Hughes..the reality

de niro said:
tamworthblue said:
De Niro,

I know you are a proper Blue and don't want to offend you. BUT...posting this stuff is well out of order...

i think the reality is hughes fans are city fans, there lies the difference.

I waited after after the Notts Forrest cup game for that mealy mouthed bullshitter to come into the press office to hear the next round of shite he would spite. After well over 1.5 hours he still wasn't there. Our car was going to get locked in, we had to go.

I didn't stick it out. Guess I'm not a true blue.

no tamworth you miss my point, i am always positive about city, i follow the club, hughes being in charge matters not to me, i'm a city fan first and formost, whatever manager we have is irrelevent.
i think the hughes outers have lost their way, more concerned with getting hughes out than supporting city, its every hour a new hughes out(sometimes disguised)thread starts up, its an obsession with some.
all blues should just forget who's in charge and lets finish the season with full backing.

who takes over, if anyone, i dont give a shit.

Ok fine, that makes you know different than I, or the other faithfull who travelled to every shit hole over the years to watch City. The question that has been asked is to explain exactly why Hughes is a better manager for us than Jose, Mancinni, or Rijkaard? Oh year an are you 12, own a flat cap, a whippet and have trouble with you're S'ss?
Of course it matters who we have in charge otherwise, death aside, we would still have Alan Ball in charge.

Anonymous people posting on a forum they want rid of the manager is a complete irrelevence in the grand scheme of things.

I want the best players and the best manager we can possibly get.

At the match, I support the team and get behind them. I never boo them or the manager. However, on here or amongst friends, I'm happy to offer an opinion. That does not make me - as a person who would like to see Hughes replaced - someone who is not a City fan as your earlier post inferred.

I doubt anyone on here boo's. I know I don't. This forum is for hazing, chewing the cud and venting one's spleen. I do feel very strongly that we haven't had a good manager since Tony Book, who was treated in a appalling manner. Maybe the last 32 years have been Karma punishing the club and fans for not standing up for Book (look at Southampton and remember Davide Jones), but I love my dad , my sister, nephew and mum. My mums a rag, but she's my mum, but the rest are Blues, shit my sister travelled away to Newcastle mid week when she was 4. So in one way I'm very jealous of prestwich and de niro, threy are younger than me and are going to see more of the glory that "IS" coming to City. However, I have seen City win trophies in the flesh and hear the immortal line from a rag sprog to his dad after yet another derby win "Dad, do you think we'll ever beat City?". I want us to be hated by everyone other than the 80,000 that will come and watch us every week and 100 million plus following us across the world wearing shirts hoping to get to Eastlands one day just like a trip to mecca. Thats what I want and to have that hate and those figures we are going to win trophies and lots of them. No one has been able to explain why Hughes is a better manager than, Jose, Mancinni, Rijkaard, or (as think he will prove at Bayern Munich) Van Gaal. I will throw another question why don't we deserve the best when we can clearly afford it?
de niro said:
tamworthblue said:
de niro said:
tamworthblue said:
De Niro,

I know you are a proper Blue and don't want to offend you. BUT...posting this stuff is well out of order...

i think the reality is hughes fans are city fans, there lies the difference.

I waited after after the Notts Forrest cup game for that mealy mouthed bullshitter to come into the press office to hear the next round of shite he would spite. After well over 1.5 hours he still wasn't there. Our car was going to get locked in, we had to go.

I didn't stick it out. Guess I'm not a true blue.

no tamworth you miss my point, i am always positive about city, i follow the club, hughes being in charge matters not to me, i'm a city fan first and formost, whatever manager we have is irrelevent.
i think the hughes outers have lost their way, more concerned with getting hughes out than supporting city, its every hour a new hughes out(sometimes disguised)thread starts up, its an obsession with some.
all blues should just forget who's in charge and lets finish the season with full backing.

who takes over, if anyone, i dont give a shit.

BUT don't you HONESTLY think that you would rather have a Wenger/Mourinho/etc. than what we have now? Top players go for £50m, a top manager goes for about £5m. Do you not see the value for money difference? I hope to God ADUG do before they shit us off for a fancy London club. You really think MH can make top class players gel together? If so, perhaps he'll be the next Brazillian national coach. I think I will be voting with Elano and Robinho on that one...
of course i want wenger or jose or anyone that will win us things, i agree that this is an unbelievable chance for city to progress at last. i just dont see for one second what all the hughes out threads does to help. he has done ok considering his starting point, we were dire as a club from top to bottom, he deserves credit for that. now if we get jose then fantastic, we kick on again, jose would not have come back then, he might now as we have progress, not enough but progressed.thats down to hughes.

great point about ADUG doing one, that would be a disaster and we do need to get established before if and when they do.

