How to bulk up?

didactic said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
My typical diet is:

Breakfast: 3 crumpets or slices of toast or lg bowl of porridge
Lunch: Tuna pasta or tuna sandwich / apple
Mid afternoon: ham sandwich or bowl of cereal.
Tea: Chili con carne or spag bol or salmon with mash & veg or chicken casserole with mash & veg.
Sometimes I'll have an extra portion of tea at around 9pm.

I'm 6'3 and just shy of 12 stone. No matter what I do, I can't get above 12 stone.

Thanks for all the great helpful replies especially whothefisalice, I really appreciate it.

You are not going to bulk up eating meals like that, it is like anything else if you want results you have to put in the effort. When I was bulking up I would eat a half a grilled chicken (skin removed) and vegs for dinner and cottage cheese. A whole salmon for lunch with veg and a shake, 6 egg whites with deli meat for breakfast with half a loaf of whole wheat bread and 1.5 tsb of olive oil. In between I would be snacking on nuts , fruit and a can or tuna before my work out and before bed. Add the honey I put into my flask during my workouts and that was EVERY day.

This is the type of thing you will need to train yourself to do if you want to gain lean weight. Also reduce the cardio and increase heavy weights at low reps if you are gyming.

Let me know if I can help more.

Thanks. The problem is, you mention half a loaf of bread for breakfast. If I ate that much for one meal I would be physically sick. 3 slices of bread in one go is sometimes enough to give me stomach pains. I reckon I would need a reverse gastric band to eat the quantities you are talking about!!!
Johnsonontheleft said:
Thanks. The problem is, you mention half a loaf of bread for breakfast. If I ate that much for one meal I would be physically sick. 3 slices of bread in one go is sometimes enough to give me stomach pains. I reckon I would need a reverse gastric band to eat the quantities you are talking about!!!

What can you eat? And what do you find easy to take down?. Then I will see what alternatives you can use?.
I'd never eat half a loaf of bread.

Presuming you've got your list of 'acceptable' foods and have worked out a few meals that include protien, complex carbs, greens and some healthy fats... i'd be adding gradually, not looking to jump up straight away, that kind of calorific increase would be a shock to the system and probably end up being stored as fat.

If you're eating 1 potato now, have one and a half and make some mash. If you have 10 green beans, start have 13, if you're eating 4oz chicken breast, start eating 6oz.

Build it gradually and as your body tells you its hungry. I wouldn't ever force down food if my body was telling me it didn't need it.

Then build you're strength and form in the gym; lift weight that challenges you, but keep your form good.
Ntini77 said:
I'm 6'1 and weigh just under 11 stone. I don't wish to "bulk up", but what are the best ways to burn body fat? I've just started jogging, hopefully that will help.

Why do you want to burn body fat when you are that height and weight?. And where is this "fat" you want to burn?.
Ntini77 said:
I'm 6'1 and weigh just under 11 stone. I don't wish to "bulk up", but what are the best ways to burn body fat? I've just started jogging, hopefully that will help.

How could you have body fat, im 5'10 and weigh 11.5 stone and i have little body fat
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Ntini77 said:
I'm 6'1 and weigh just under 11 stone. I don't wish to "bulk up", but what are the best ways to burn body fat? I've just started jogging, hopefully that will help.

How could you have body fat, im 5'10 and weigh 11.5 stone and i have little body fat

I have no muscle on me. Thank fuck I've never been involved in a fight.
Ntini77 said:
Stomach, buttocks & legs.

Oh you are female that makes sence. Stomach comes with working out the rest of the body people are under the illusion you have to 1000000000 situps to get a six pack that is false. Just increase your cardio ratio and meal frequency so that you teach your body that it does not have to store food as fat as it will be fed nutrients quickly. So if you have 3 meals a day have 6. Just halve each meal.

Buttocks and legs, Dumb bell lunges, squats and the best the dead lift which will work your back, shoulders and arms too. You dont actually need to be in a gym to do any of theses. If you dont know what they are google or ask. Also brisk walking, jogging or best cycling. If you are at the gym or you have space at home the rowing machine is very good and that is also an all over workout as well as the stepper. Obviously stairs are everywhere so dont avoid them use them they are excellent for what you are looking for.

Stomach, I do about 100 situps a week but I do over 1000 leg raises. Thats on your back legs together, hands to the side, raise your legs together at about 45 degrees, stop then down and stop before you reach the ground. These hurt like hell and you may need to start with sets of 10 each time until your strength increases. Pelvic thrusts and crunches will seal the deal. Make sure if you train one day to rest the next. Do not do them every day or your muscles will never have time to heal and never grow. Also if you are dieting remember cutting fat out altogether does not work as you need fat to burn fat so try nuts like almonds and also 1-2 tsp of olive oil. All these actually work the buttocks and legs too.

Does this help or is there anything you are unclear about?.
didactic said:
Ntini77 said:
Stomach, buttocks & legs.

Oh you are female that makes sence. Stomach comes with working out the rest of the body people are under the illusion you have to 1000000000 situps to get a six pack that is false. Just increase your cardio ratio and meal frequency so that you teach your body that it does not have to store food as fat as it will be fed nutrients quickly. So if you have 3 meals a day have 6. Just halve each meal.

Buttocks and legs, Dumb bell lunges, squats and the best the dead lift which will work your back, shoulders and arms too. You dont actually need to be in a gym to do any of theses. If you dont know what they are google or ask. Also brisk walking, jogging or best cycling. If you are at the gym or you have space at home the rowing machine is very good and that is also an all over workout as well as the stepper. Obviously stairs are everywhere so dont avoid them use them they are excellent for what you are looking for.

Stomach, I do about 100 situps a week but I do over 1000 leg raises. Thats on your back legs together, hands to the side, raise your legs together at about 45 degrees, stop then down and stop before you reach the ground. These hurt like hell and you may need to start with sets of 10 each time until your strength increases. Pelvic thrusts and crunches will seal the deal. Make sure if you train one day to rest the next. Do not do them every day or your muscles will never have time to heal and never grow. Also if you are dieting remember cutting fat out altogether does not work as you need fat to burn fat so try nuts like almonds and also 1-2 tsp of olive oil. All these actually work the buttocks and legs too.

Does this help or is there anything you are unclear about?.

I'm actually a man! :)

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a whirl.

One last question:

Are too many carbs a big no-no?

I'm vegetarian you see, and I mainly eat fruit, bread (rye), oatmeal & soup - all full of carbs.

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