HRH Prince Philip - Passed Away

Can understand it being postponed if they were going to put on a show as a tribute to Prince Philip but its just a black screen.
Message on it is to switch to BBC1 for the latest on Prince Philips death

Now that is odd. Those of us who pay a licence fee should have a choice. It's not being disrespectful, people who want to watch all about the man can switch channels and do so.
When the Queen’s father died, the radio stations played sombre music, not that there were any commercial stations if I remember correctly, most people, including children, wore a black armband, all cinemas, sporting venues and theatres closed. We got the rest of the day off school, that I do remember!

Although it may appear OTT for Prince Philip it feels more fitting than it did for Diana, in my humble opinion.
Yeah, I guess it’s unprecedented in that regard but society has changed a fair bit since the last time this happened. Could understand it more with Diana, in that it was premature and a genuine shock. Feels a bit different when it’s a 99 year old man though. Similar to when the Queen Mother died.
Diana's passing, and the whole hoo-ha around her death, was something of an anomaly to be fair.
In Philips case it isn't his longevity that is important, more his seven decades of public service.
When the Queen’s father died, the radio stations played sombre music, not that there were any commercial stations if I remember correctly, most people, including children, wore a black armband, all cinemas, sporting venues and theatres closed. We got the rest of the day off school, that I do remember!

Although it may appear OTT for Prince Philip it feels more fitting than it did for Diana, in my humble opinion.
That of course was the death of the reigning monarch, so the profile is obviously bigger. It’s in a different era too.

The only comparison we can make is with the death of the last consort, the Queen Mother. That has its limitations too as she hadn’t actually been the consort in nigh on 50 years.

There was scandal and shock attached to Diana’s death, so it had media attention 24/7.

This is the dignified passing of a 99 year old man who has served the country admirably. Once the media had announced his death and interviewed everybody they could think of to get their response, there wasn’t much else they could show, apart from repeating the same messages and interviews.

One thing that doesn’t seem to have been mentioned is that HRH died on the same date as the Queen Mother’s funeral. That’s probably because people don’t remember where they were when the QM died or watched her funeral. It’ll be the same with Phillip, but not the Queen.
Diana's passing, and the whole hoo-ha around her death, was something of an anomaly to be fair.
In Philips case it isn't his longevity that is important, more his seven decades of public service.
There are degrees of public service tbf, and being the consort to a monarch isn’t a bad gig to get. Probably why he lived to 99! Anyway, this perhaps isn’t the thread for that discussion so I’ll bow out, out of respect.
The bbc needs to wake the fuck up and realise nobody wants to watch this crap constantly. That goes for any other channel showing the same shit.

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