How to discipline a 2 and 1/2 year old...

It's tough, but whatever you do don't give up.

We have twin girls, who are eight now, but between 2 years and 4 years old it was difficult. It's the age that their personalities start to come out, so you can't suppress too much of it, but you also have to teach kids what is acceptable and what is not. We used the naughty step, but only sparingly, we never ever hit our kids, and we rarely lost control so far that we were screaming at them. But from very early on, they knew the boundaries, and they knew the consequences of crossing the boundary.

If any particular thing is causing a problem - such as meal time - make sure you explain very clearly and simply to your girl before every meal what you expect of her, why you want her to behave in a certain way, and what the consequences are for not behaving as you expect. Even if a lot of it goes over her head, it's an important stage in making sure kids understand that they need to behave a certain way for a reason, not just because you say so. And if the limits you set are broken, you must follow through with the consequence. But if the rules are followed, be very generous with your praise, and in the right circumstances, have some kind of reward ready (e.g. 5 dinners this week without a tantrum and you'll make a cake together/let her watch her favourite Dora the explorer DVD/take her to the soft play).

Someone else also mentioned diversion. You need to know the warning signs, and try really hard not to rise to anything that usually winds you up, but instead try to find a way to distract her. Supermarkets are a great place for a total melt-down for two-year-olds, but also full of things to distract kids, especially if they are already toddling ("Find me the biggest potato you can" or "let's find bottle of beer with animals on the front!")

And even after all that, accept the fact that, like you, they will have moods. But unlike you, they can't always express everything, so a lot of emotions come out as anger. If you can't stop it, and can't prevent it, try to listen, try to find out what the problem is.
This is pretty much the way to deal with it. The kid is two years old. You can't and shouldn't be trying to discipline such a tiny child.

Please ignore all the outdated advice about naughty steps etc. How awful to label a tiny child as 'naughty' - this approach has been shown to cause lasting psychological damage. And once you've done the damage, you won't be able to undo it.

I have a nearly 2 year-old and a 4 year-old. My advice is to forget all this draconian discipline nonsense and treat your child with all the positivity you can - love, respect, fun, shared experiences. If they're having tantrums, is it because they're not getting all the attention that they deserve and should be getting at that age?

I see my job as a parent as being to make my children happy.

No offence but this new age 'just shower your children with love' approach doesn't always wash with me.

All kids are different and because your 'perfect' children respond well to that doesn't mean anyone else's will. Also saying that labelling them naughty will have a lasting psychological impact is rubbish, as it hasn't affected me or my sisters.

You sound like Ned Flanders or something.
I just told mine if they ever wanted to see chocolate, or ice cream again they would do what I want.

Still use that tactic. Works every now and then too.
They act up like that because they craving a reaction
Don't reward bad behaviour by giving them what they want. Just stay calm, ask them nicely to eat and if they don't just take the food away, including treats
If you provide their meals, the child will never starve so don't worry about it skipping one or two
Every stage of a child's development brings new challenges. This is only one of many, many more
Wait till the day you send your polite lovely kid to nursery and it comes back with a really shitty attitude that it's picked up from its peers
I know this isn't mumsnet, but just wondered how other dads went/go about disciplining their toddlers?

It's such hard work!!

My daughter has refused to sit down while eating and, when I've put her back in her seat, hit me in the face!! Told her off in a firm but not shouty manner and she threw it all over the floor and gave me a look of disgust - ha!!

Took her up to her room and said she can stay there for a while as she's been naughty. Not sure what good it'll do...

I remember the days where a slapped bum off my dad would be enough to put me right. But not sure that's PC or allowed anymore.

Brick her fucking windows, that'll teach the little shit manners.
I'm actually baffled about why you would make a comment like that. Do you actually think my kids must be somehow taking the piss because we treat them well? Do you live in a world where it's necessary to be harsh and negative to children? Or are you just jealous or bitter or something? I just don't understand your negative attitude at all.

@Otamendi's Beard while you've got them, brick this ****'s windows as well ^^^
No offence but this new age 'just shower your children with love' approach doesn't always wash with me.

All kids are different and because your 'perfect' children respond well to that doesn't mean anyone else's will. Also saying that labelling them naughty will have a lasting psychological impact is rubbish, as it hasn't affected me or my sisters.

You sound like Ned Flanders or something.
OK. We'd better inform the scientific community to throw out their decades of conclusive scientific research, because Otamendi's Beard knows better.
Fuck me another non humorous Blue.Whats wrong with people, can`t they just enjoy a bit of piss taking without getting all high and mighty.It may also cut your stress levels down.
I actually have a great sense of humour. But I find that things actually have to be funny before I laugh at them.
OK. We'd better inform the scientific community to throw out their decades of conclusive scientific research, because Otamendi's Beard knows better.

Scientific? Hardly so. More one school of thought among several. Would you say that this school of thought has brought about a notable improvement in behaviour among those subjected to it and would you be able to back that statement up with verifiable proof?

Personally, I think anyone that believes there's a one size fits all method to dealing with every child needs to have their own and if they already do, then they need their heads checked
Scientific? Hardly so. More one school of thought among several. Would you say that this school of thought has brought about a notable improvement in behaviour among those subjected to it and would you be able to back that statement up with verifiable proof?

Personally, I think anyone that believes there's a one size fits all method to dealing with every child needs to have their own and if they already do, then they need their heads checked
Tbf I think bricking their fucking windows covers most of the bases

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