Hughes sacked

Re: not long left for hughes

MCRJON said:
Just like we have the WUM / ITK list, can someone go through the posts and find all those people who wanted Hughes to stay, and who thought he was actually a decent manager and get them named and shamed.

A terrible excuse for a manager, cant organise a defence, and QPR are going to feel the brunt of his no plan, scatter-gun approach to signings for years to come. We are only just getting over his legacy at City now.

Its just been a great Saturday, City win, Ushited Lose, and Hughes lost 'El Sackio'.
Ric said:
I voted unhappy. I'd lost patience with Hughes, but appointing someone with no Premiership experience seems ill advised to me. By all accounts the players aren't happy with the move, and at this stage of the season it doesn't make sense. I'd have preferred to ride it out and stick by Hughes and then replace him in summer if necessary, when Mourinho would've been attainable. But hey, what do I know. Mancini has my full support, but his appointment doesn't fill me with any confidence. If I was to stick my head on the block, then I think the owners have fucked up.
we can all change our minds
Re: not long left for hughes

"When I said no team of mine will be in this position again, I meant it. Now we are ready for the next level."
Re: not long left for hughes

Love this picture.Look at the fan giving it him.

Re: not long left for hughes

MCRJON said:
Just like we have the WUM / ITK list, can someone go through the posts and find all those people who wanted Hughes to stay, and who thought he was actually a decent manager and get them named and shamed.

A terrible excuse for a manager, cant organise a defence, and QPR are going to feel the brunt of his no plan, scatter-gun approach to signings for years to come. We are only just getting over his legacy at City now.

Its just been a great Saturday, City win, Ushited Lose, and Hughes lost 'El Sackio'.
i backed him at the time. not really anything to do with the man himself, just that i thought we needed stability. looking back, correct call at the correct time.
Re: not long left for hughes

Hughes "I will not quit" well obviously as that way you wouldn't get your severance pay would you. This guy has millions in the bank just from getting fired from his jobs. Worlds ultimate con man.
Re: not long left for hughes

stimo said:
MCRJON said:
Just like we have the WUM / ITK list, can someone go through the posts and find all those people who wanted Hughes to stay, and who thought he was actually a decent manager and get them named and shamed.

A terrible excuse for a manager, cant organise a defence, and QPR are going to feel the brunt of his no plan, scatter-gun approach to signings for years to come. We are only just getting over his legacy at City now.

Its just been a great Saturday, City win, Ushited Lose, and Hughes lost 'El Sackio'.
i backed him at the time. not really anything to do with the man himself, just that i thought we needed stability. looking back, correct call at the correct time.
Same here. I was of the opinion that the constant changing of managers hadn't exactly worked down the years and therefore we needed to stick with him. Looking back now, it was obviously the correct call by the club to change the manager. I have no problem admitting I was wrong. After all, it's not like it's been the only time. Still think the way it was handled by the club was piss poor though..
Re: not long left for hughes

jimharri said:
stimo said:
MCRJON said:
Just like we have the WUM / ITK list, can someone go through the posts and find all those people who wanted Hughes to stay, and who thought he was actually a decent manager and get them named and shamed.

A terrible excuse for a manager, cant organise a defence, and QPR are going to feel the brunt of his no plan, scatter-gun approach to signings for years to come. We are only just getting over his legacy at City now.

Its just been a great Saturday, City win, Ushited Lose, and Hughes lost 'El Sackio'.
i backed him at the time. not really anything to do with the man himself, just that i thought we needed stability. looking back, correct call at the correct time.
Same here. I was of the opinion that the constant changing of managers hadn't exactly worked down the years and therefore we needed to stick with him. Looking back now, it was obviously the correct call by the club to change the manager. I have no problem admitting I was wrong. After all, it's not like it's been the only time. Still think the way it was handled by the club was piss poor though..

I actually felt sorry for him, waving goodbye that evening.

After another shambolic defensive display.

A momentary lapse of weakness from me.
Re: not long left for hughes

it`s a cut throat business and look how many times he`s jumped ship to get to QPR,he isn`t loyal one bit and is showing what a great move it was by the cookie monster...
who gives a shit that he found out on the day of a match,he isn`t a good manager fact,his teams are always better in the second half of the season...yep leslie,this one will be because you won`t be managing them...
plus i never forgave this rag twat for elbowing richard edgehill in the face when we played southampton years ago...
you`re not a very good manager hughes,get over yourself and get used to it...

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