How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Another referendum required for that surely.
Not if it's in party manifesto.

Labour should drop the Make Brexit Work nonsense.

"Without applying to rejoin the EU, we will work to restore many of the benefits that we had as members. As there seem to have been no benefits from leaving the EU, this is all positive."

What could the response be? "Look what we'd lose by restoring benefits...."
Tiny little 3'' column on front of financial times today with the even tinier headline; Exporters fear for their place in EU.

Surprise sirfuckinprise..
It's no surprise really. Brewdog were mentioned earlier in the thread, they're a good example. They make good beers, but there's plenty of alternatives to them both here in Ireland and across the EU, so rather than going out of my way to stock them in my business or pressuring my suppliers to source them, I'll simply choose an alternative. The opposite will likely happen within the UK, but it's a far smaller market.
It's no surprise really. Brewdog were mentioned earlier in the thread, they're a good example. They make good beers, but there's plenty of alternatives to them both here in Ireland and across the EU, so rather than going out of my way to stock them in my business or pressuring my suppliers to source them, I'll simply choose an alternative. The opposite will likely happen within the UK, but it's a far smaller market.

Just did an online comparison in a large supermarket chain in the Netherlands, where BrewDog was making inroads before Brexit. A 330ml can of BrewDog IPA (5.4% ABV) retails at 2.29, whereas a 330ml can of Brand IPA (7% ABV) retails at 1.75; Brand is a Dutch company. Hard to compete in that market at that difference.
Just did an online comparison in a large supermarket chain in the Netherlands, where BrewDog was making inroads before Brexit. A 330ml can of BrewDog IPA (5.4% ABV) retails at 2.29, whereas a 330ml can of Brand IPA (7% ABV) retails at 1.75; Brand is a Dutch company. Hard to compete in that market at that difference.
It's not just cost either, it's how quickly and simply you can get the product on the shelves after ordering it.
Its VE Day!!! After years of bashing the EU and being pro-Brexit and voting Tory at the last GE ( only to have his new Tory MP announce he won't contest the seat next time ) my Dad has just admitted to me on the phone that he was wrong and that there was strength in being an EU member state plus trade advantages and that he was lied to by the Leave campaign. If you knew my Dad you'd realise how big that penny was that just dropped.
My Dad chose having a beer after the CL final in Istanbul to accept that he might have got this one wrong. Dunno if having spent the evening having decent chats with Italians, or the pain of travelling through a couple of airports, had done it for him.
Saw some moron wearing a T-shirt with "we are not European anymore" on the front with the date of the referendum on the back yesterday, shopping in a German supermarket chain staffed by immigrants.

Brexiteers don't have any concept of English irony.
I shouldn’t,but I will.
The English in general, Brexiteers or not, are only starting to see the irony you speak of, that the rest of the world copped onto a long time ago.

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