How do you feel about our success - Old Blues?

we didnt make the rules up, sky did when they created their brand and the eager elite have exploited everyone since, most shamelessly their own supporters with ridiculous prices and kick-off times

at least our owners, ironic as it seems being that they're foreign, appear to have a genuine interest in not only us a fans, but the local area we all represent

i'm proud to have crawled through the shit (shawshank reference) and put up with the shit to reach this point - we may not have earned our break on the pitch, but football is nothing without supporters and no-one, and i mean no-one, can argue we didn't deserve our break off the pitch
The 68 championship team , was a team built by mercer/allison for buttons ,and it was a real feat to win the league with 11 englishmen , playing entertaining football. The current team is technically a far better side , but it doesnt give me the same feeling of pride i felt for the 68 team, because we will have bought the premiership , but that is just modern day football .I am pleased for my sons who have watched a lot of shite for 20 odd years , and i truly believe this is just the beginning , City are going to dominate english and european football for a long time , and when baconface retires , yoonited will go back to being the joke team they were in the 70's and 80's
57 years old and I came to the conclusion some time ago that the only way we would ever win anything ever again was to have some miraculous youth policy (unlikely) or a sugar daddy owner (even more unlikely)

I'd resigned myself to a silverless future watching dull mediocrity enlightened by the odd gem.

We know what happened!!

I love watching this team who positively savour every possession, who try and make a beautiful goal each time they attack. What is not too like.

I don't worry one iota about "buying" the title, whenever that happens, because that it what happens throughout all tiers of the game, it's just magnified in the Premier League.

Enjoy the ride. I hope to have many newer memories soon to acompany all those I have of 67/68.

You kids are so lucky!!
48yrs old and been watching since i was 6...I am just enjoying the football to be honest...I don't give the money a second is what it is...I've had loads of people tell me 'you can't buy team spirit' so if we lift the league they can all do one.

I hope we go on to establish ourselves as a force in world club feels slightly surreal still watching the likes of Silva, Aguero and Balo in the beloved Blue but I could get used to it.
Mixed feelings, having been in the "crowd" of 8015 at Maine Road in 1965 v Swindon,..dark days.

Overall, I would say positive, got to be better than mid table mediocrity like Fulham,Everton, Stoke etc.

I suspect fans of those clubs would not look a gift horse in the mouth given the chance.
I am only 32 so certainly dont count myself as an old blue (stop writing on this thread then you little twat!) but I do have some sympathy with your feelings. I am living with conflict I guess, loving the football side of things but its morally wrong that our owners have so much cash, its insane it really is.

Not a socialist as I believe its an idealistic concept that only presents more opportunity for those that would exploit their position to feed their greed at the expense of others.

At the moment I ignore my politics and morals and concentrate on the sport which I love watching and playing.....not sure how long that will last for me though. Long enough to see us win the league though that's for certain ha ha.
I'm 50 with 43 Football supporting years put in and with the shite we had to watch for most of those years they have been hard earned. I deserve every little bit of this and so do you.

Most of us aren't stupid. We knew from takeover day that Wealth in Football equates to power and that power brings in the Trophy's.

Many on the thread have used the term "enjoy the ride"; well I surpassed this and told every Scum,Dipper and Everton fan who crossed my path that City and success were a Match made in Heaven and it was happening right here and now.
Forget what this success has cost, we have served our time in spades. Forget the 35 barron years, forget the double relegation, forget the fact that whilst we were the laughing stock of football our biggest hated rivals were winning the treble including the Champions League, Premier League and FA Cup, forget comedy signings, comedy managers, comedy chairman.

Even putting all of that to one side how many clubs fans could live with the scum and the swamp 5 miles down the road.

The whole world know about the scum, you can land in the jungle, the moon, the middle of China and you will find some dickhead wearing their colours.

Whilst all of the above has been going on we have convinced our children that the blue path was the one to follow and whilst some have failed, thousands of us have raised dedicated " City till I die " supporters who in turn can raise their children and our grandchildren to follow the blue religion.

How do I feel about the success that is coming.....................I will not be like a rag and gloat but I will enjoy what we have earned.

What I will enjoy more is watching United slowly become our Puppet Masters and will take the piss out of everyone of them until my dying day.
Bought the league ha don`t make me laugh.

All the sheik did was allow us to get a foot in the big 4 door.

With the ffrp we as a club have to stay there.

Also mancini had to get the team to play as a team.

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