How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Is he right wing ?
All the shows I’ve heard him on is critical of the Tories and Brexit etc

Oh he is alright - heard him refer to people working from home as "woke from home" when Reet-Smug was going on about it - denounced any idea of an experiment on Universal Basic Income as just giving lazy people free money - he is deffo one on them that works on the premise anyone in receipt of any benefits just wastes them on fags, drugs and flat screen tellies
So sick of brexit idiots saying that leaving the EU has had no discernable effect on them or their finances. Deluded doesn't even start to cover it - it's like they have not even noticed empty shelves, Ukraine, climate change or the cost of living crisis and inflation.
We are now paying more for everything (assuming we can even get it) than anywhere else in the world while the EU prospers, yet we hear nothing if this?
So sick of brexit idiots saying that leaving the EU has had no discernable effect on them or their finances. Deluded doesn't even start to cover it - it's like they have not even noticed empty shelves, Ukraine, climate change or the cost of living crisis and inflation.
We are now paying more for everything (assuming we can even get it) than anywhere else in the world while the EU prospers, yet we hear nothing if this?
People are starting to realise but it’s difficult to take on that you’ve been duped, especially when nobody wants to talk about it.

It‘s sinking in, and the drip-drip effect is slowly, but surely, bringing people around.
So sick of brexit idiots saying that leaving the EU has had no discernable effect on them or their finances. Deluded doesn't even start to cover it - it's like they have not even noticed empty shelves, Ukraine, climate change or the cost of living crisis and inflation.
We are now paying more for everything (assuming we can even get it) than anywhere else in the world while the EU prospers, yet we hear nothing if this?
We’ve completely fucking blown it
We’ve completely fucking blown it

The full impact will come when we have to check everything being imported from Autumn this year - in typical Johnson fashion this was kicked down the road until we will have to do it and the reason for that is cut the EU free access to the UK markets or face the fact that the WTO are about to tell us that if we are letting the EU have tariff free access to the UK then we have to let the world do so ...... and pay a fine.

Some thick twats or devious cunts persuaded people with lies about "free trade" post Brexit but the fact is we could face a very lean and very expensive Xmas dinner this year. For Brexit to work - if it ever could - required a hard working Govt to move mountains - we had Johnson and a Govt who was just fighting with itself and a PM who was just hard work averse
We’ve completely fucking blown it

The full impact will come when we have to check everything being imported from Autumn this year - in typical Johnson fashion this was kicked down the road until we will have to do it and the reason for that is cut the EU free access to the UK markets or face the fact that the WTO are about to tell us that if we are letting the EU have tariff free access to the UK then we have to let the world do so ...... and pay a fine.

Some thick twats or devious cunts persuaded people with lies about "free trade" post Brexit but the fact is we could face a very lean and very expensive Xmas dinner this year. For Brexit to work - if it ever could - required a hard working Govt to move mountains - we had Johnson and a Govt who was just fighting with itself and a PM who was just hard work averse
I can't see there being a Xmas this year, and frankly good - maybe that's what it will take for the stupid racists that voted for this to wake up.
The full impact will come when we have to check everything being imported from Autumn this year - in typical Johnson fashion this was kicked down the road until we will have to do it and the reason for that is cut the EU free access to the UK markets or face the fact that the WTO are about to tell us that if we are letting the EU have tariff free access to the UK then we have to let the world do so ...... and pay a fine.

Some thick twats or devious cunts persuaded people with lies about "free trade" post Brexit but the fact is we could face a very lean and very expensive Xmas dinner this year. For Brexit to work - if it ever could - required a hard working Govt to move mountains - we had Johnson and a Govt who was just fighting with itself and a PM who was just hard work averse
You just copied me

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