How to bulk up?

Things I have learnt since I started lifting weights:

- Everyone else is an expert
- Everyone else lifts more than you
- You 'only' ate six times today? Everyone else ate more.
- Everyone squats lower than you
quiet_riot said:
Things I have learnt since I started lifting weights:

- Everyone else is an expert
- Everyone else lifts more than you
- You 'only' ate six times today? Everyone else ate more.
- Everyone squats lower than you
You forgot "putting massive amounts of weight on the bar is more important than good technique".
And you forgot "i used to be 17stone solid and could balance a pint on my chest, its just that im a fat lazy **** now" !
Wheelsy said:
quiet_riot said:
Things I have learnt since I started lifting weights:

- Everyone else is an expert
- Everyone else lifts more than you
- You 'only' ate six times today? Everyone else ate more.
- Everyone squats lower than you
You forgot "putting massive amounts of weight on the bar is more important than good technique".

I did, cheers.

Also, a squat rack is for bicep curls, not squatting.
I never said any of those things I just advise people based on what works for me.

I have training for a long time and it shows.
didactic said:
I never said any of those things I just advise people based on what works for me.

I have training for a long time and it shows.

Wasn't aimed specifically at you. Just gym lunks in general. You must have met the types I mean.
quiet_riot said:
Wasn't aimed specifically at you. Just gym lunks in general. You must have met the types I mean.

Yea but these are usually juice heads. I usually meet snobbish people who want results with no sweat. I am lucky I work out with a group of no nonsence get the work done lads who have been doing it for years. Oldest is a bouncer in his 40s built like a brick shit house, youngest is 17 and he is bigger than me. But he has the time to be in there alot more than I do.
Re: How to gain weight healthily?

Johnsonontheleft said:
My metabolism is such that whatever I eat I can't seem to put on weight. I'm skinny and I want to bulk up, but I want to do it the healthy way. I don't like the idea of supplements because they seem unnatural to me and I don't want to put any undue strain on my body. I'm in my early 30's by the way. Some stomach problems mean I would struggle to simply double my meal sizes.

Is there a foolproof healthy way to bulk up? Do I need to get myself down the gym to do this? Wouldn't know where to start!

Become a taxi driver.... I did it for 8 years on nights and put on 5 stone.
I hate mithering the PT's in the gym,so i'll ask on here instead,(hopefully this isnt a stupid question),I've seen comments about heavier weights less reps and i know control and technique are most important,but,if say,im pressing 24kg dumbells,trying to do 5x12 reps.i might manage 12 on the 1st set,but the 5th set i'll only manage 4/5! should i use less weight and try to ensure i do the full 5x12,or keep going,or try to do less reps,or what? Obviously coz im only doing 4/5 on 5th set,im gettin knackered,so technique is prob suffering.(much as i try to keep it good). Also,should i put your answer to use with other lifting areas? ie. concentration curls etc.?
goatastuta said:
I hate mithering the PT's in the gym,so i'll ask on here instead,(hopefully this isnt a stupid question),I've seen comments about heavier weights less reps and i know control and technique are most important,but,if say,im pressing 24kg dumbells,trying to do 5x12 reps.i might manage 12 on the 1st set,but the 5th set i'll only manage 4/5! should i use less weight and try to ensure i do the full 5x12,or keep going,or try to do less reps,or what? Obviously coz im only doing 4/5 on 5th set,im gettin knackered,so technique is prob suffering.(much as i try to keep it good). Also,should i put your answer to use with other lifting areas? ie. concentration curls etc.?

Firstly why are you doing 5x12 reps, I am baffled??. 5x5 sure, 3x12 for some muscles 2x12 but 5x12 unless its for calves or abs you are going to suffer from over training and fatigue.

A great technique is if you know you max out at 24kg do not start out on 24kg but the fact that you are able to do 12 reps easily of 24kg means it is not your max weight. Muscles grow when they tear and repair adding more muscle fibre during this process. You want to start on 24kg for 12 reps then move to 26kg for 12 reps and move up to either 28 /30 and do the final set. If you cannot finish it do not worry even if it means you do them in bursts of 4s. If you cannot finish because you are tired. Doesnt matter thats what you want. The fact that the weight is heavier than your comfort level will increase your muscle over time.

The reason you are having problems is because you are over training and dont stay on 24kg because its clear your muscle can handle that so why should it grow?. Its comfortable at 24kg, all that will happen is that you leave the gym tired but never grow.

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