Hughes - no charisma

Charisma is last time i checked, presence, personality, charm. Don't think any of the best managers have ever had any. Ferguson doesn't have any, neither does Wenger. Neither did Paisley. Mourinho does. Keegan...yes. I do accept its a part of motivation though.

What matters is a manager's football intelligence, and the way he communicates that to players...and the fans, and the respect that that engenders. Hughes has an abundance of that, and thats what matters in my opinion. Would rather have a clinical and intelligent manager than a TV-friendly-quipp-dropping stuntman like 'Arry or Jose or Phil Brown (now he's joined the club).
moomba said:
ElanJo said:
Criticism of tactics and team selections etc are viable and debatable, but this crap is pathetic.

It's an entirely legitimate discussion point.

Like I said, too many oversensitive people when it comes to Hughes.

More like too many people making up reasons to criticise him.

City win 5-1 and someone makes a thread complaining that the manager has "no charisma" on the very same day. Incredible.
moomba said:
ElanJo said:
Not at all. You're just wrong.

So the capacity to inspire players and supporters isn't an important factor of the job?

Where's the direct link between inspiration and charisma? Its an all too common trap to believe charisma is needed to inspire - particularly in football. Having players believe in you and your football intelligence and background is far more important. That is the direct link when it comes to inspiration and confidence. KK shows you that charisma alone is useless after the effect has worn off. Sure, I'd love the perfect human being managing City, but I am not available at the moment ;)

More importantly where is the link between charisma and being a successful manager?

Also, being overly sensitive towards overly critical fools is no vice. The majority of the the Ireland, Caicedo, Jo haters( I cant prove this of course, but all in all the impatient people do sit on that side of the fense , and at games its those people who slag off both) come from the "Hughes out" crowd. You would think they'd learn their lesson when it comes to making rash decisions.. but that would be asking too much, obviously.

PS. You have a point when it comes to the press, but I couldn't give a crap about what those maggots think about my clubs manager. Infact I'd prefer that they dont like him. That way winning trophy's under him is all the more sweeter.... aslong as I dont dislike him. I dont dislike Hughes.
EVIL said:
Would rather have a clinical and intelligent manager than a TV-friendly-quipp-dropping stuntman like 'Arry or Jose or Phil Brown (now he's joined the club).

As would I. But all other things being equal, I would take the charismatic leader. And I do think that a bit of charm and charisma will be a consideration the owners will take into account given their objectives of increasing our global appeal.

And I do think there are quite a few charismatic managers from your list above as well.
Spindash said:
More like too many people making up reasons to criticise him.

City win 5-1 and someone makes a thread complaining that the manager has "no charisma" on the very same day. Incredible.

Well we could always have a moratorium on threads that are perceived as slightly negative toward Hughes on the day of a win.

Or we could discuss a football issue on a football discussion board.
shaundickov said:
Watch his interviews. The guy is a boring, stuttering, mundane, monotonous, cliche-churning machine.

We need someone like Mourinho or Scolari at the helm please.

I'm happy that we've thumped a Championship side with a pensioner upfront and ideas above their station, but my apathy towards Hughes remains. I'm far from convinced.

I think you watch too much SSN and not enough football if you reckon Mark Hughes has no charisma... I know people who've met him, I haven't I grant you, but to a man they say he has real 'presence'. He's a powerful bloke and very strong willed... You don't have to have the press savvy and accent of Mourinho or Scolari (Portuguese/Brazilian) to be a good manager!

Rafa Benitez is very awkward with the press as is Bacon face... It means Feck all!
ElanJo said:
Where's the direct link between inspiration and charisma? Its an all too common trap to believe charisma is needed to inspire - particularly in football. Having players believe in you and your football intelligence and background is far more important. That is the direct link when it comes to inspiration and confidence. KK shows you that charisma alone is useless after the effect has worn off. Sure, I'd love the perfect human being managing City, but I am not available at the moment ;)

More importantly where is the link between charisma and being a successful manager?

I really think you're making too much of this. It's just a discussion about his charisma. We've had 20 page threads on Elano's hairstyle for gods sake, why can't we have a discussion about the personality of a key employee of the club.

And I would say there is a definate link between charisma and providing inspiration.

Also, being overly sensitive towards overly critical fools is no vice. The majority of the the Ireland, Caicedo, Jo haters come from the "Hughes out" crowd. You would think they'd learn their lesson when it comes to making rash decisions.. but that would be asking too much, obviously.

I think you assume too much.

Quite a few in the Hughes in camp have been very critical of some of our players.
moomba said:
ElanJo said:
Where's the direct link between inspiration and charisma? Its an all too common trap to believe charisma is needed to inspire - particularly in football. Having players believe in you and your football intelligence and background is far more important. That is the direct link when it comes to inspiration and confidence. KK shows you that charisma alone is useless after the effect has worn off. Sure, I'd love the perfect human being managing City, but I am not available at the moment ;)

More importantly where is the link between charisma and being a successful manager?

I really think you're making too much of this. It's just a discussion about his charisma. We've had 20 page threads on Elano's hairstyle for gods sake, why can't we have a discussion about the personality of a key employee of the club.

And I would say there is a definate link between charisma and providing inspiration.

Also, being overly sensitive towards overly critical fools is no vice. The majority of the the Ireland, Caicedo, Jo haters come from the "Hughes out" crowd. You would think they'd learn their lesson when it comes to making rash decisions.. but that would be asking too much, obviously.

I think you assume too much.

Quite a few in the Hughes in camp have been very critical of some of our players.

Well the tone of the OP and all the other stupid attacks on Hughes (Im not talking about legit topics) in the recent past makes it almost impossible to have a decent discussion when it comes to our manager. Maybe I am overly sensitive to having another manager hounded out of the club?. Especially a manager who I genuinely believe has what it takes to push us on. Thats not to say I haven't been critical of some of his tactics etc (as is to be expected, whoever your manager is - even with "the special one")

What I meant was that Charisma isn't the primer for inspiring players. It isnt needed. And in any case I dont think how someone acts in an interview on TV necessarily portrays their personality. I'd say Wayne Rooney inspires players on the pitch, but he looks like a nervous tit in interviews.

As for slagging off (young) players. Sure, Hughes in folks will do it also, but I think its just the impatient nature of alot , if not the majority, of the Out brigade that makes them susceptible to such things. Like I said in my edit tho, I cant prove this, of course.
He doesn't have to be charismatic to be a good manager but it is certainly helpful if you are seen as inspiring and influential by your players and that you engender their devotion; however, you do not have to be a showy, colourful personality to do that.
shaundickov said:
Watch his interviews. The guy is a boring, stuttering, mundane, monotonous, cliche-churning machine.

We need someone like Mourinho or Scolari at the helm please.

I'm happy that we've thumped a Championship side with a pensioner upfront and ideas above their station, but my apathy towards Hughes remains. I'm far from convinced.
Are you having a laugh? Hull have beat Arsenal at home and scored three at old trafford and made the rags shit bricks, no one does that. Not even Chelsea.

Hull are a class side and very suited to the premier league.

I don't want a manager thats all smiles in interviews, it brings media attention that we don't need. Sven wasn't a Mourinho or Scolari either, gentleman to the camera, and it worked. Say fuck all to the media apart from what they need to know, no emotions. They don't deserve it.

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