How many are in the Blue alliance

markbmcfc said:
Blue Punter said:
liamctid said:
Honestly, you ask anyone that's ever met me or Felix and they will more than likely tell you that we're just nice, normal people.

I can confirm this. Both good lads.


Though, they did both once persuade me to 'go round Manchester' in the pissing rain when everything was shut. Literally a minute after getting into town we were trying to get a taxi to go home.

Also, Liam persuaded me to have a Superman 'S' (or Z in Liam's case) temporarily tattooed on my arm in Barcelona which took about three weeks to clean off.

Good times.
woah! you crazy guys! haha,only kidding you sound like a good bunch of lads who love City and having a piss up n a laugh,good on you i say,not that anyone would give a fuck what i say!
City away games are all about getting pissed on the coach/trains singing city song with your fellow blues u probz never met before having a laugh!!! then trying to see the game whilst singing ur heart! and going home trying to remember the who scored and what score it was !!! If some songs people make up are shit then fair enough make up some better ones and contribute !!! But aslong as people are having fun watching city and watching us win i dont see how it can be a problem !!!
strongbowholic said:
mcfcinprague said:
strongbowholic said:
There's about 4 of them. There were 5 but the other one left to form the Alliance of the Blues ("splitters!").

Sounds more like Monty Python's Life of Brian

The Judean People's Front" or "The People's Front of Judea!

What did the Sheikh ever do for us?

Listen, it's every man's (or woman's) democratic right to form a group of men (or women) that follow City and try and improve the atmosphere. He (or she) should be allowed to support the team in any matter he (or she) wishes. It's his' (or her's) right to freedom of expression that must be upheld.

but he hasnt got a womb!
Bit pissed off with the BA to be honest...too many of them started wearing those ridiculous shit stopper jeans with the elasticated bit around the bottom and the arse hanging out plus shitty deck plimsols and those fucking daft haircuts as sported by that silly twat who got chucked off x factor ...get a grip you scruffy bastards...your a disgrace to terrace fashions.
Here's a thought.

To all those complaining about BA.

What were you doing when you were 18-26, following City up and down the country all those years ago?

Don't tell me. Your Mam waved you off with a flask full of tomato soup and a peck on the cheek.

You moaning middle aged silver fox f***er's need to get a life and remember how it used to be when we, the lads, owned the terraces and did want we wanted.

I'm sure just like me you'd give almost anything to turn the clock back and to do it all again. ;-)
Fuck's sake, this again? So tiresome.

Think BA need a smokescreen or something, get the fans riled about something else.
greenie_34 said:
Fuck's sake, this again? So tiresome.

Think BA need a smokescreen or something, get the fans riled about something else.
Not sure who's riled greenie, saw Liam's post on page 2 then several pages questioning why everyone apparently hates BA. Seems to be some kind of victim complex here, BA aren't scousers are they?
jrb said:
Here's a thought.

To all those complaining about BA.

What were you doing when you were 18-26, following City up and down the country all those years ago?

Don't tell me. Your Mam waved you off with a flask full of tomato soup and a peck on the cheek.

You moaning middle aged silver fox f***er's need to get a life and remember how it used to be when we, the lads, owned the terraces and did want we wanted.

I'm sure just like me you'd give almost anything to turn the clock back and to do it all again. ;-)

Some of us were following city way before that age up and down the country.
sweep said:
greenie_34 said:
Fuck's sake, this again? So tiresome.

Think BA need a smokescreen or something, get the fans riled about something else.
Not sure who's riled greenie, saw Liam's post on page 2 then several pages questioning why everyone apparently hates BA. Seems to be some kind of victim complex here, BA aren't scousers are they?
Don't be so bloody daft. They've only been together for 5 minutes. They haven't got any "iss-tree".

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