How to bulk up?

Dirty Harry said:
rhysmcfc said:
Dirty Harry said:
I took it that he meant many believe optimal hypertrophy occurs within that 40-70 seconds of TUT.

I've added a few words though as only then does it make possible sense to me.

Rhys ?

When I do a hypertrophy workout, I do 4 sets of 8 reps with a 4-0-1-0 tempo, with a last set to failure -1. It's really important not to lock out and keep the weight moving, keeping your TUT (Time Under Tension) throughout the whole set. Take bench for example, if you lock out and hold you will take some of the load off the chest and into your shoulders, which we don't want.

I know people who have that preference Rhys and I can see the logic behind it (for bench and isolating the pecs more anyway, other lifts ? Then no) so ultimately I guess it's a matter of preference, but I (respectfully) still think much is debateable and open to question with it, even if you used a cadence of say 4-2-1-0, the 'time under tension' for that rep will still equate to 5, I'm not aware of anything which says that to pause or not makes any kind of significant difference bud and of anyone who uses it for that specific reason ?

Also, flat benching still incorporates huge emphasis on the front delts (amongst other things) throughout the move, and you also miss out on the last portion of the movement where the triceps come into play more, so in effect it's not truly a bench press, my own thoughts are that it's better all round to do the complete movement.

If you run a mile, but stop every 100m to catch your breath, you're not going to get the same out of it as running it in one go.

Check out Ben Pakulski - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> - especially his mi40 program, he's real big on the no pause. he's got a masters in kinesiology and came 4th in the recent Arnold classic, so he does know his shit.
rhysmcfc said:
If you run a mile, but stop every 100m to catch your breath, you're not going to get the same out of it as running it in one go.

It's a pretty irrelevant analogy really mate, it's not running, you're not stopping to catch your breath and it would also insinuate that HIIT isn't a great training principle.

rhysmcfc said:
Check out Ben Pakulski - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> - especially his mi40 program, he's real big on the no pause. he's got a masters in kinesiology and came 4th in the recent Arnold classic, so he does know his shit.

Being honest Rhys I was hoping for something more concrete with credible studies rather than what just looks like someone trying to market a set of principles and a training routine, much of what he says is common knowledge and generally accepted scientifically (and what we've discussed thus far), so what he seems to be saying does hold plenty of water in that respect, but all he's done is just thrown in a few little twists and 'theories' (his own actual word) and branded them in order to market it, he's not doing anything different to what I've seen other Pro's do down the years though so don't particularly blame him on that score, but the fundamentals remain the same.

One more thing of interesting note, I say interesting because it's something many people forget or don't take into account, he's clearly gifted, as all the top Pro's ultimately are, apart from vastly superior muscular genetics, he'll have vastly superior response to training, vastly superior response to protein synthesis and nutrient turnover, a vastly superior CNS and CNS recovery, vastly superior response to PED's (and he also clearly displays a 'GH gut'), he'll be in and around the top 1% in the world in all the above respects, in short, these types of people will respond greatly to the most shittiest of routines and diets, this is much of the reason why there's much disparity as to how 'the elite bodybuilders' built their physiques, Serge Nubret, who I've had the pleasure of speaking to, used to use huge amounts of volume and always 20+ reps per set, Arnold Schwarzenegger used to live in the gym, Mike Mentzer's were short and intense.

I don't believe in a magic figure, or a magic number, but what I do believe in is optimal parameters and this seems to sit within those so if it suits you and you're getting the results you want then I certainly don't have a problem with it. ( sorry if any of that sounds condescending mate, it genuinely wasn't/isn't my intention).
Oh My God! I thought this was a joke thread and was about to suggest Weight Gain 4000 but you people are actually serious?

I know there are some weirdo blues on here but I think I've just found the bottom of the barrel.
Blauw Engel said:
Oh My God! I thought this was a joke thread and was about to suggest Weight Gain 4000 but you people are actually serious?

I know there are some weirdo blues on here but I think I've just found the bottom of the barrel.

Can't speak for anyone else but if I'm one of the ones you're refering to then 'bottom of the barrel' is a step up and actually a compliment, cheers mate :-).
Dirty Harry said:
Blauw Engel said:
Oh My God! I thought this was a joke thread and was about to suggest Weight Gain 4000 but you people are actually serious?

I know there are some weirdo blues on here but I think I've just found the bottom of the barrel.

Can't speak for anyone else but if I'm one of the ones you're refering to then 'bottom of the barrel' is a step up and actually a compliment, cheers mate :-).

I'm not suggesting for a second that you have to be a gay to be a body builder or you must be a body builder to be a gay as I know both communities are representative of society as a whole........bollocks who am I kidding?
Blauw Engel said:
GStar said:
You're only kidding yourself mate.

You're right, it's the daily breakfast of raw eggs and sperm that should've told me what I was though!

Personally I'd cook those eggs as it gives them a better biological value (and also reduces the potential for salmonella poisoning), the sperm 'fresh from the pump' is fine though, crack on ;-)
Missed about two and a half weeks training as I was trying to rest my left arm. Whenever I extend it over my head there is a sharp pain which makes me think I must have torn a muscle. Seems slighty better but not fully there yet but I refuse to miss another day so back in there this afternoon.

Will do shoulders and forearms and see how it feels. Been eating clean and keeping up the fitness by riding regularly so should be fine for energy levels.

Hope everyones progress is going well.

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