How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

No matter how many times this is said on here, it’s absolute fucking rubbish.

Permanent member of the UN Security Council, one of only 5 nations to hold that privilege. A Nuclear power, member of 5 eyes, some of the world finest security services, major member of NATO, I could go on.

If you genuinely believe what you say then you don’t live in the same Nation that I do imo.
Some on here have always loved doing the UK down, it's a bit sad really.
And military/diplomatic decline follows economic decline as night follows day.

Our seat on the UN Security Council was not given to us by God. It can be taken from us. There is already a case for giving India one. When we were in the EU, we were effectively one of two reps for the economic powerhouse that is the European Union. Now we just represent ourselves.

We have lost our Empire. We have trashed the replacement we found for it. The world is a cold and lonely place. Great power? The Navy is tiny. We have two aircraft carriers we can't really afford, and seem at best to have one in service due to reliability. The Daring class destroyers are notable for their unreliability. It's actually quite scary.

The Army has about 80,000 effectives. After WWI, Germany was limited to 100,000 after the punitive Versailles Treaty and that has been called 'a police force.' When we were in Iraq our soldiers did so much borrowing off the US Army we were known as 'The Borrowers'. I distinctly remember public collections being made for basic items for our troops as things like this were not supplied - by the same Government that was sending them to risk their lives. Tales of soldiers buying kit with their own money abound.

I don't know too much about the RAF, but I do know our allies often do the intercepting of Russian planes on our behalf.

The bottom line is we can't afford anything better. The USSR was brought down because it could no longer keep up with US military hardware due to economic weakness. We are in a similar case.
To be honest I personally don't feel any need to be a world power. Plenty of countries our size seem quite happy and comfortable just getiing on with their own business. Think people thinking we were or should be a world power is what led to Brexit in the first place.
We are irrelevant now as as "world power."

Seen as the small angry man at the bar who's always looking for a scrap and patronised by everyone else's in there.

Another #BrexitBenefit

The Beeb are making a lot out of Modi greeting Sunak and yet to report on the dinner cancellation. Sunak can't get a decent deal here. Modi knows the relative sizes of the two economy's and what's on offer - he will want a lot more student visa's to be granted as to grow his economy even more he needs an educated younger cohort so Uni's all over the world are attractive. We have Uni's in need of students to survive and those from India will pay higher fees anyway so helpful to Sunak in a number of ways.

However the ERG/UKIP rump that is actually running his Party won't allow that though - anything from students overstaying visa's to illegal workers will be thrown at him - some of them will just be saying that we don't need any more brown faces here they have free rein to do that now.

Rock - Hard Place - thats Sunak's life from now until he loses the next GE.
To be honest I personally don't feel any need to be a world power. Plenty of countries our size seem quite happy and comfortable just getiing on with their own business. Think people thinking we were or should be a world power is what led to Brexit in the first place.

It does however show the great irony of the pro-Brexit schtick that was pitched. The propaganda that pushed it said it would make the U.K. “stronger” and unleash “untapped potential”. I’m sure citizens of Scandinavian countries don’t lament their relevance on the world stage but I definitely feel bad for those “patriotic” U.K. citizens who thought the former prestige of the British Empire was returning.
The Beeb are making a lot out of Modi greeting Sunak and yet to report on the dinner cancellation. Sunak can't get a decent deal here. Modi knows the relative sizes of the two economy's and what's on offer - he will want a lot more student visa's to be granted as to grow his economy even more he needs an educated younger cohort so Uni's all over the world are attractive. We have Uni's in need of students to survive and those from India will pay higher fees anyway so helpful to Sunak in a number of ways.

However the ERG/UKIP rump that is actually running his Party won't allow that though - anything from students overstaying visa's to illegal workers will be thrown at him - some of them will just be saying that we don't need any more brown faces here they have free rein to do that now.

Rock - Hard Place - thats Sunak's life from now until he loses the next GE.

The big talk of the India/UK trade deal is pretty hilarious. Anyone who thinks a good deal with India will be reached under the Tories is in for a bad time. I guess that’s what happens when you enter a battle of wits unarmed.
The big talk of the India/UK trade deal is pretty hilarious. Anyone who thinks a good deal with India will be reached under the Tories is in for a bad time. I guess that’s what happens when you enter a battle of wits unarmed.
When you have Indian business people saying that they want this deal, you know that it’s not us who will be getting the greatest benefit.

Like the other shitty deals, the UK will suffer for it.
Which is somewhat hypocritical as many remainers argued that the 52% should be ignored. The whole debate on this which has been going on for years shows how people really really don't like not getting their own way.

The whole debate was between those who took a 52/48 vote as a cue to leave with as little disruption as possible, and the nutters.
Brexit was a huge mistake, one I’ve owned and admitted too but I find this statement a tad hypocritical I’m afraid given how the 48% demanded the wishes of the 52% just be ignored and the vote to leave overturned.

Had that happened any notion of harmony or compromise would have been entirely non existent and the damage far greater than anything leaving the EU imo.

To be fair, I know you was never one of those wanting that.
Cobblers. Same reason.

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