How many are in the Blue alliance

daveduke67 said:
liamctid said:
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Thank you for making it so clear, the Blue alliance is the equivalent of rags Men In Black.

That's exactly what we are. I love smacking women on the bottom with a feather duster whist wearing my gimp mask. I prefer it when we swap roles though
Edited etc.

The BA - like singing and drinking.
Others - like drinking and not really singing much.
A few - don't drink but do sing.
Some - don't drink and don't sing.
A handfull - can't remember what they do.

The BA sing some shit songs, they get pissed and act a bit daft at times but I don't think they need to be slated for it. Would their critics prefer the Blue Rinse Alliance - the Colin Bell 2nd Tier ultras who don't sing, don't cheer and don't Poznan but who do sip hot coffee from a flask, have sandwiches cut into triangles and wear sensible clothing.

Leave them alone - you'll only please some of the people all of the time etc. I don't want to be part of the B.A. maybe 20 years I would, but not now. I don't like the racket they make but I don't think they should stop it - I'll just not go to Mary D's or wherever they go.

Keep it up BA - just not on the same train/block as I'm on if you can ;-)

My flask is full of Scotch Broth, there are no crusts on my sandwiches and my brogues are well polished. Yet I am still turned away from the Sponsors Lounge. The Blue Alliance are very quiet about this.
sweynforkbeard said:
daveduke67 said:
liamctid said:
That's exactly what we are. I love smacking women on the bottom with a feather duster whist wearing my gimp mask. I prefer it when we swap roles though
Edited etc.

The BA - like singing and drinking.
Others - like drinking and not really singing much.
A few - don't drink but do sing.
Some - don't drink and don't sing.
A handfull - can't remember what they do.

The BA sing some shit songs, they get pissed and act a bit daft at times but I don't think they need to be slated for it. Would their critics prefer the Blue Rinse Alliance - the Colin Bell 2nd Tier ultras who don't sing, don't cheer and don't Poznan but who do sip hot coffee from a flask, have sandwiches cut into triangles and wear sensible clothing.

Leave them alone - you'll only please some of the people all of the time etc. I don't want to be part of the B.A. maybe 20 years I would, but not now. I don't like the racket they make but I don't think they should stop it - I'll just not go to Mary D's or wherever they go.

Keep it up BA - just not on the same train/block as I'm on if you can ;-)

My flask is full of Scotch Broth, there are no crusts on my sandwiches and my brogues are well polished. Yet I am still turned away from the Sponsors Lounge. The Blue Alliance are very quiet about this.
There we have it. Giving it the big one about 'helping Blues' this and 'sorting tickets' that but when push comes to shove (and from what I have read they do like a good shove) they leave a Blue in need high and dry.

Where were they when this honourable gentleman is shamefully refused entry to the Sponsor's Lounge? Where are the protest songs?? WHERE ARE THE PROTEST SONGS???

The sound you hear is the sound of headstones toppling as poor, young Bobby Dylan spins in his grave.

For shame.
liamctid said:
In answer to the OP; there isn't a number as such. There's about 7000 people on the Facebook page, but you only need to have a look on there to see that a lot of people have no idea who the originating members of it were.

The City Centre Blues branch is associated with The Blue Alliance, and I couldn't tell you an exact number (I should know, being chairman an all) of members but it's round the 100 mark.

There's a lot of misconceptions about who we are, and there's a lot of myths that surround us. I'm not spotty, I'm not a teenager, I'm not reliant on my mum and dad (although I do still at home so I can afford away games + my mums gravy is like no other), I haven't been to Uni for years. I'm 24 (although look about 15 years older), and work. Most of the lads which would be considered to be "Blue Alliance" are between 19-26. I don't think I'm the biggest or best fan in the world - how can I be? I don't even live in Manchester...

Basically, since Garry Cook departed from City, we've gone up the tables as far as "things to hate about Manchester City" go. I think we're a little bit behind Peter Fletcher, but are giving Hugh Ferris a run for his money.

We set out back in 2009 under the name "Blue Alliance" as a platform for other like minded fans to get together. I know some people disagree with having a name as such, but would people prefer it to be called "come on an away day with Liam and Felix and stand at the back and sing"? Thought not.

