Hughes - no charisma

I also couldn't give a fuck about charisma. Taggart, Bob Paisley (RIP), Wenger etc, boring as fuck - wouldn't want a night out with any of them! It is important, however, that your mananager is able to deal with the press professionally and skillfully. In this respect, I have actually been surprised by Hughes' eloquence.

We could argue about tactics all night. And all managers will ultimately be judged by results, as I'm sure MH accepts. But some of the stuff on this forum has been pathetic! Mark Hughes is not at City to win popularity contests; he will never be as engaging as 'the Special One,' or even as charming as Sven. However, I have, since he's been at City, developed a grudging admiration for the way in which he goes about his business. I fucking hated him as a player, but only in the way that I hated Steve McMahon before he signed for us. But I had always recognised his passion, determination - not forgetting his technical ability. Rightly or wrongly, Hughes is trying to manage a team built on these same principles. If we are serious about breaking the top four's monopoly, then class alone will not be enough- compare United's work ethic to Arsenal's. In time, if he is afforded that luxury, he will sign better players, but I think you state your ethos /expectations from day one, as he has. He won't endear himself to everyone in the process, and this might ultimately contribute to his downfall. But I applaud him for being big enough to take on the Brazilians, the Carrington hangers on and the 'never forgive him for being a fucking rag' fans. I have had a season ticket for over thirty years and have seen some proper shite. In spite of some of the comments on here recently, on our day we are, currently, a very dangerous and exciting side. Of course we have significant areas of weakness. But on the whole, I trust the manager to sort them out - in fairness his track record in buying is pretty good (City and Blackburn). So, Hughes out - be careful what you wish for!!!

Rant over.
It would be good to have a manager that had character as well as getting the results.

At the moment though just getting the results would be good.
I also couldn't give a fuck about charisma. Taggart, Bob Paisley (RIP), Wenger etc, boring as fuck - wouldn't want a night out with any of them! It is important, however, that your mananager is able to deal with the press professionally and skillfully. In this respect, I have actually been surprised by Hughes' eloquence.

We could argue about tactics all night. And all managers will ultimately be judged by results, as I'm sure MH accepts. But some of the stuff on this forum has been pathetic! Mark Hughes is not at City to win popularity contests; he will never be as engaging as 'the Special One,' or even as charming as Sven. However, I have, since he's been at City, developed a grudging admiration for the way in which he goes about his business. I fucking hated him as a player, but only in the way that I hated Steve McMahon before he signed for us. But I had always recognised his passion, determination - not forgetting his technical ability. Rightly or wrongly, Hughes is trying to manage a team built on these same principles. If we are serious about breaking the top four's monopoly, then class alone will not be enough- compare United's work ethic to Arsenal's. In time, if he is afforded that luxury, he will sign better players, but I think you state your ethos /expectations from day one, as he has. He won't endear himself to everyone in the process, and this might ultimately contribute to his downfall. But I applaud him for being big enough to take on the Brazilians, the Carrington hangers on and the 'never forgive him for being a fucking rag' fans. I have had a season ticket for over thirty years and have seen some proper shite. In spite of some of the comments on here recently, on our day we are, currently, a very dangerous and exciting side. Of course we have significant areas of weakness. But on the whole, I trust the manager to sort them out - in fairness his track record in buying is pretty good (City and Blackburn). So, Hughes out - be careful what you wish for!!!

Rant over.

Very well said Post of the day IMO
ElanJo said:
Criticism of tactics and team selections etc are viable and debatable, but this crap is pathetic.

It's an entirely legitimate discussion point.

Like I said, too many oversensitive people when it comes to Hughes.
ElanJo said:
Not at all. You're just wrong.

So the capacity to inspire players and supporters isn't an important factor of the job?

How a key employee of the club presents himself to the world isn't an important factor of the job?

Of course it is, and it is entirely legitimate to discuss that side of his performance.

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