How would you say you are coping mentally?

So so jealous of everyone with gardens. Living in a tiny flat with no balcony in the city centre with no green spaces nearby is utterly shite.
Must be difficult mate , try and look at the positives. Like you said it’s brought out both the good in people and the shite in people. Keep your head up , cherish your health .
Badly. Slowly sinking in that things probably wont ever be 'normal' again. Whatever normal is. Kinda accepted I'm gonna lose someone in my family from it before any vaccine is available, and that scares me. Struggling with not seeing my family. Struggling as my career and aspirations have been stopped. Struggling because I doubt my wedding in September will go ahead. Accepted the money I had saved extensively for years for a house will probably now have to be spent due to the substantial loss or earnings. Also losing more faith with the general public. There are a lot of good people but ive never been more convinced that we're surrounded by genuinely selfish, idiotic people. Feel like I'm developing mild agoraphobia too. Every day there is a new report that suggests something like '2 metres isn't enough, joggers are a risk as they spread it everywhere and the virus can last multiple days on any surface'. I just can't see any positives at all currently. There's something quite depressing about having to accept everything is shit and it's out of our control.

Head is in a fucking dark place today.
get a grip mate
i replied to your post on twitter last night the one " I'm a really, really cynical person, and a shit bit of my head kinda wanted to be cynical about the clapping thing"
my reply was about the austerity we have been under and the total lack of respect we have had for the last 10 years till now,now we have to save the governments arse
things will get better for you im sure
good luck
Plenty of buzzards where I am too. The birds who come for a nosh at mine really cheer me up and always have. I did get worried I wouldn't be able to source the food I out out for them all, but so far, so good.

My favourites are a mating pair of Bluetits who nest in a box I out up for them. There was an older one they used, but this year they are into the new one. I sat yesterday reading a book and the bird song was beautiful. I'm extremely lucky to live where I do and my heart, black as it is, goes out to all those stuck in without the ability to do what I can everyday. Still haven't finalized shed the weeding in the veg patch, but, I will over the weekend and plant stuff.

My raspberry and red currant bushes are sprouting and so is my apple tree. The wild Scottish strawberries are growing too.

Its funny how you start to appreciate stuff more now.
If birds coming for a nosh means the same in Glasgow as it does in Manchester, no wonder it really cheers you up and always has!
get a grip mate
i replied to your post on twitter last night the one " I'm a really, really cynical person, and a shit bit of my head kinda wanted to be cynical about the clapping thing"
my reply was about the austerity we have been under and the total lack of respect we have had for the last 10 years till now,now we have to save the governments arse
things will get better for you im sure
good luck

I saw that and I'm with you re the austerity. I'd love to get a grip but I'm currently struggling for things to grip onto. Fingers crossed there's some positives soon.
I saw that and I'm with you re the austerity. I'd love to get a grip but I'm currently struggling for things to grip onto. Fingers crossed there's some positives soon.
Get a grip probably isn't the best thing to say.

Positive thinking and relaxation techniques mate.

It will all be ok soon. Then think about moving and getting somewhere with a garden? Or near a park?

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