I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

We all know you’re watching it.
We all know you think Farage is smashing it and ‘upsetting the lefties’

Let’s face it. The right wing haven’t had much to cheer about for a long while and with the death of the Tories on the horizon you may aswell cling to hope that your racist Brexit hero might win a reality TV show.
That’s very good.
Just for the record I was out with friends on Sunday and last night I watched the England Match.
My brain needs more stimulation than reality shows so even if my Mrs was on the show I wouldn’t bother watching it.
Farage has no affect on me, I am not on commission for his earnings so like quite a few on here I just see him as a non entity.
Edit. I have just looked at the TV guide for this evening and it’s The Met at 9.00 my favourite TV programme at the moment so I won’t be watching it this evening either. I am sure there will be plenty on here that will let us know if he acts like a bit of a twat so who needs to record it.
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From memory, people were saying the same thing before the last election. The Conservative Party was about as popular as a fart in a lift, and was torn apart by Brexit. Labour were going to sleepwalk into No 10. It didn't quite work out that way. To be honest, I can't see it happening again, but never say never.
Nahhh, It will be far more fun if Labour get in. Bit of an iron chancellor in Rachel Reeves saying all spending has to go through her.
The left must be going in to meltdown since Kenneth Clarke said he liked her.
Might as well be random characters from the general public for me, or does that say more about me being out of touch?
For me another example of, past its sell by date TV

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