There not going anywhere. There treatment of Hughes shows that they are not shits. Once we get to the point of being one of the big four and then top dogs, then I would worry even less. Look at how long they have been in horse racing. A word of warning for Hughes, they went and got the best there was in every area, from breeding through to jockeys, thats what I believe will happen at City.
bellbuzzer said:
just wondering if some of the hughes-haters are getting a bit uncomfortable being on the same side as some seriously disturbed individuals.When you jump on a bandwagon you cant choose who might sit next to you .A bit like being on a bus and a nutter gets on and sits next to you .Mind you if everyone on the bus is a nutter then no problem. Cant help feeling if city lose today not all "fans" will be disappointed

I'll be gutted. Sacking Hughes is all about who you replace him with, not sacking him. We are in a position that means every top manager there is, is interested in the job.
goat boy said:
Read the thread. Good points made on both sides. The odd fuckwit got a perma-foeing in the process, which was nice.

Anyway, my point. I take on board every single point thrown up by every single poster on the 'Hughes out' side of the divide, and yet, after 10 months, I still think he's the man for the job.

And the reason you won't get a long and detailed explantion for it is this is: I like the guy.

ie. I don't love him, I dont kiss his arse, I don't think he's beyond reproach in terms of his team selections or his tactics, and between him and his assistants not one can pick a fucking substitution. But, I think he's doing OK, he's met with my reasonable expectations, for the most part, and I think he buys players as well as any manager I've seen. My expectations will rise, and will continue to rise, while he's in his job- that's your progress, imo.

Trouble is, as in this or any number of other threads on BM and other City forums, there are percentage of City fans who absolutely abhore the guy's bones. Listen carefully folks, and you can almost hear the piss boiling in people's bladders.

Sorry guys, I can't compete with your fervour.

OK, is he a better manager than, Jose, Mancinni, Rijkaard, or Van Gaal?
Van Gaal now off list due to recent role with Bayern Munich being undertaken. All others are superior in managerial ability to MH.
I doubt anyone on here boo's. I know I don't. This forum is for hazing, chewing the cud and venting one's spleen. I do feel very strongly that we haven't had a good manager since Tony Book, who was treated in a appalling manner. Maybe the last 32 years have been Karma punishing the club and fans for not standing up for Book (look at Southampton and remember Davide Jones), but I love my dad , my sister, nephew and mum. My mums a rag, but she's my mum, but the rest are Blues, shit my sister travelled away to Newcastle mid week when she was 4. So in one way I'm very jealous of prestwich and de niro, threy are younger than me and are going to see more of the glory that "IS" coming to City. However, I have seen City win trophies in the flesh and hear the immortal line from a rag sprog to his dad after yet another derby win "Dad, do you think we'll ever beat City?". I want us to be hated by everyone other than the 80,000 that will come and watch us every week and 100 million plus following us across the world wearing shirts hoping to get to Eastlands one day just like a trip to mecca. Thats what I want and to have that hate and those figures we are going to win trophies and lots of them. No one has been able to explain why Hughes is a better manager than, Jose, Mancinni, Rijkaard, or (as think he will prove at Bayern ******) Van Gaal. I will throw another question why don't we deserve the best when we can clearly afford it?
I swore I wouldn't get involved in your deranged rantings again but this was quite sensible. So you should listen when they tell you to take the medication regularly.

First, it's been pointed out why you can't compare Mourinho with Hughes more than once. Second is a point of fact. De Niro and I were on this earth when Bert Trautmann broke his neck and I suspect that makes us a fair bit older than you. So that's something else you're wrong on.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I doubt anyone on here boo's. I know I don't. This forum is for hazing, chewing the cud and venting one's spleen. I do feel very strongly that we haven't had a good manager since Tony Book, who was treated in a appalling manner. Maybe the last 32 years have been Karma punishing the club and fans for not standing up for Book (look at Southampton and remember Davide Jones), but I love my dad , my sister, nephew and mum. My mums a rag, but she's my mum, but the rest are Blues, shit my sister travelled away to Newcastle mid week when she was 4. So in one way I'm very jealous of prestwich and de niro, threy are younger than me and are going to see more of the glory that "IS" coming to City. However, I have seen City win trophies in the flesh and hear the immortal line from a rag sprog to his dad after yet another derby win "Dad, do you think we'll ever beat City?". I want us to be hated by everyone other than the 80,000 that will come and watch us every week and 100 million plus following us across the world wearing shirts hoping to get to Eastlands one day just like a trip to mecca. Thats what I want and to have that hate and those figures we are going to win trophies and lots of them. No one has been able to explain why Hughes is a better manager than, Jose, Mancinni, Rijkaard, or (as think he will prove at Bayern ******) Van Gaal. I will throw another question why don't we deserve the best when we can clearly afford it?
I swore I wouldn't get involved in your deranged rantings again but this was quite sensible. So you should listen when they tell you to take the medication regularly.

