Hughes - no charisma

I've had a bit of a pop at Hughes on here recently but he got it spot on today and hopefully more of the same on Sunday, charisma doesn't make you a good manager so i'm not bothered whether Hughes has it or not
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Yep Sven was riveting wasn't he! Velllllllllllll.....

Wenger, Taggart, Benitez.....also fantastic entertainment!

That Alan Carrs a scream though isn't he and his dads an ex manager, so he has football pedigree- get him in!

Carlsberg don't make stupidly tenuous anti Hughes threads, but if they did....
Carlsberg don't make stupidly tenuous anti Hughes threads, but if they did....
You spoke to soon,a fuckin worse one than this has just been vomited up.
I have a colleague at work who can't stand the Emerald Prince. She hates St. Stevie with a vengeance. I go in Monday after Monday and ask if she has changed her mind and when it's going to happen. She is very slowly, but slowly coming round. But just let Stevie have a quiet game and we'll be back at square one with her. Some people just cannot open their mind - total shut and closed mindset. Let's move on and leave Hughes to plot the downfall of the next wannabe top half challengers!
shaundickov said:
Watch his interviews. The guy is a boring, stuttering, mundane, monotonous, cliche-churning machine.

We need someone like Mourinho or Scolari at the helm please.

I'm happy that we've thumped a Championship side with a pensioner upfront and ideas above their station, but my apathy towards Hughes remains. I'm far from convinced.

ffs, what a complete tw*t you are!
shaundickov said:
Watch his interviews. The guy is a boring, stuttering, mundane, monotonous, cliche-churning machine

We need someone like Mourinho or Scolari at the helm please.

I'm happy that we've thumped a Championship side with a pensioner upfront and ideas above their station, but my apathy towards Hughes remains. I'm far from convinced.
compltely disagree. you are chatting gonads my old chum. we need a manager who can get result after result and brings us some silverware. whether hes monotonous or not is irrlevant. yet everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Hmm and you would figure losing to West Brom would be high amongst your Hughes pecking list but that doesn't appear to be the case? I'm happy with results of yesterday, cannot wait for tomorrow as I hope we dominate and have a turning point. However I could give a care less if our manager is spouting off zippy one-liners to the media or streaking down the streets of Manchester (lets hope he doesn't) as long as he is winning and getting results. I think it will take time but he can do it if we give him support and our patience.
shaundickov said:
Watch his interviews. The guy is a boring, stuttering, mundane, monotonous, cliche-churning machine.

We need someone like Mourinho or Scolari at the helm please.

I'm happy that we've thumped a Championship side with a pensioner upfront and ideas above their station, but my apathy towards Hughes remains. I'm far from convinced.
ElanJo said:
I'll tell you what... I hate how Hughes' hair is kind of inbetween curly and straight. It needs to be decisive and choose one and stick with it. Otherwise he has to go.
UNBELIEVABLE. finally a comment i actually agree with get them ghds out hughesy boy

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