just dropped.

What`s the phrase, better too late than never.
I voted to join the common market not a European political union. Having said that, Leaving The European Union was possible the most stupid thing we have ever done as a nation, which was compounded by Covid and the Ukraine war. We might never recover as a nation from our own stupidity and our politicians treachery.

Just a gentle reminder that you didn't vote to join the Common Market... Heath took us into that without a referendum (one should have been held as it was a constitutional change) It was a Labour Government under Wilson , that realising the enormity of what the Tories had done , held a vote to correct the situation ..... You did in fact vote to stay in the Common Market.

The Tories also agreed to and signed the Maastricht Treaty of 1993 which clearly outlined the direction of the European Union 'and resolved to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe", the Treaty proposed "further steps to be taken in order to advance European integration.

Again the Tories failed to hold a referendum on this despite the fact that other countries did.

Once again the Tory Playbook

!. Create a problem
2. Listen to the noise caused by the problem.
3. Throw a load of taxpayers money in an effort to solve the problem
4. Claim the praise for solving the problem that they created in the first place.

In fact , of all the big decisions made by the Eu , the UK has never held a referendum (some were planned but never actually held) other than those held by Wilson and Brexit.

I would maintain that had the Governments of the day done their job properly and involved the population in decisions about membership of the Eu , we wouldn't be faced with the shit Brexit we have today.
Just a gentle reminder that you didn't vote to join the Common Market... Heath took us into that without a referendum (one should have been held as it was a constitutional change) It was a Labour Government under Wilson , that realising the enormity of what the Tories had done , held a vote to correct the situation ..... You did in fact vote to stay in the Common Market.

The Tories also agreed to and signed the Maastricht Treaty of 1993 which clearly outlined the direction of the European Union 'and resolved to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe", the Treaty proposed "further steps to be taken in order to advance European integration.

Again the Tories failed to hold a referendum on this despite the fact that other countries did.

Once again the Tory Playbook

!. Create a problem
2. Listen to the noise caused by the problem.
3. Throw a load of taxpayers money in an effort to solve the problem
4. Claim the praise for solving the problem that they created in the first place.

In fact , of all the big decisions made by the Eu , the UK has never held a referendum (some were planned but never actually held) other than those held by Wilson and Brexit.

I would maintain that had the Governments of the day done their job properly and involved the population in decisions about membership of the Eu , we wouldn't be faced with the shit Brexit we have today.
I have to disagree with your analysis of this situation. The reason we had Brexit in the first place was because of the constant sniping, wine lakes - butter mountains etc, from the British media. Constantly tell people something is shit and eventually enough people will believe you.

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