First, it's been pointed out why you can't compare Mourinho with Hughes more than once. Second is a point of fact. De Niro and I were on this earth when Bert Trautmann broke his neck and I suspect that makes us a fair bit older than you. So that's something else you're wrong on.

Still with the insults, everyone's nuts apart from you, pathetic. You can't answer a simple question, because to give the right answer is admit that City sticking with Hughes, when there's a chance of Jose, Mancinni, or Rijkaard is wrong. You're entitled to champion Hughes, even if you use two forum id's to do it. Its sad that you can't bring reason to the debate when it concerns Hughes, but I can't say is surprises me.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I doubt anyone on here boo's. I know I don't. This forum is for hazing, chewing the cud and venting one's spleen. I do feel very strongly that we haven't had a good manager since Tony Book, who was treated in a appalling manner. Maybe the last 32 years have been Karma punishing the club and fans for not standing up for Book (look at Southampton and remember Davide Jones), but I love my dad , my sister, nephew and mum. My mums a rag, but she's my mum, but the rest are Blues, shit my sister travelled away to Newcastle mid week when she was 4. So in one way I'm very jealous of prestwich and de niro, threy are younger than me and are going to see more of the glory that "IS" coming to City. However, I have seen City win trophies in the flesh and hear the immortal line from a rag sprog to his dad after yet another derby win "Dad, do you think we'll ever beat City?". I want us to be hated by everyone other than the 80,000 that will come and watch us every week and 100 million plus following us across the world wearing shirts hoping to get to Eastlands one day just like a trip to mecca. Thats what I want and to have that hate and those figures we are going to win trophies and lots of them. No one has been able to explain why Hughes is a better manager than, Jose, Mancinni, Rijkaard, or (as think he will prove at Bayern ******) Van Gaal. I will throw another question why don't we deserve the best when we can clearly afford it?
I swore I wouldn't get involved in your deranged rantings again but this was quite sensible. So you should listen when they tell you to take the medication regularly.

First, it's been pointed out why you can't compare Mourinho with Hughes more than once. Second is a point of fact. De Niro and I were on this earth when Bert Trautmann broke his neck and I suspect that makes us a fair bit older than you. So that's something else you're wrong on.

Still with the insults, everyone's nuts apart from you, pathetic. You can't answer a simple question, because to give the right answer is admit that City sticking with Hughes, when there's a chance of Jose, Mancinni, or Rijkaard is wrong. You're entitled to champion Hughes, even if you use two forum id's to do it. Its sad that you can't bring reason to the debate when it concerns Hughes, but I can't say is surprises me.

not a bad last post considering all the abuse to date.
Brucie Bonus said:
After I posted I picked up a copy of Plautus, and began to read Menaechmi (The Two Brothers). I got a few pages in when the irrisistible urge to delete my last post came over me. I'm tired of it all, and I contribute to it. I've had enough of trading insults. I'm sick of the issue.

"Too late, I've been quoted, I cannot delete...arghhhh!"

I apologise (look, "ise"! I did it!) to anyone offended (reasonably considered) by anything I have said on - or related to - the question before us. I've had it. I am done with the lists, retiring from the field forthwith. I'm going to have a fag and a cup of PG and begin (right now) the process of forgetting all about football until August. Good luck to us all. CTID

Geez, anyone been hit in the face by a word typed on a screen? Thought not, so swear and curse away, who gives a shit!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can sometimes bore me. That was it mate, boredom; a tremendous rush of boredom. I was bored with Hughes, bored with Mourinho, bored with sarcasm and irony, the cynics and idealists, and especially bored of myself. I thought a break might be wise; but before the half-time orange, I ought to try and establish a modus vivendi.

I imagined it'd be nice to do a Seven Sleepers and, "waking up" (in August), find everything just so. One slight flaw in my cunning plan - it was bollox.


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