Unfortunately some people hate the fact that a group of lads are (generally) young and going to City every week, singing for 90 minutes and having a good time. Did I go to York away? No. But I went to Wycombe and Bournemouth away.

And then people blame us for things. Was it our idea to put the away fans in the third tier? No, we don't work for the club. In fact the "Operation One End" threads started on this forum before me and Felix even knew each other. I've stated on many threads before; I stand in 118 and cannot hear the away fans, so whether they're there or not doesn't bother me. Do we start fights with people who don't sing songs? Apparently, but I have no idea when this was supposed to be. Do we sing our own songs and not join in with others? Absolute bollocks; although I personally tend to start a lot of songs, so if a song is being sung amongst a lot of people I will probably save my voice. Is this one big ego trip? No it fucking isn't. Honestly, you ask anyone that's ever met me or Felix and they will more than likely tell you that we're just nice, normal people.

Thanks for your time.

We'll meet again in another two weeks when people feel the need to blame things on us.


oh and if you're bored, you can always read my blog: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Great post liam. You're taking far too much shit at the moment mate
liamctid said:
117 M34 said:
Were they at the match on Saturday? Didn't think I could hear them - I normally can

We were. I went to Morrissey night at the Star and Garter on Friday night and was horrificly pissed/sick. Didn't look or feel too well, as I'm sure a few will agree with!
Fucking hell, a whole night of Morrisey music?
Is this for real? Is it a Community Service punishment or something?
I think I'd rather do a month inside, to be honest.
By the way, jrb, not everyone you might class as 'middle aged' is a hater. Far from it.
As long as the BA just have their fun without getting in anyone's face or giving it any 'Bigger Blue than you' bullshit - which they have been accused of in the past but have always denied, to be fair - then I'm all for them and what they're trying to do. And would almost certainly have joined them if I was their age.
BillyMC said:
Bit pissed off with the BA to be honest...too many of them started wearing those ridiculous shit stopper jeans with the elasticated bit around the bottom and the arse hanging out plus shitty deck plimsols and those fucking daft haircuts as sported by that silly twat who got chucked off x factor ...get a grip you scruffy bastards...your a disgrace to terrace fashions.

PMSL!!!!! So true as well!!
" Listen , if you wanna join TBA youve gotta really hate the Rags "
" I do "
" oh yea ..... how much ? "
" A lot !"
"................ right your in ! "
The cookie monster said:
jrb said:
Here's a thought.

To all those complaining about BA.

What were you doing when you were 18-26, following City up and down the country all those years ago?

Don't tell me. Your Mam waved you off with a flask full of tomato soup and a peck on the cheek.

You moaning middle aged silver fox f***er's need to get a life and remember how it used to be when we, the lads, owned the terraces and did want we wanted.

I'm sure just like me you'd give almost anything to turn the clock back and to do it all again. ;-)

Some of us were following city way before that age up and down the country.

I was going off the average age quoted for a BA member.
Just had a convo with a mate who's part of the BA, he tells me these debates on here Facebook and twitter are all a ploy from inner BA's. Purely to get there Name spread, hell tells me whilst having a sly laugh, he then went on to tell me that the gang have only just started and that already they are doing things other supporters clubs could only dream of. What I dunno? This guy was a mate, are the BA trying to be more than just a supporters club? Very sad guys.
Kevinwebster said:
Just had a convo with a mate who's part of the BA, he tells me these debates on here Facebook and twitter are all a ploy from inner BA's. Purely to get there Name spread, hell tells me whilst having a sly laugh, he then went on to tell me that the gang have only just started and that already they are doing things other supporters clubs could only dream of. What I dunno? This guy was a mate, are the BA trying to be more than just a supporters club? Very sad guys.
haaahahha what a load of bullshit
Kevinwebster said:
Just had a convo with a mate who's part of the BA, he tells me these debates on here Facebook and twitter are all a ploy from inner BA's. Purely to get there Name spread, hell tells me whilst having a sly laugh, he then went on to tell me that the gang have only just started and that already they are doing things other supporters clubs could only dream of. What I dunno? This guy was a mate, are the BA trying to be more than just a supporters club? Very sad guys.

He was a mate and you ratted him out? Some mate you are!

Seriously though, bollocks.

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