Glad to hear that the club is showing faith in how he his going about things, you can bet your testies that our owners had a long and hard discussion before doing something like this.
They obviously have confidence in each other.
nice one.
Petetheblu said:
As far as I can remember Moomba didn't want Bellamy due to his bad off field persona that seems to have followed him from club to club and not his on field game, which so far has been exellent.

Sadly when you say he's got it wrong that might be true FOR NOW and fingers crossed for the future, as I'd rather Moomba be wrong than City have another negative headline.

I only thought that Moomba was trying to protect City and theres nothing wrong with that in my eyes.

Nope, he was saying he was shit and could'nt hit a barn door.
lionheart said:
It has got you to the position where everybody knows that you are a two-faced tosser...unless you did throw away your season ticket, which I very much doubt.

I made a comment about my season ticket, what is it six weeks ago. I've not mentioned it since, yet it seems to come up in conversation every couple of days. I've offered an open invitation to anyone who wants to know what I've done to my season ticket, to send me a pm and I will tell them. Unsurprisingly, no-one has taken me up on that offer, yet they continue to question me publically about it.

And it is the same people that bring it up over and over again. Usually with an insult or two thrown in, I guess it's a lot easier than having an actual discussion on whatever I have posted.
Rösler's Dad said:
Two faced tosser is a bit harsh, but in all honesty, moomba, where it gets you is that you set yourself up for a laugh against you, and that's what's happening; get over it, it happens to us all; you sound much too defensive about it; just hold your hands up and admit you were wrong for once. ;0)

The reasons why I didn't want Bellamy were varied, I don't think he's the top notch player, and for the time being he's proven me wrong on that (although it's early days). He is proven to be very injury prone throughout his career, I'm not sure he's managed 30 league games in a season for a decade. And I detest his behaviour off, but mainly on the field.

He abuses referees and linesman, he snarls, he dives and he has a face that I would never tire of punching.

But thats just me, and it is just my opinion. I fully understand that others have a different opinion to me, and I have no problem with that at all. I just wish others would offer me the same courtesy, rather than continually abuse me for an opinion that I rarely bring up on this board any more.
BillyShears said:
mr t said:
BillyShears said:
The OP does indeed know what he's talking about.

Looks like Hughes is getting a new contract.

Which means he's going nowhere this summer.


The only thing I can say is that at least this will finish any uncertainty over his future and means we can focus on which players will be coming in, in the summer, rather than which manager will be.

There's going to be some very unhappy people on this board when it's announced.
I'd say 'very unhappy' is putting it mildly - 'fucking livid' or 'suicidal' would be a better description - lol

Ha! I was actually going to post that there's going to be mass suicides on bluemoon when the news becomes official, but I thought that would've been a bit harsh...

If nothing else, this will show that our owners are clearly going to do things their own way. They are patient, far more patient than nearly all of us on here.

Thank fuck for that

Obviously I don't think hughes deserves a new contract, but I s'pose it will send a message to the players that this is the way it's gonna be, knuckle down or fuck off. Although it would seem most players know the score now anyway.

It'll leave Hughes with no excuses. No one can say that he wasn't backed or that he was under loads of pressure and that he had the axe over him waiting to fall and at the end of the day we've got the money to bump him off in a year or two if it ain't happening. A big qualm I'd have would be if it's for a ridiculous amount of money, which it probably will be. Anything more than a one year extension would be too much as well
Regardless of opinion this makes absolutely no sense at all at this stage of the season.

The end of the season is the time to decide if he is such a brilliant manager we need to tie him up on a long term deal, lets all be honest we have been a bit hit and miss up to now, and he only signed a contract last May.

I don’t personally believe ADUG will decide anything until the end of next season.
TravisBickle said:
Hughes is the man to take us forward without doubt. I can't believe the stick he gets on here, this team is by far and away the best we've ever had and will get better, now the defence finally looks settled watch us fly.
If only you were right but it seems very unlikely to me. I honestly cannot see Hughes EVER winning us a trophy or getting us higher than 5-6th in the Premiership. We need somebody whop can motivate the players, not only on the training field but also from the technical area during matches. If we had David Moyse or Martin O'Neill, we would most likely have been in the Top Six and in the QFs of both domestic cup competitions. Mark Hughes is no mug but we could do better.
lionheart said:
TravisBickle said:
Hughes is the man to take us forward without doubt. I can't believe the stick he gets on here, this team is by far and away the best we've ever had and will get better, now the defence finally looks settled watch us fly.
If only you were right but it seems very unlikely to me. I honestly cannot see Hughes EVER winning us a trophy or getting us higher than 5-6th in the Premiership. We need somebody whop can motivate the players, not only on the training field but also from the technical area during matches. If we had David Moyse or Martin O'Neill, we would most likely have been in the Top Six and in the QFs of both domestic cup competitions. Mark Hughes is no mug but we could do better.

To be fair Lionheart you can never see City winning any match, so nothing new in what you say, I guess your never disappointed when we lose eh?

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