How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

we can vote to TRY and re-join - thats when the world of pain that brings starts. We didn't just accidentally leave via the wrong door - we effectively have to convince 27 other member countries to invite us back....... there will be many many strings

We could, but for all the reasons you've said, it's not worth doing. So let's just see if we can be as close to Europe as possible without joining, bin off the Tories and avoid the division of trying to undo the vote. It'll be a future generation that rejoins Europe.
Whilst the sarcasm is mildly amusing it’s also a bit tedious - Brexit is having a serious impact for many people and their livelihoods, it’s not something to constantly downplay.
Not just in Britain or Europe either. I'm in Australia nowadays and rampant inflation here in both goods and property has created a cost of living crisis and the currency is weakening - all since Boris 'got brexit done' in 2020. The effect brexit has had on the global economy is a source of shame to me and it should be to any other pom with a conscience.
Was doing a bit of driving yesterday and listening to various presenters on LBC, both right and left.

Christ it was depressing.
So in summary:

Our trading relations with EU is totally fucked making all of us poorer
Our NHS is fucked and will not survive without massive over overhaul
Our Education system is fucked with 30% of teachers leaving last year
Our public transport system is fucked particularly our rail service
Our roads are fucked and becoming the worst maintained and congested in Europe
Our water industry is fucked and will either go bust or turn our precious rivers and seas into open sewers
Our power providers are fucking us. No strategic plan, caught with their pants down when wholesale prices rocket.

Is there anything in the UK (except Manchester City) that is not fucked (and by god they are trying).
The whole thing smacks of a lack of intelligence, a lack of planning, a belief that privatisation is the answer to everything even when you don't oversight it effectively, a lack of investment.........
Meanwhile, Charles receives the Scottish crown jewels in Edinburgh so all is well.
My finances are fucked too!
I am by no means a stirrer in here I can try to assure you all.
There are a few, I realise.
But I can’t believe I’ve stymied a couple of threads now with a few dropped videos that no one wants to address or comment on.

Have I hit a raw nerve when it comes to English nationalism?

Is there an inevitability about where the UK is going?

Does rehabilitation in Europe require disintegration of an outdated Union?

Is the Monarchy dead?

Believe me, my only interest in all of this is where it leads us on the island of Ireland.
And where this leads will determine where we ultimately follow, although for the first time ever, I believe we are ahead of you.
I am by no means a stirrer in here I can try to assure you all.
There are a few, I realise.
But I can’t believe I’ve stymied a couple of threads now with a few dropped videos that no one wants to address or comment on.

Have I hit a raw nerve when it comes to English nationalism?

Is there an inevitability about where the UK is going?

Does rehabilitation in Europe require disintegration of an outdated Union?

Is the Monarchy dead?

Believe me, my only interest in all of this is where it leads us on the island of Ireland.
And where this leads will determine where we ultimately follow, although for the first time ever, I believe we are ahead of you.
The partition of Ireland (and possibly the UK) is an anachronism which we will have to live with until the idiots who believe these tiny bits of land should be divided along religious or cultural lines are all dead.
Surely the most sensible solution to petty (nationalistic) tribal arguments would be a European state governed from Brussels? Imagine explaining the division of Ireland and England, Scotland, Wales to an alien - they'd think you were off your tits.

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