How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

I shouldn’t,but I will.
The English in general, Brexiteers or not, are only starting to see the irony you speak of, that the rest of the world copped onto a long time ago.

exceptionalism is a myth held solely in the minds of those who believe in it - its displayed in many ways but think of those people who voted for Brexit as they were against FoM having taken advantage of FoM to move to Spain and work in the black economy there and avoiding taxes. The thing they were convinced by others "forriners" were doing here - then they lived in "ex-pat" ( not immigrant ) ghetto's and refused to learn the language or even obtain a valid local driving license who then became outraged and blamed the "vindictive" EU when it used their vote to boot them out of Spain. Those people were so stupid it beggars belief

desperate gaslit racist thinks these places will just lie back and take it - fucking desperate flailing around for a solution

Where do you start with that?

Refugees to Montserrat? Half the population of Montserrat are refugees from the volcanic half of the island that blew up in 1995.
I've got a better idea.

When Russia pays reparations to Ukraine there will be plenty of work there rebuilding towns. British firms get the contracts, train and employ refugees, rebuild Eastern Ukraine, then they come back here and build 40 new hospitals. Sorted.
Where do you start with that?

Refugees to Montserrat? Half the population of Montserrat are refugees from the volcanic half of the island that blew up in 1995.
The bloke clearly looked at the Wikipedia page listing the British overseas territories which triggered his two brain cells to come up with a hare brained scheme.

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