How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

My point was that the likes of BMW don't need state aid, but that the government is happy to hand over tax payers cash to effectively bribe companies to stay in the UK. They did the same with the likes of Sony in south Wales after the mines closed. Guess what happenened when the subsidy stopped.

Yes that's fair enough.
I object to tax payers money going towards propping up a badly managed firm whose owners were still taking money out,despite knowing the firm was struggling a while back.
Feel sorry for the staff though.
only a body the size of the EU can resist the wealth and influence of the far right, which was the driving force behind brexit, backed to the hilt by big oil,big pharma, multinationals venture capitalists, vulture capitalists, et al. Politics ? nah insatiable greed for power and wealth, and therefore the arch-enemy of democracy. Russia sees the EU as a barrier to annexing Europe, China sees it as a trade threat, both backed brexit, two major communist countries aligning with the far far right, ?? The world's major religions are implacably opposed to stemming an ever-increasing population explosion in a world facng dwindling fresh water shortages, for reasons that they hide behind fairy-tale like scriptures, never saying the bleedin' obvious, "more babies, more power"
Where's that fiery comet when you need it, ffs.
There is no ever-increasing population explosion. And Russia communist?
Not going to get involved in the on-going Brexit debate. It will go on forever.

I did vote leave.

What I will point out is this.

We were told constantly by Remain via 'Project Fear', which was nothing more than political scare mongering throughout the referendum, that the British Car industry will be decimated, with car production being transferred to Europe, with the loss of 1000's of car manufacturing jobs. That hasn't happen. Instead car manufacturers have remained in the UK, invested billions in the UK car manufacturing industry, and created 1000's of new jobs.
I'm not sure where this "30% reduction" in car production comes from. The UK built 1.7m cars in 2016 (highest for 17 years) and everyone expected it to go near £2m. It's now a million down on that 2016 high.

Define decimated.
I don't know about Russia, however, of the Chinese people I speak to who know about brexit believe that it was a stupid thing for the UK to do and just say "Why"?
They are at a loss.
In its global world I get to speak to many people from different nations and not one of them can understand what we did. During a conversation with American friends which started off about Trump, it soon turned to us and Brexit where the table was turned to ‘How could your people be so dumb, seems we all have a crazy bunch.’.
I'm not sure where this "30% reduction" in car production comes from. The UK built 1.7m cars in 2016 (highest for 17 years) and everyone expected it to go near £2m. It's now a million down on that 2016 high.

Define decimated.
It’s down 30% since pre-pandemic, and the EU was down 22% in the same time period.
It’s down 30% since pre-pandemic, and the EU was down 22% in the same time period.
That was largely pandemic then worldwide shortage of components. After all that, EU car production is down about 25% since 2016, UK about 60%. It would be worse if Nissan hadn't had a billion pounds of public money to stay in the UK.
So after a hard days graft and just catching up I see that the politics forum illuminati don’t think the BMW news was all that great.

Oh well, never mind.

Back to we have completely fucking blown it we go then ;-)
So after a hard days graft and just catching up I see that the politics forum illuminati don’t think the BMW news was all that great.

Oh well, never mind.

Back to we have completely fucking blown it we go then ;-)
Of course it’s great but it’s only deluded numpties that think it’s some sort of Brexit victory.

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