How long have you been a City fan?

jimharri said:
Since I actually appreciated what they were about? The early seventies. Born in '62 so, unfortunately, a little too young to fully enjoy the Mercer/Allison era of dominance.

Similar for me - born in '63 and supporting City from June '69.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:09 pm --<br /><br />
Ancient Citizen said:
Sep 1959- City 3 Rags 0. With my cousin, went in his MG, me just a kid. Rich twat.

Flippin' Heck. Thats a tribute to loyalty!
My Mam grew up in Moss Side and has a family of Blues. She was a Maine Road regular from about 1970. Me Dad grew up in Timperley and was taken to Maine Road one week and Old Trafford the week after, as a kid from the mid-60's, by his Dad. Where his brother went and became a Rag, my Dad sided with his Dad and became a Blue and was a regular up until 2006.

I didn't have City forced on me. My Dad even gave me a choice as a kid, if I wanted to go to United I could. But I wanted to stick with both my parents and most of my family and be a City fan. I was born in 1982, I remember one game only on the tele of City when I was young, but remember well listening to the second half commentary on Piccadilly radio on a Saturday afternoon round me Nans house ("it's a goal" "oh no") while my Dad and my Mams brothers and cousins would go to the match and come back and tell me the stories of what happened.

Then in the 1988-89 season, when I was 6/7, my Dad started taking me to games. We went home and away at the back end of that promotion season and with getting promoted and seeing young Mancunians throughout our squad I thought City were amazing!

My first derby was the 5-1.

Then it was Italia 90 and England got to the semi's and the furour that surrounded that was amazing, even for an 8 year old.

I thought footy was amazing as a kid!

I very much less so think that way now. It gets to the point when I see diving and feigning injury, shit atmospheres, people who hate England just because United players might play for them, no video technology, shit officiating that doesn't in any way make up for not having video tech, United fans, the shit media that surrounds the game, and so on and so on... football can drive me mad, and in many ways I hate the game. I even really dislike a huge amount of my fellow City fans. There are loads of absolute tools and clowns who follow us, proper knobs! But I still love the club and would never want to lose my SC. I try and think of MCFC as my club. They play for me and I support them. If anyone else happens to do the same then sobeit. Luckily nearly 100% of all my mates are Blues and are likeminded Blues as I am. Patient, realistic!
My brother indoctrinated me (despite my Dad....his stepfather being a rag)... first time it hit home was when I cried when we lost the FA Cup replay to Spurs, I was 6. My brother wasn't allowed to take me to games as he was a bit of a 'lad' and to be fair to my Dad he did starting in '83, first game I attended on my own (well with mates) was Paul Power's testimonial game against the blue dippers.....
Early 70s for me Mercer/Allison era, seen the greats in blue shirts, went to Wembley twice 1win and 1lose.
Born in 93, but was in a divided house (Dad - blue, Mum - rag) so didn't actually say 'I support ___', I'd just say I supported England. My dad took me to watch us lose 1-0 to Reading in 98, and my mum took me to watch them batter someone a few months later, which I still regret having some joy in them winning to this day. Still undecided, even though I told my mum I'd learnt the song 'if you hate man united clap your hands' and clapped along with it. I went to another match with my dad, followed by the playoff final. I was crying my eyes out when we went 2-0 down, despite not actually being a proper self pronounced blue. Don't recall even watching their match against Bayern Munich. Went to a few more City matches with my dad as well the next season. In November 99 for my 6th Birthday my uncle got me a city shirt (with Kennedy on the back because he was fucking mint), which was when I decided to say to my mum 'Mum I'm a City fan now, I don't like United'. I even remember trying to make an excuse up like they were nicer by sending me a card, when it was probably just the shirt. So far to the extent that if someone had bought me a rag shirt I'd now be a fucking ****. So officially I've been a City fan since 1999, but I do argue that the signs were showing from an early stage!

Probably went into a bit too much detail.
since i was 7 i got bullied buy group of other kids on my street for being a blue they wer rags so i thought am not changeing for them to be my freind as i tell my kids now ur born a blue u live a blue n ur die a blue lol
Born in '98. According to my dad my first game was when i was 3, but the first game i remember properly is the last game of maine road against southampton. Followed city all my life really and i have a season ticket in 118 :)
Been a City fan for as long as I can remember and I'm 27. Majority of my family are blue so I guess it comes from that. I remember in primary school my default response to any of my rag mates giving me shit was "yeah, we beat you 5-1".

First match was in 1994/5 through school - our head teacher knew Alex Williams and got us some complementary tickets. It was City vs Norwich, we sat in the Kippax and got piss wet through, won 2-0, Quinn & Rosler scored.

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