I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

Hop she gets Bellew on her team tonight

Bellew is an odd one. I remember him in the celebrity SAS programme. They were doing that milling thing with gloves on and there was two or three onto him and he lost his shit about them hitting him in n the head. I remember thinking, he's an ex pro boxer who's been hit in the head countless times by people trained to hit and he's moaning about a few untrained celebrities giving him a dig.
I admit I have popped in occasionally in past series to see if I recognise anyone but I have never managed to watch beyond the next adverts . What does last person standing actually win.
She pulled Farage up on his a racist/no one likes him etc

he responded calmly and rationally and she wouldn't listen

she made herself look a prat once again.
Is that what she said she will agree to disagree about? I fell asleep.

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