Hughes..the reality

Cheltblue said:
zak@work said:
possible highest league finish ever if we get 7th, best run in eurpoe for a long time,

what you have to remember which not alot of people take into account, city have just transformed, think of a cake, the 1st team on the pitch is the cherry, this year we have been making the base of that cake, bits and bobs here and there with big plans to follow, we havnt even focused on the squad yet. we arnt just a football team we will be a world wide franchise! the bag ground staff, facilitys and future plans have been aggreed this year, this summer is where player focus comes into play, including 15 players shipped out with 8 or so coming in. give hughes till next season then decide if he is ok, i can assure you will not be unhappy

And what has Hughes shown that makes you think he is the man for the job.

7th....... if we get there? If we do, il be more than happy to have a re-think. If we dont, will you?
Best run in Europe. We got in through fair play league and got knocked out by the first decent side we faced. (ok, Schalke was 1st)

Knocked out 1st round of Lg Cup to Div 1 strugglers
Knocked out 1st round FA Cup to Championship strugglers
Awful away record

3 for starters, there are plenty more.
I dont disagree with your cake theory as such, but the guy baking the cake does not know how to mix the ingredients!

i know and i do understand, im happy with hughes but would be open to a 50/50 mindset if one of the big 5 managers were mentioned!

at the end of the day our owners are the best at what they do, they are making mcfc a community and a massive respected club to be part of. i think a few players have also stated that since the backgroud has become more solid, the game on the pitch has ditto'ed the solidity of the club.

only time will tell my blue friends.
only time will tell!
I'm a new member, but have been reading the forum for quite a while now. Prestwich blue I think it was said that Onuoha would have disappeared under pearce, whereas under hughes, he is starting to flourish. Is this the same onuoha that was very close to being sold in january? maybe i'm being harsh on hughes, but i think that ned is one of those players who will play well regardless of what manager is in charge and will continue to train well and put 100% effort in due to his nature. On the other hand, you look at richards who has had his worst season yet for city with talks of him being out of control. Hughes also kept whinging about jo, saying his attitude etc isn't good enough. Now i know that jo wasnt hughes' signing and maybe not the greatest player and maybe he hasn't got the greatest attitude, but since he has been at everton, he seems to be happy, has been scoring goals and he looks part of a squad there. This is surely down to moyes? I might be clutching at straws here, but everton are currently 10 pts ahead of us, and were it not for jo's goals we may have been within touching distance of them and perhaps we could have overtkaen them. Why on earth we would strengthen the team of a rival without any benefit to our own team, ie transfer money is beyond me.
Hughes hasnt even done the job he was hired to do in the 1st place. Thaskin hired him apparently to make us harder to beat, better away form and make training more proffesional, all on a budget and if anyone cares to remember hughes went to great lengths at the start of the season to make it clear that he had the final say on Jo but the minute he gets new owners behind him with money its quiet clear he never has or never will want anything to do with him

So we are now more or less at the end and I ask has he achieved any of these goals?
Prestwich_Blue said:
blueonblue said:
Preswich blue, your dismissal of what the accademy has produced is quite pathetic, as is the suggestion that the accademy staff are sh*t stirring and failing to prepare young players for the first team, the first team coaching staff have demonstrated their poor quality with the preformances of the team so far this season, so blaming the accademy staff is right in line with Hughes "its never my fault".

Your right in one respect though, there are many coaches not brought in by Hughes who rate both him and his staff as numpties, dont agree with their half baked idea`s or his one tactic.
So effectively you are admitting that it's people on the academy staff who are causing the problem here by telling stories to their mates, knowing they'll get posted. Because I know a few other people who talk to the academy staff regularly that are spreading almost exactly the same type of stuff. Clearly you seem to be one - do you deny this?

And which world superstars did I miss in my analysis? While I have the greatest respect for Jim Cassell, our academy produces League 1 & 2 fodder at best and it's about time someone said it. It's also about time that we had a senior coaching team that want to organise things on an end-to-end basis so that the really good youngsters are identified earlier and prepared for life in the first team. Arsenal do this superbly so why can't we? Onuoha would have disappeared under Pearce as would Ireland but they've both come on under Hughes and his team. Parlty their own doing but partly because they've both been set higher expectations by the management team and have stepped up to the plate.

I remember watching Stephen Jordan come through the ranks and always admired his technical skills but he just couldn't hack it in the first team and is now on Burnley's bench. Like it or not, the club is about the first team and everything should revolve around that. The academy is improtant but the tail shouldn't be wagging the dog.

There definitely people in the first team squad that think Hughes and Co are crap and / or have been unimpressed by their tactics.

I think the reason Ned is prospering is that he has stayed injury free for a decent stretch (long may it continue) and I'm not sure Hughes can take credit for that.
The original post by plonka ,or whatever his name was , may be right or it may be wrong but it sounds very much like an opinion disguised to make it sound like it's based on inside information.

