How Lucky We Are, Especially Fans That Can Attend Matches

Mate of mine (not Tunnel Club member but sits close to it) actually did this on Thursday. Nipped out for a piss just before half-time and couldn't believe the scoreboard when he got back.
That happened to one of my sons years ago when we battered Newcastle 6-1 . Augero had one goal and when he got back from the bog he had a hat trick.
It was a smattering of frustrated boos from a small minority of fans which the media have hyped up in their usual dishonest way.
I think is is spot on. I sit in 106 and there were a few (and I mean a few) isolated boos at half time. However there was a lot groaning and moaning after yet another 45 minutes of slow, boring football and the concession of two soft goals in a minute. Personally I just sat in my seat in stunned silence. I honestly thought about going home but obviously I’m glad I stayed.

I have supported City for over 50 years so I’m not a “plastic”. I think the fans’ frustration comes from a perceived lack of effort/intensity in our play this season. The difference in attitude from the players in the second half was a clear illustration of just how poor we have been for much of this season, especially in the last few games. If we had played the rest of our games at even 75% of the intensity we showed against Spurs we wouldn’t even be thinking about Arsenal, let alone wondering if we are going to catch them.
Mate of mine (not Tunnel Club member but sits close to it) actually did this on Thursday. Nipped out for a piss just before half-time and couldn't believe the scoreboard when he got back.
The two guys that sit next to me went to the bar and half time and when they came back it was 2-2.
To boo, or not to boo. That is not the question.

Pep has given us the finest football ever seen on these shores. Booing the team is a bit down market for my liking, at this point. We are still in contention, and Peps 'good-will tank' is still fully topped up for a long time to come, in my opinion.

As others have stated, it seems most (who KNEW what they were booing for) were booing the performance of the referee. And after the Utd game I dont think we need much encouragement to boo the men in black for the rest of the season. Some just jumped onto the booing bandwagon and aired their frustration at a game, that we were in control of, had just been snatched from our hand, by our other sleepwalking kamikaze hand.

I am not against booing, the customer has his right to complain about the services paid for not being fit for purpose. Long may that continue. In-fact, on some occasions it is just what a team needs to wake them from a fugue state. Everyone needs a reality check sometimes. Personally, I would expel any fan that does the cringy 'Ole' chant bullshit before an honest boo-er.

Anyway, the upshot is that we now have the rag-tops feasting on our WIN like it is a civil war going down in the club. Pep has said his piece, lets not give these wank-stains in the press any further reason to drive a fictitious wedge between the club and fans and manager.
I sit in 136, didn't hear any booing.
I watched the highlights on sky when I got home, and there did seem to be some.
How strange..
If you go to Ian Cheesman's blog below and scroll to 11.01 you can see the players trudging off at half time but you can't hear any boos. It confirms what I thought in the stadium there were just a few isolated frustrated boos aimed at the referee. But the media have spun it into an anti-City hatefest and Pep was daft enough to be taken in. The story has been running for 24 hours on all channels.It is just another example of the way the English media distorts and twists the facts.

I boo the CL 'Anthem' lol that's it.

But I have booed the ref before so I guess it could be mistakenly be aimed at the team.
The ref allowed spuds to kick the shit out of young Lewis. He isnt the first ref to allow this either.

Perhaps feel it's more their right to boo nowadays. Going back it was a few quid to go on the stands, get a few beers and chips have a laugh.
Nowadays it's a few 100 quid just for tickets ! So perhaps it's a case of I have just spent a couple of hundred quid to see these last 2 minutes !.

It's not the way I think but others might

I don't know why you would boo a team that has won 4 out of the last 5 leagues. As we know City are capable of a few brain farts that's part the fun of City.
Nobody is "Lucky" to be paying £70 to watch a game of football, in fact it's mad isn't it? What happened to the £30 away tickets and the biggest noticeable difference is the openly blasé way that ticket touts are just out in the open flogging tickets.

Won't be long until the working class roots of football is gone completely.
If you go to Ian Cheesman's blog below and scroll to 11.01 you can see the players trudging off at half time but you can't hear any boos. It confirms what I thought in the stadium there were just a few isolated frustrated boos aimed at the referee. But the media have spun it into an anti-City hatefest and Pep was daft enough to be taken in. The story has been running for 24 hours on all channels.It is just another example of the way the English media distorts and twists the facts.

I heard Mahrez being interviewed on the way home after the match on Thursday.
Interviewer trying to shit stir asked him about the booing.
Mahrez sounded genuinely surprised and said he didn't hear any.
Funny how you cant hear City fans on any game on tv unless you get a few booing, which then apparently turns into wall of sound that shatters the windows of every media building in the country.

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