How many are in the Blue alliance

unsworthblue said:
keep seeing this 'blue alliance' being mentioned but not paid much attention,what do they do? who are they? i imagine them to be a load of spotty little students who go to the match,get pissed and sing 'City's going down with a billion in the bank' and equally stupid songs! i'm wrong aren't i?

So far wide of the mark.

For a start, they're not spotty, they use Clearasil.
liamctid said:
In answer to the OP; there isn't a number as such. There's about 7000 people on the Facebook page, but you only need to have a look on there to see that a lot of people have no idea who the originating members of it were.

The City Centre Blues branch is associated with The Blue Alliance, and I couldn't tell you an exact number (I should know, being chairman an all) of members but it's round the 100 mark.

There's a lot of misconceptions about who we are, and there's a lot of myths that surround us. I'm not spotty, I'm not a teenager, I'm not reliant on my mum and dad (although I do still at home so I can afford away games + my mums gravy is like no other), I haven't been to Uni for years. I'm 24 (although look about 15 years older), and work. Most of the lads which would be considered to be "Blue Alliance" are between 19-26. I don't think I'm the biggest or best fan in the world - how can I be? I don't even live in Manchester...

Basically, since Garry Cook departed from City, we've gone up the tables as far as "things to hate about Manchester City" go. I think we're a little bit behind Peter Fletcher, but are giving Hugh Ferris a run for his money.

We set out back in 2009 under the name "Blue Alliance" as a platform for other like minded fans to get together. I know some people disagree with having a name as such, but would people prefer it to be called "come on an away day with Liam and Felix and stand at the back and sing"? Thought not.

Unfortunately some people hate the fact that a group of lads are (generally) young and going to City every week, singing for 90 minutes and having a good time. Did I go to York away? No. But I went to Wycombe and Bournemouth away.

And then people blame us for things. Was it our idea to put the away fans in the third tier? No, we don't work for the club. In fact the "Operation One End" threads started on this forum before me and Felix even knew each other. I've stated on many threads before; I stand in 118 and cannot hear the away fans, so whether they're there or not doesn't bother me. Do we start fights with people who don't sing songs? Apparently, but I have no idea when this was supposed to be. Do we sing our own songs and not join in with others? Absolute bollocks; although I personally tend to start a lot of songs, so if a song is being sung amongst a lot of people I will probably save my voice. Is this one big ego trip? No it fucking isn't. Honestly, you ask anyone that's ever met me or Felix and they will more than likely tell you that we're just nice, normal people.

Thanks for your time.

We'll meet again in another two weeks when people feel the need to blame things on us.


oh and if you're bored, you can always read my blog: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Love it, keep it going!! organisations like this are the only way city are going to get any beter in terms of atmophere!
...and then you've got the 'Always Ultra's'. They only turn up for one bloody game a month tho!

bluebannana said:
just wondered about numbers, I think overtime it will grow and grow and I hope they and the C 11 lads ( I think thats what there callled) keep up the good work, hopefully all the banners ( boddingtons) are out again for the bayern game.

We need an ultras group for sure ;) hopefully they can become this

My membership card has the number 38 on it. But I may have written that myself last Friday night in the pub when I got totally wasted so that I would remember which bus to get home on.
Way too many moaning little queens on here.

'Oooh I don't like that song, it makes us seem arrogant'.

Fuck off.

Maybe we should stop beating sides and being top of the league as that sort of sends out a message that we're a bit good and it's not too humble is it?

I've found that letting TBA do there thing and me doing my own thing results in me being quite happy and prevents me from being a moaning, mincing, dirty fucking whinge arse.

Fuck me, it's not like they pin you to the floor and bum rape you until you join them, is it?
TheMightyQuinn said:
Way too many moaning little queens on here.

'Oooh I don't like that song, it makes us seem arrogant'.

Fuck off.

Maybe we should stop beating sides and being top of the league as that sort of sends out a message that we're a bit good and it's not too humble is it?

I've found that letting TBA do there thing and me doing my own thing results in me being quite happy and prevents me from being a moaning, mincing, dirty fucking whinge arse.

Fuck me, it's not like they pin you to the floor and bum rape you until you join them, is it?

Cheers for that, just spit my brew all over my laptop!!!!
I'm a Blue Alliance reservist.

I was there at the original meet at Mary D's when 5 people turned up and the BA plans were first discussed.

Sadly I've not been called up yet, but when I am, I will be ready to stand alongside the massed ranks of the BA.

Come to thInk of it, I'm ready for boxing day. What's the POA?
just don't understand because a small minority can't stand a few songs that these lads sing that we will get to a point that we will have to vet them through the song police before they get an airing. All I can say is well done to these bunch of lands and prob lasses just getting behind the team.There seems to me no problem when we play at say an example Blackburn when 7,000 in full voice singing all sorts only later the moaning minnies come on saying we shouldn't sing this or we shouldn't sing that. The fact is its up to those to join in when they wish and most do. Keep up the good work Blue Alliance.
One thing bitter experience tells me is that what everyone wants on a forum is most certainly NOT what everyone wants in reality.

When push comes to shove, I have to say we have a serious amount of gobshites following us (and I don't mean Johnny Come Latelies).

We don't need a group or groups to improve the atmosphere. Many have trodden that path and realised the same (not me I hasten to add, but plenty I know). You cannot impose your will on 45,000 people. The atmosphere takes care of itself based on interaction from circa 1500 away fans and the performance on the pitch.

Not knocking the lads for trying, but if I may be a miserable twat for a moment, it's ultimately doomed to failure. Forced atmosphere is Man in Top Hat covered in Pompey Tattoos ringing a bell. Forced atmosphere is Blackburn fans banging a drum and blowing trumpets.

Even if your modus operandi is none of the above but to just try and encourage colour and noise, too many City fans will eye you with suspicion and contempt.

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