Nothing wrong with opinion as that's what forums are all about but trying to be ITK seems a bit lame to me .That's my opinion anyway.
Chippy said:
BillyShears said:
I look forward to the day we actually manage to find an ITK who is honest/brave/stupid enough to ACTUALLY name their sources, explain their relationship with said source, and generally give their information some credibility...
In other words, guarantee that they never hear another word from their source. Have you really thought this through?

Also there is no point having a "sauce" if you cant tap the bottle and spread it around a little.
Chippy said:
In other words, guarantee that they never hear another word from their source. Have you really thought this through?

My point, although clearly lost on a few people, is that most of the people on here who loud mouth off about their ITK status are utterly utterly full of shit. Those who genuinely know things, are subtle enough to post their information and their sources without having to spell things out.

I think it was Didsbury Dave who said in another thread yesterday "Class whispers..."

Its going to be a tiresome summer, and as I have said a few times in recent weeks, I find it incredulous that some illiterate no mark who quotes Cleopatra lyrics would be taken seriously as some sort of haven of knowledge when it comes to what Sheikh Mansoor and Khaldoon intend to do...

But hey, I'm not slagging off those who genuinely think there might be merit in what he's saying...there could well be. We can all make guesses, and I suppose it stimulates debate...

Once again though - genuinely in the know...? I don't fucking think so...
So effectively you are admitting that it's people on the academy staff who are causing the problem here by telling stories to their mates, knowing they'll get posted. Because I know a few other people who talk to the academy staff regularly that are spreading almost exactly the same type of stuff. Clearly you seem to be one

No mate, Hughes is causing the problem because he is incapable and can not do his job, hence the constant whinging that its anything other than him that effects the team, saying Nedum would have disapeared under S.P. is yet more nonsense as not only did he bring him in but he made him a regular in the u/21s and has predicted a big future for the lad, he was good before Hughes started polluting the managers office and then wanted to sell him (Without seeing him play much because of injury), to claim him or Ireland as some pointer to Hughes competance is boll*cks.

The academy staff is made up of coaches who have built up over many years the benchmark for all academies, with the many years of experiance they have in football between them for instance they would know a numpty when they see one..........and in Hughes they do,

As for spreading stories, perhaps the use of the media via leaks from the Hughes camp trying to discredit anyone he wants rid of or bumming him up , should be of more concern than people who have the proven know how and experiance to judge, expressing their opinions to people they know that we have a clueless clown Not being able to do his job.

plongo said:
Sorry chaps, but he (Hughes) is not up to the job.

<YAWN> very cleaver thread, where did you come up with such a witty and insightful topic. A topic which has never been covered on this site before.

The backroom have little confidence in him, he does not communicate at all well, is aloof and unproachable, does not treat his players as adults.

What proof do you have of this? I imagine it is something you have concocted in your head and now you believe it to be a fact.

Try using facts to support your claims.

It is hard being objective about any Manager's tactical cleverness,

That is the most true statement you have made thus far.

but the consensus is that he is not strong in this area too either with the unfortunate characteristic of seeing problems but not acting on them fast enough,

Consensus? Do you mean between your mates and yourself? Hardly a professional opinion.

great case being his Derby grumble of "not enough pace and power to get round the back of United" then putting Petrov on after 80 mins.

Could it be because he is coming off two major injuries and Hughes does not want to rush him back into a full game too quickly (i.e. how he got his second injury).

Hughes will not "get it right" at City.

Another well backed up statement.

Despite claims that he has an eye for detail and is involved in all aspects of the club, Eddie Niedzwiecki takes all the training and the majority of the technical work.

I could be wrong, but isn't that what coaches are for?

The final straw for many was the absolute "flat spin panic" panic that MH and MB went into when they found out that Kompany and was unfit SWP was doubtful for HAMBURG game.

"final straw for many.." ????? Moreover, what is a "'flat spin panic' panic?"

As much as I admire some of his qualities such as the ability (through a good scouting network) to unearth bargains such as Samba and RSQ for clubs with a limited budget I believe he is not capable of handling big names.

What brought you to this conclusion? Based on what experience? He, thus far, has only worked with Robinho (which has produced a solid goal/assist record)

I know as fact that City were offered a very big name striker in January but Hughes observation was that whilst, if he asked Bellamy to jump he'd ask "how high", he would not get the same response from the "big name" so we settled for (very much) second best

Of course you do, and I am willing to bet that you will not be able to tell us who it was (not that I care because you made that up to back up your 'opinion')

Sorry to be negative, but we must look at other options....special options maybe

Is Mourinho a possibility? I havenever heard that? Thanks for bringing this new topic, chalked full of new ideas, to the board!!!

plongo said:
OK you are entitled to an opinion, but you agression is unwarranted, if you only want to read want you want to hear there is not much hope of sensible comments from you evidenced by your reply, btw what you write does not make sense, and by the way what is an ITK?

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